Naomy-taylor live webcams for YOU!


Naomy-taylor Public Chat Channel

Date: October 20, 2022

16 thoughts on “Naomy-taylor live webcams for YOU!

  1. Don't go down this road. Nothing good will come of it and it's totally unproductive. It may not be a popular opinion on here, bit if someone broke up with you, you should cut them out of your life and move on. Don't hate them or hold anger toward them, but be indifferent. There's someone out there that's worth your time, love, and energy, but dwelling on exes isn't going to help you find them.

  2. You are incredibly naive. With an age gap like this? A teenager who will probably resent you? Either break up and save yourself the age gap man who will not make you happy down the road, or relax and be willing to let her be grumpy about it because she has legit reasons to those feelings.

  3. Ugh. I'm sorry this is happening. I don't know how to fix this but I am sympathetic. Your father is clearly sick with something and based on his behavior it is likely covid but even if not covid you don't want whatever it is! Everything he's said and done is so frustrating, I really hate him.

    I realize this isn't helpful at all. I would suggest that although paying cancellation fees is expensive it's probably still better than getting terribly ill. I hope there is some way for you to have groceries delivered or maybe have a friend run to the store for you. I hope things work out OK whatever you end up doing. 🙁

  4. i mean he didnt give you consent to put your hand down his pants. nor has he ever gave you that consent based on your post. it seems like he has said no quite literally every time, and you decided instead of bothering to bring it up to continue to push it? if he thought it was sexual assault id back him up bc damn.

  5. Shes not bed ridden, you can leave her alone right?

    Just get into biking and other strenuous activity cities on your own.

    I think you need to get assertive with her. How is your medical coverage. Is she serious about caring for her health? Sometimes you just gotta power through. Life is hard and unfortunately for some people it’s really hard. But she can’t give up and expect you to carry her through life. Your both only 30 years old.

    If I were you I would try and find ways to attend her doctor appts. Keep a schedule of her meds and therapy. Make sure she is doing what she needs to do to maintain her health. If she isn’t doing anything and refuses I would then consider divorce and helping set her up with disability, Medicaid and help find an assisted care facility for her.

  6. Your wife is jealous of a pillow? Is she that insecure or is she projecting?

    That’s not healthy and that’s a her problem. This is seriously something the two of you need to talk about. Is she this jealous when it comes to actual people?

  7. Well, I have tons of other addictions to shopping to read it even to going to school for so long. So I have found other things. But yeah, I had a whole life because of it and that I would’ve never had. I would’ve been dead long ago. Good luck to you.

  8. Either come clean or say, I bumped into a friend who asked if i was still with you as they saw you going into (girls name dorm) see what he says.

    But the fact he has already cheated and is actively not telling you he is doing this.

    I mean that the first thing I would say to my partner.

    Hey I need to study with (hername) I'm going to her dorm just thought I'd let you know.

    The fact he didn't rasies red flags more than the cheating with a friends sister ?

    If you to scared of coming clean just say what I said about someone saw him going into her dorm room. And then ask why he didn't tell you.

    And after everything he already done does he think it a good idea to not tell you he hanging in a female dorm.

  9. You either exist as you are with your laissez faire attitudes about life or you decide to take control of things by finding a new job and starting over with a clean slate. There comes a point when you're basically just allowing things to happen to you and not even being an active participant in your own life.

  10. Work on getting out, however you legally can. You guys have been together since before you could drive and had three kids before you could (legally) drink. The chances that either of you would be happy at this point are very, very small.

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