AhegaoHinata live webcams for YOU!


SQUIRT SHOW [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

38 thoughts on “AhegaoHinata live webcams for YOU!

  1. He thinks he's being flirtatiously charming, you rightfully see him as being sleazy. You're not interested in him, you know you're bf best, how do you think he'd react if you told him ?, you worked hard to get to this stage, is it really worth the shitshow that might ensue ? I would let it go, and shut him down hard if he ever tries to come on to you

  2. Yeah. I want to say I still love him and I miss him. But we were mostly online although we met and him sheduling for deletion his account doesn’t help. I feel like its gone.

  3. Change takes time especially if you’re defensive. First you have to have enough experiences that allow you to recognize theres a problem. Then you have to start becoming emotionally aware to figure out why you do the things you do. Then you have to figure out what emotional need is behind that. Then you have to figure out what triggers you have. Then after all of that, you have to find an alternative way to meet that underlying need and practicing doing that alternative when youre triggered. Each step takes effort, time, energy, focus. You can speed it up via therapy, you can speed it up by reading books or googling concepts like emotional self awareness and working in that directly. You can speed up up by asking for advice and ways to address specific triggers and problems from others or from Reddit, but it will still take time. If you haven’t shared this with your therapist ask them about it. Maybe then can help you as well. But honestly, also talk to your gf. If she’s hurting too much and your not making improvements fast enough, encourage her to end things if it’s too painful for her in the mean time. But if she chooses to stick it out with you, appreciate her for that. Let her know it means the world to you. And keep doing the work.

  4. This! My bf graduated during Covid, which kinda sucked in general. But on the day of his last exam I bought a bottle of champagne and made him a steak dinner.

    I don’t think he would have cared if I missed his graduation that much. I supported him throughout school by helping him with projects, taking on the majority of rent and other random things that showed him how supportive and proud I was of him. I don’t think we would remember the excruciatingly long ceremony. But I do remember not being able to shut up about my university graduate.

  5. Hello /u/ThrowRAidisjcnjwk,

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  6. If you're interested in saving the relationship inject yourself into the next outing, if he refuses use it as the proof you need to serve the papers guilt free. Hopefully he relents and you find its just an introvert bungling through being a wingman for the first time or something.

  7. Where does it sound like there was “emotional cheating”? Absolutely no indication of that in OP at all.

  8. It’s never been “his fault” before. You seem very unempathetic and cold. Of course he feels some level of responsibility- she was out late because she was taking care of YOUR kids! The question is, why don’t you?

  9. Why would you not go to counseling together? Or wait until after the baby is born and she's back to owning her body and then see how things are?

  10. If my husband discovered he were bi, I’d have to divorce him. Wouldn’t want to hold him back and I’m simply not sexually interested in men who like men. We could be the best of friends and co parent, but our life as a couple would be over. Sorry you’re going through this. Only you can decide if you can handle it, many do, and many don’t. But…. Why does it automatically mean he has to sleep with another man though? Do you get to sleep with others too? It’s only fair.

  11. Like the others are saying, this is about your g/f handling her relationships and enforcing her boundaries with other people. Its not really something you should get involved in.

  12. I find emotional intimacy on the same level as physical intimacy.

    he pushes me off of him and says things like “what the hell are you doing?”.

    why are you standing for this? It sounds like he's not going to give you what you want even though you've talked about it :/

  13. You need to leave them. Live your life for yourself. You're not right for each other. Therapy will help you get through it.

    EDIT: Reading all the other super supportive and empathetic comments is making me feel like a real champ. But I said what I said…

  14. i’m so sorry you are going through that and for such a long time. my boyfriend also does that exact same thing as your husband and never communicate of what wrong he has done either. it truly does feel like a form of abuse. they lack in communicating and it affects us. I can’t imagine going for weeks without talking…i hope you find a way to be happy.

  15. Block his number, tell him communication about child and finance will be through your mom from now on, so he can't contact you about he shit excuses, let him drag it out all he wants just never take him back, he did this not you, also just because he wants to see you child alot don't mean he can, set days say my mom will drop child this day this day this day, don't go to the drops, completely cut him off, some times people need to just be cut off, I didn't my ex all communication was through SIL and so was drop off and pick ups, cut him off completely, just because there kids involved don't mean he has to be involved in your life. Keep your head up honey, he is right you are out of his league because he is a POS

  16. I was wondering the same – where’s the ‘why’? I would have hoped that maybe even back in the college days that mom or dad would’ve asked the girls why they don’t visit when OP is home. Have the parents been letting this go and get worse for 15yrs? Do they know and just not told OP? Does OP know and isn’t saying?

    But if the entire story is portrayed correctly I’d say OP is doing the right thing, it’s not on him anymore to fix

  17. Move on my guy. Like seriously.

    3.5 billion other people in the world for you to date. It’s not your job to fix her from past relationships. Not only that she said don’t talk to her. Respect that and her.

  18. You have the proof. Listening to her BS stories is just going to do your head in.

    You've already done the hard part. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you have. Stay zero contact with her. It's over.

    The sooner you go zero contact with her, the sooner you'll heal. And the sooner you'll find a woman that would never do this, and start that family. Every time you talk to her you'll push that further into the future and increase your own pain.

    It's over. Just let it be over.

  19. Well she definitely is trying to avoid having sex with you. She definitely wants to avoid spending one on one time with you.

    You are 5 months in and this is how she feels. Call it quits, ask a friend to join you or go alone and relax.

  20. You two are at two different stages in your life she has yet to truly live her life and enjoy new experiences why are you rushing to marry her?

  21. I’ve been so patient but he does not see how this literally could push a person to their breaking point

  22. Private doesn't mean hidden from your SO. It just means not publicly displayed. Good communication means discussing stuff like this with your partner. Not on the first few dates, but if you're at the point of moving in together, this is a discussion that should have been had. Some are cool with it, some not.

    There's no right or wrong, just different preferences and boundaries. I'd never have married my husband if he kept up photos of old girlfriends, but it's fine if he wants to keep old love letters in a box in our closet.

  23. Tell her it's not working out and move on. If she asks why then tell her that you don't want to be in a relationship with someone whom you aren't sexually compatible.

    Simple as that.

    If she says that it's too small while drunk she's thinking it when she's sober. And rather than talking to you about it like an adult she chose to blurt it out when she knew it would affect her the least.

  24. Why would you propose to your bf that’s so dumb. Also he wants to put your kid in a cult or who knows. There’s gotta be more red flags than just this.

  25. Since your parents are no longer part of your life, you can certainly tell your relatives about your marriage -your tradition of your parents telling them isn’t important. You have gone against so many of their traditions, what’s one more? They have been unable to adapt to western culture, and hopefully they will see how happy you are and forgive you for not following THEIR dreams but being strong and independent enough to follow your own.

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