AlessiaAali live webcams for YOU!


Hot blonde , willing to please u let’;s hang out guys SQUIRT AND ANAL SHOW AT GOAL [20 tokens remaining]

Date: October 22, 2022

73 thoughts on “AlessiaAali live webcams for YOU!

  1. Lots of men want a stripper but don’t actually want a stripper. It takes a specific personality or mindset of a man to handle it. A lot of men will say they’re okay with it when they’re not or try and play it off as a prize they got a stripper until their ego is effected

  2. Honestly, i think it's you're anxiety that could be the problem. Have you ever heard the phrase “Don't waste time fixing problems that haven't happened yet”?

  3. Are you actually reading any of these comments? I never said she was a danger to others either.

    Also, you’ve got it wrong. Completely. “She needs to stay where she feels safe” would be correct if the place she wanted to stay was able to house her. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to sacrifice themselves for her. This is potentially going to cost OP her marriage. Do you really think OP should sacrifice her marriage for her sister when:

    She is not actually able to provide sister with the help and support she truly needs Sister is not actually dependent on her and has somewhere else to stay where she feels safe Sister has refused to get help according to some of OP’s other comments

    Now in relation to the last point, why THE FUCK would OP want to be responsible for:

    Ensuring her sister does not harm herself Taking responsibility if she is enable to prevent her sister from harming herself Giving up her work or social life in order to watch over sister Losing her husband because sister didn’t want to go and get the help she needed?

    You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about, nor are you actually listening to what anyone else is saying. Nobody is saying Sister needs locking up, nor are they saying she is a danger to others. Either read and understand the comment you are replying to; or just don’t reply.

  4. You have a lot of answers to everybody but here is my take. His sisters had the baby shower before the baby was born when she said it was his baby. That is normal and not suspicious. After the baby was born and he wanted a paternity test, she refused so he and his family questioned whether it was his child. Then she said she didn’t want him involved in the baby’s life and didn’t want child support, so that was more evidence to everyone that he wasn’t the father. She and the baby are out of your boyfriend and his family’s life, so why are you obsessing about it? Of course a child should know their father but he doesn’t want to be the father, she doesn’t want him to be the father, his family doesn’t see her or the baby now, so what’s the point? You are seeing lawyers, ordering the birth certificate and worrying about child support she hasn’t asked for. The child will find out who their father is when they are old enough to search in their own. You are stirring up trouble for no real reason. Let it go, tell the friend who got you riled up that the subject is dead, and enjoy your life with your boyfriend. In 18 years when you and he are married with kids of your own and a teenager shows up at your door, worry about it then.

  5. She said she doesn’t want to be his girlfriend or have his kid. No conscious choices aren’t mistakes. Mistakes are things you don’t foresee happening, like spilling a glass of water by accident or hitting someone’s shoulder walking through a crowd. She KNEW she could get pregnant and still took no precautions while having sex with a guy she doesn’t want to be with.

  6. He is not a moron and this is not a “lapse in judgement”. Scroll to the top of their chat, how did he get her number?

    What are the first messages like re him approaching her/her approaching him about this job? Was there an arrangement for an interview? When was she introduced to the children? Did she not ask about the other parent during this process? What questions were they both asking?

    I'd the tone professional and only discussing logistics? Because it should be.

    He is hiding something from you he doesn't want you to see. This is not what it seems and you need the truth of the situation asap.

  7. Thank you for such a long reply. I agree, learned from my mistakes and want to move forward putting her as a priority. She keeps mentioning wanting “new experiences” and how she felt like she hasn’t had time to also be independent because she only had a month to her self going from her ex to me which I understand. But I’m just not sure if deep down inside she really just means she doesn’t want to be committed just yet and to experience life on her own.

  8. Yeah… and… not a damn thing hubby or wife can do about it now. Statute of limitations. And wife is not the problem if she was targeted by a predator.

    So hubby’s response is really off base if he’s not jealous.

  9. Part of growing up is realizing that some long term friends end up being toxic people. You should not set yourself on fire to save her. She is actually trying to sabotage you. It’s done, let her go.

  10. I think you really need to keep working with your therapist on this, possibly with more frequent visits or longer sessions if possible. Your fear of abandonment is stepping over his boundaries and the only real way to stop doing that is to work with someone on changing that behavior. Ask your therapist if they know DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy) techniques where you learn self soothing and emotional regulation techniques.

  11. “I thought you were perfect before and I think you’re perfect now. There’s nothing about your physical body that could make me love you any more or any less.”

  12. I doubt that there is actually a full locker room for women, there's just not that kind of room at a rink. There are two teams on the ice while you are changing for your game, they are occupying 2 locker rooms, the goalies often have their own space, the refs also have their own space (goalies and refs do not stay for every game, so there are loads of them)…then there are maybe 2 more locker rooms for the teams playing after your game. Sometimes the teams are larger than a locker room can hold and players spill over into locker rooms that aren't going to be used until a much later game (so overspill doesn't impact current locker use).

    Unless you play hockey or co-ed sports, I guess you MAYBE wouldn't comprehend. But if you trust your partner, you don't have to understand. If you don't trust your partner, you have other issues to deal with (either partner related or mental issues yourself which could be addressed with a professional therapist).

  13. Reporting someone for drug use and bad behaviors probably isn't going to go anywhere, especially if there are no minors/children involved (assuming you're in the U.S.)… at best, a social worker will contact her and provide her with resources, but no one gets arbitrarily arrested because they've been observed as being “frequently under the influence.” Now, if she is caught in the act whilst driving impaired, that's one thing. But unless she's a high-level drug DEALER, police aren't going to stake out her workplace to see how often she smokes and drives.

  14. Unwanted sexual experience. Unwanted sexual experience. Unwanted sexual experience. Do you hear yourself? Chris deserves what he gets. You have a soft spot for Chris and are down playing a sexual assault. Your man reacted the way he did because he immediately identified that behavior as assault. I agree with your man that apologizing to Chris or staying friendly with him Is a betrayal on your part.

  15. ? people acting like it's easy moving out and getting your own place nowadays. Are yall still blind to the increasing number of houseless people living on the streets? “Come on, gurl! Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps!” ??‍♂️


    it’s that simple


    You seem to not be getting it?

    It’s WEIRD that you’re this interested in her sex life. To be honest your post was very difficult to read and I didn’t understand half of this but what I did understand is you’ve been spying on your sister’s sex life and thinking about her sex life too much. Does that sound normal?

    Even if it started by accident, instead of signing yourself out you just kept reading her messages.

    When she find out she will be SO disgusted by you and feel violated. Leave her the fuck alone. Sign yourself out right now before you do more damage to yourself, to her, and to your relationship with her. This is so unhealthy.

  17. It is weird to be cuddling with your father. You invited your boyfriend over to watch you cuddle with your dad.

  18. I think you should talk to your sister in law privately. Ask to her to sit down with you and ask her the questions you have. Ask her why she and her husband are supporting Kaylee breaking up with you. Ask her why they are paying for her to get her own apartment. I am guessing she doesn't know about any of this – and if she does, maybe you can get a straight answer without your older brother being a bully. Like the other responses, I am leaning towards he has a crush on Kaylee and if you guys break up, he pays for her to live in another apartment…

    He is setting himself up to be her savior and start an affair with her. By funding an apartment, he has already given himself control of the situation. It would make cheating on his wife easier if they had a private place to do it in where he doesn't have to worry about her walking in.

  19. I think he was cruel. He could prefer to keep it in an album, but his response was harsh. It’s not hat hard to say calmly that he would just prefer not to have hem on the wall, that it’s more intimate in an album, but he loves the photos and the thoughtful gift. I see red flags in his behavior. Does he often yell at you about what you do with your body?

  20. I mean, it may not work out, or it might. I would just see where it goes, as long as the issues you had previously weren’t fundamental to both of your lives (i.e she wants kids and you don’t, she sucks with money and you don’t, etc.), then the nearly 3 years between your last break up may mean it was the right person at the wrong time. Those things do happen, and if you want to try again there really isn’t harm in trying, just don’t get your hopes up and go into it with realistic expectations that it could go well, or just fall apart again.

  21. It was a fling from before your relationship with him? If so, it's none of his business and should not hands been an issue. It certainly shouldn't still be an issue. You shouldn't have needed to lie (bc none of his business) and you shouldn't have had to work for forgiveness.

  22. “It would suck to break up” is all I have to respond to after reading this post.

    Would it? Would it really? Is your self-esteem so incredibly low that being relegated to the back of the class for the rest of your life, and having your wants and needs be subject to his whims that you'd rather be a docile “girlfriend” while he continues to live his life and do whatever he pleases? A life where you have to (in your own words) BEG to get his attention? A relationship where he's turning off fucking security cameras when you come over? Is he so ashamed of you?

    Honestly, I don't care if you're 350lbs and look like Alf, you deserve better than this man. Do yourself a fucking favor.

  23. As a man with class i can tell you, I’ll shower before i touch my woman. Nothing worse than causing an uti or yeast infection because of lack of hygiene. It’s really disrespectful imo. I hope he starts cleaning himself.

  24. Only one thing I can say in her defense, if you never cuddle with her (despite if she was voicing she wants to) then I could see why she would be upset, but that's also a lot of “ifs”

  25. It’s just that she wants to be able to order whatever she wants to eat regardless of price whereas I try not to spend TOO much when eating

    It's pretty shitty that you are conscious of your spending and she is pissed that she can't spend your money freely and with abandon.

    There are some very big clues here that you need to pay attention to. 1) She isn't good with money and believes that she should be able to indulge herself recklessly (or maybe just that she should be able to indulge herself recklessly and be frivolous with your money). 2) She doesn't want to hear it when you protest her sense of entitlement to your money. Most people would feel mortified that they were being seen that way but she digs her heels in and insists this is the way she wants it and she doesn't see anything wrong with it. She fights with you about it. I mean, the fucking audacity is shocking.

  26. I think about this a lot. I could easily afford to be single. It’s the kids that have made me pause. He is a good dad…

  27. That’s actually part of traveling. You develop and instinct for when you are and aren’t safe. I have made quite a few life long friends by excepting kindness during my travels. There were so many older people who gave me rides, advice, etc. If you can’t trust that your partner has a good head on their shoulders to know the difference – that’s another story.

  28. The other commenters in other subs weren’t kidding.,,you are being crazy obsessive. Go take a walk and get some fresh air.

  29. That’s a blessing, then. It would be a consideration for many.

    Fwiw, I would not plan to do anything immediately. Let this sit with you, re-test, and think.

  30. Not your job to fix her or approve of her dates. If you don’t want to hear about her dates, draw that boundary.

    “I don’t want to discuss your dates. Let’s talks about something else.”

  31. He lied about the whole weekend because he was up to no good. If you want to feel more certain about how he was up to no good, you could talk to Samantha. Ask her whether she thinks you should take him back after you dumped him for lying about the weekend.

  32. A picture can be misinterpreted, but a video… kinda hard unless her best friend managed to deepfake those.

    I would take some time to clear my head and calm down, then I would meet in a neutral ground with some backup friends in a safe distance to end things personally. If you are close with her parents, I would talk to them as well, just to make things straight.

    I’m sorry you are going through this crazy thing… as others have said, probably it was a blessing in disguise. There’s billions of people who share your values, so don’t lose hope. You’re young and this hurt won’t be your entire life. Just have patience with yourself and take the time you need to heal before you get into a new relationship.

  33. Someone with a career in an industry? Where their reputation can proceed them? To be blunt, those folks usually get screened out before something like this.

    The only “immature” people I know that have done anything like this in corporate America ultimately were treated for mental health disorders. Perceived Immaturity tends to be a symptom of a personality disorders.

  34. Even if she just liked the guy and he never gave her the time of day you shouldn't have given him your number. Sister code number one. It's just trifling.

  35. Honestly if anyone is getting the shorter end of the stick it's my lovely ex bf. He is such a gem. And I feel really bad about having to put him through this as well. I think your guesstimate is absolutely accurate, although I know her well enough to say that it's definitely not malicious and she's definitely not tried to come in the way. If anything she was happy to stay in the shadows but it was my decision to call it quits for the slightest chance at having it work with her. The timing is certainly awkward but I think for the best too.

    Her parents are definitely a concern for her. Luckily mine are pretty progressive even if they're a bit strict but that has slowly changed since I've gotten older and moved out. I'm focusing on securing my job.

    The last I spoke to her was the day all of this unfolded which would be last week but I've left her space now to get back to me. I have yet to tell her I broke it off although she knew that I intended to over the weekend. The reason I've not is essentially so that I don't add on to whatever she's worried about.

    I think you're right I won't press further and ask politely or anything but instead wait for her to get back to me. I've waited for 6 years for her to say something, I can certainly wait a few days/weeks now.

    Thank you for putting in words the things I've been thinking and for the sound advice.

  36. Of course YTA. You have overlapping relationships. And. You are choosing someone who will never accept your child, much less love them? Do better. Finish one relationship before starting another and never forget that you are a package deal.

  37. Cut contact with this guy. He uses people to fill his needs only. You dodged a bullet and can see his true self now

  38. Don’t be a doormat. Find another person who will cherish you, if she gets dump again, it’s on her and it you.

    If you have a hard time, look into the mirror, sleep yourself hard and go to the gym

  39. Too late bro. If you really love someone you don't stick your dick in someone else without their permission.

  40. If you're at the stage of calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend, sexting another person without clearing it with your partner is not ok. And now he's worried about being turned in? He's an idiot. If he were truly worried about it, he would've backed off once he knew she was a parent of a student.

    Dump him. 4 months in and he's already shown you he's slimy and stupid.

  41. Very hard to prove the gym thing, unless he's dumb enough to admit it. If he just says “This is just the gym I want to go to at this time, nothing to do with you” – I don't think she has a legal leg to stand on (as far as the gym goes).

  42. The fact that he basically shut down and won’t talk to you about this is such a major red flag. He’s not ready for marriage or children if he’s got that attitude to minor conflict. Even if there is something underlying his behaviour, you’re meant to be a team and a partnership and shutting you out isn’t that. That’s such a strange request even with your edit. I’m so glad you made the point about what the kid wants being a factor.

  43. She sounds really crazy and dangerous.

    I would get that to stop that the children go to their fathers place.

    They are both unsave there.

    As to your ex, YOU are the problem. Not her.

  44. I would be so crushed. I’m sorry. Your gut knew something was off and you listened to it. Do what your gut tells you next.

    If it were me I would want to play it cool and just be ruining his life behind his back. But I’m a hot head so I would immediately blow my fuse and fuck my plans up. If you have the will power then I’d suggest going to a friends to cool off and come up with a plan.

  45. I don't think having this opinion is wrong but saying it is wrong.

    Of course you are being affected by her changes but she's the one actually going through it.

    My question is, did she bring any of this up to you or are these your own observations? I ask because it could be depression as much as anything else. Gaining weight can kill self esteem and I can imagine it feels uncontrollable once you start getting fatter.

    Definitely ask her if everything is okay.

  46. I'm posting from the arse end of the world (Australia) so hopefully our way is a fairly widespread thing!

    But yeah 100%. Effort is very much discretionary, too.

    As an example I could have served up generic whatever for dinner last night but everyone got something to their own tastes – I'm not running a restaurant so that's not sustainable every single night but I care and I plan ahead with groceries and I cater as much as I can. Child Services would give me a tick mark regardless because everyone's nicely fed but I want them to feel happy and loved and like their preferences are noticed and acted on. After working a full day in the office I'm tired as shit but my husband thanks me and reminds our young kids to do the same and it makes all the difference. Cycles can be positive as much as they can be vicious.

  47. There is no relationship. She’s made it clear she doesn’t consider him as important as her friends. I’d do exactly as Okcardiologist said then the next day pack my shit and move out. It would be up to her to try and repair the relationship if she was interested, but frankly I doubt she would.

  48. She’s going there for attention and as a thirst trap. Just let her be and find someone else. She already has your replacement set up.

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