AimmaraVega live webcams for YOU!


aimmaravega chat

Date: October 14, 2022

12 thoughts on “AimmaraVega live webcams for YOU!

  1. Uhh? Are you drinking underage or are you in another country? Either way….you should stop drinking around her

  2. What the actual fuck? She's 23, she's allowed to experiment.

    I'm sorry, but this reeks of immaturity and obviously a lack of self awareness. Ew.

  3. So let me get this straight the first guy she was with left her and her baby because he wasn't man enough for respobility ,her only son gets leukemia and hard enough to pay for hospital bills, her son dies and she gains weight from depression ,not more then less than 6 months you cheat on her because you're not pleased on how she looks which how you feel about her appearance shouldn't even be a concern and you blame her for something you did because of the weight she gain after losing her son then you think that you didn't do anything wrong and now that she distancing her self from a narcissistic asshole like you because she can't even recognize you because of the low disgusting human being that you are you take it for attitude even though she has every right to feel that way and now your the one questioning the relationship and getting mad for her “attitude” that is completely justified because you a selfish,self centered walking red flag and narcissistic prick yeah you need to take some responsibility for your action cause you are a horrible human being

  4. back when i was young, dumb, and ignorant i pulled something similar on an ex who was diagnosed with a major mental illness. i legit thought i was doing the right thing by him. good intentions and all, but you need to tell her to back off.

    your meds are none of her business and her pressuring you not to take them is a red flag. she doesn’t understand your situation or what the alternative is to you being off them. she may not have any experience with someone who actually needs to be on them which is why she thinks they’re unnecessary.

    you need to do what’s best for you.

  5. and why do you have a girlfriend if you don't want to do these things? Spending time together is the point of a relationship.

    If you just want sex, hire a sex worker and stop wasting her time.

  6. Is this for real? Why haven’t you reported this murder? I understand that your wife was raped. It was horrible no doubt about it. But vigilante justice is wrong too. The rape should have been adjudicated in a court of law and not for your wife to take the law into her own hands.

  7. Umm… That all may be very well true, but again, depending on the state, that's not how the laws are generally written. It's not about whether it fits the argument, it's about the textual construction of the law and generally children born in a marital situation are considered legally children of the parents. The reverse would cause many issues with same sex partners.

  8. I don't know exactly how it happened but I know they started studying in each other's rooms and then were fwb shortly after that so I didn't think it was such a drastic step.

  9. The feeling of burn out isn't a good one, and can definitely take a toll on your mental health. If he's ignoring how you feel, I'd suggest couples counseling. 1 person shouldn't be taking on 90% of responsibility. If that doesn't work, you either have to deal with it or divorce. If he actually cares about your marriage he'll take counseling seriously and stick with changing his behavior

  10. I think for me it's more the worry that I will constantly need to take care of her (either literally, career/money wise or via teaching her/helping her). I don't mind it so much right now but it's making me hesitant because I don't know how I would feel about it long-term. I would definitely prefer having a more equal/partners dynamic but all other aspects of the relationship are so good that I'm not sure if it's worth breaking things off just for that.

    I don't really think less of her, although I do admit when she thought America was in Europe I was a bit shocked.

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