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Kayla22live sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “Kayla22live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You need to change the title to “My fiancé called off the wedding because Mommy and I won't let her make any decisions.”

    You don't want a wife. You want a submissive little trophy. You literally refused to let her choose anything major to do with her own wedding (location, catering, or even her bouquet), and you let your Mommy and your family choose instead. She was supposed to be a UNION, not a party for your family to control.

    she broke it off because she couldn't make all the decisions with my money.

    No, she didn't. You're delusional. Let me break it down for you.

    I told her I didn't wanna get married at her dream venue. I told her it was better to get married in a church since it's what my family would want

    She didn't even get a compromise. She gave into you and your family's demands. She's a Saint for this alone. The fact that you chose your favorite restaurant instead of hers for after the wedding is an extra slap in the face.

    My mom told her that white lilies would be better since they're traditional and just how it's done for a church wedding. Clarisa told her she'd rather have tulips for her wedding bouquet which my mom didn't think was very classy. My mom told me about it and I ended up convincing my fiancé to go with the lilies since they're what me and my family want and it's not just her wedding

    WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!? It's her bouquet!!!

    My mom suggested a hearty meal, something my side of the family would enjoy but my fiancé wanted to go with lighter pasta dishes, not really wedding food. My mom apparently told her not to be so selfish and then Clarisa just went off on her, yelling that it's not all about me and that she gets a say too. My mom called me during this argument and I ended up yelling at my fiancé over the phone and told her it's my money and we're going with my mom's suggestion on this.

    You're literally the biggest Mama's boy I've ever seen, and the whole “it's my money” thing is literally red flags for future financial abuse, which isn't shocking considering you're a grown man who roped a teenager into a relationship.

    Did I dodge a bullet or a nuke?.

    Neither. Your ex dodged a life of abuse and her autonomy being stripped away from a financially abusive borderline groomer and an entitled bossy MIL who still has her son in her pocket.

    Continue to plan your wedding and marry your mother. I can promise with your entitled attitude and your enabling of her to control your whole life, that's the only woman who will ever stay with you.

  2. Do not engage with him anymore. The only thing you will hear is the lies he’s been working on since this blew up. This is a cluster and you don’t need to be a part of it.

  3. Nothing. Leave her alone. Let her find someone worth her. You stepped out emotionally. You had NO reason to send a song reminiscing on the relationship you had before when you were supposedly happy in the one you had with the intelligent girl and the fact the old lady felt comfortable coming to your house shows that you're definitely leaving some context out.

    You got what you deserved….

  4. Sounds like you had cheating in your heart and if your GF hadn’t showed up and if your ex was open you could have gone there. So the issue you have is broken trust and poor judgment. Best you can do is acknowledge the poor optics, share your intentions were pure and that nothing happened, beg for forgiveness and another chance. So admit you were wrong but fortunately you didn’t cross a physical line, looks like you crossed an emotional like and you must atone for that and apologize. Don’t deny your behavior. Sounds like your gf is smart and not about the BS. So you may not get a next time, hopefully you learn and don’t sabotage your next relationship

  5. “The customer is always right” in matters of taste.

    I went to a “fancy” steakhouse with friends years ago. When our “rare” steak came out my friends asked for A1 and ketchup. I was embarrassed because that simply isn’t done at a nice steakhouse, and the waiter pushed back. But you know what? The steaks were dry and bland and overcooked.

    Simply kowtowing to expectations because you’re in an expensive restaurant is silly. If the guy wanted extra spice, he can ask for it. If OP doesn’t like it, fucking move on. I don’t know what whining on Reddit will accomplish.

  6. you are showing him that it's okay to hit you

    Well, it's never ok for him to hit her. I think you mean she is showing him that there will be no consequences to him for it.

  7. He's definitely addicted to porn and he needs to quit entirely, maybe even seek therapy. The good news is that he is kinda trying I guess.

  8. I dont know who most of “us” are. I dont have one close association with people who do acid, drugs, and get wasted. Yes lots of young people like to have fun, but there is a limit.

  9. She didn’t take them. She said when she saw they were Xanax, she remembered the times she passed out unexpectedly in his house.

  10. You went to prison dude. My wife probably wouldn't want to see me unless I'd run off with millions that couldn't be recovered, then she'd might…..just might…see it as a job with a two year posting.

    If you've been on remand for two years you've done something hilariously complicated and serious enough for them to keep you past the usual 6 months (UK).

  11. I wish it was that easy. This always ends up in a disagreement, which affects the other parts of our relationship, as she sees it as me not helping her.

  12. Well it's definitely not all in your head. You have the proof of him being sneaky before. Sorry that you are dealing with this issue from two different men. You don't have to put up with this treatment.

  13. My MIL wore a white dress to our wedding and I figured she just wanted to feel special too. I know she didn't have a big wedding because she got married very young when she was pregnant with my husband. I lent her jewelry and a handbag from my own things so she felt loved and fancy. It didn't matter at all. This is a great time to decide “the hills to die on”. There will be many more challenges ahead with your in laws. Being compassionate in this moment may be a great time to start practicing for the future.

  14. If they have children and one turns out to be trans or anything else he considers to be a “mental illness”, how good of a partner do you think this guy is going to be? ?‍♂️

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