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9 thoughts on “alessiasex22live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you for reading and for your kind words. I tried reaching to him about how it makes me feel. But he kept saying I was crazy to assume that, since I’m the one that nudged them to be close. But I was having a hard time. Thank you so much for your advice. It was nice being heard.

  2. I wonder if you are both battling the 'sunk cost falacy'. I'm guilty of succumbing to that myself. Basically, it is a bad idea to base your future of a relationship based on the time put into it. Ask yourself, “if I knew all I know about him when we first met, would I have started dating him then? If he continues in this way, do I want to invest the next decade or two with him?” Once you have your answer, ask him, but make him think on it. Ask him if he would regret dating you if you remained together another decade when he could have a beautiful Italian girl.

  3. If he jumps up to help when you ask, then you've got a winner. I can feel the jealousy from my fellow Redditors as I type this.

    OK, I think I just realized what's happening here. Was he always like this? If so, then that is who you married, and (this is going to sound harsh but) you don't have the right to expect him to change. That's not how (healthy) relationships work.

    What you can do is focus on your expectation that he should do things without asking. I know you feel this is important for your own mental well being, but the reality is that this type of thinking is a trap.

    There will always be something that you don't like about your husband (nobody is perfect). So the question becomes: can you learn to accept and love him the way he is? Because right now you are basically making your love for your husband conditional based on how you think he should be, instead of accepting who he is.

  4. I don't think it's too soon to ask for that if you're feeling the chemistry from her side, too. I say go for it.

  5. OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Your husband is being incredibly unfair to you. It’s normal for us to be judged by the friends we have, but he is ignoring a lot of the extenuating factors that Sami is dealing with. For their relationship to even be called “poly” or “open” is a joke. There is no element of polyamory to their relationship – there is only a cheating asshole husband and a wife with too much compassion for her own good. Your husband is willfully ignoring the HORRIBLE situation that your friend is dealing with, and punishing you for it. Maybe you need to sit him down and reframe the situation for him – it’s not poly or open. They are just a couple on the verge of divorce who are going their separate ways. They don’t intend to stay married. And they really shouldn’t. If he won’t listen to you, I would INSIST that he comes with you to talk to a marriage counselor. Maybe an unbiased third party can help him get a handle on his unreasonable expectations.

    Personally, I would not be ok with my husband asking me to end a friendship under these circumstances. He’s showing an alarming lack of empathy for a woman who is basically going through hell. Once again, your friend is monogamous, she is not poly. She is also a fool, but I have a feeling you already know that.

  6. Why try to enforce a boundary, when your BF has showed you that he has no intention of respecting you, your boundaries, or your relationship.

    So end it.

  7. Actions have consequences. At least once a week I see stories of people acting like complete dickheads, and I always think to myself “that’s someone who has never been hit in the face”. Your brother needs to learn his lesson.

  8. This is not a situation you need in your life. They will be a family and tied to each other forever. Do you want to be the side in your own relationship?

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