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Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam


35 thoughts on “Sarita-candylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah she might. At least if I have daughters, I’ll keep them away from her until learns some common sense.

  2. Just tell them the truth. You're going out of your way, hurting your own relationships by hiding her shitty behavior. I don't understand the point of that.

  3. It’s worth considering if he split with you under the guise of poor communication so he could have sex with her and test out his feelings for her ‘guilt free’. It’s shitty, but a lot of people have done it.

    Did he know of the person before you split? Did they communicate before you guys split? Have they stayed in touch since? Did they share nudes? Does he still have them?

    As someone else mentioned, he’s trickle truthing you. I’d encourage having a list of questions that you need answered to know how unfaithful and dishonest he’s been. And then steeling yourself for a conversation where you tell him that you are struggling to get past it and need to know everything to be able to stop your mind questioning things. That you want him to be completely honest now and leave nothing unsaid do that you can both draw a line under it and make sure you can move forward together.

    I’ve done this. I’ve listened to the things that came forward while my heart was breaking, but tried hard not to show it. Keep probing as calmly as possible for information so you get the e full picture.

    Once you break down, they will clam up and say that was everything even if it wasn’t. They are focused on keeping you rather than being respecting you and being honest to you. Not knowing that not being honest is what will lose you.

    You can always say it too, being dishonest here in anyway will end out relationship. Even if I find out in the future.

    Calm but firm and unwavering. I was gobsmacked by the depth of betrayal and dishonest and would have not gotten anywhere if I was showing how much I was falling apart inside.

    I hope there’s nothing else to find hun. Best of luck.

  4. I think making it a big deal might hurt his feelings more than if you said it off handedly. Simply saying 'baby i know my food is delicious but would you mind eating more quietly?' In a playful way might be the solution. You can also play music or tv in the background to make it less noticeable.

  5. Why not do the decent thing and break up with your girlfriend since you clearly don’t respect her?

    Solves three problems all at once: 1. You would then be single so sleeping with other’s wouldn’t matter. 2. Your gf gets the opportunity to find someone who actually loves and respects her. 3. Your co-worker would no longer be sleeping with someone else’s partner.

    Sounds like a win for everyone.

  6. u/janedoebreakin, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. u/Dry-Staff3502, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. Because it puts him in a bind if it’s known y’all are dating. It could put his job on the line. I did read it and that was my take on what you said. I admit I have little tact as I believe being up front trumps walking on eggshells to get a point across. The point is that if it’s known at work y’all are dating then it’s different for him to defend you compared to defending someone else. Which is why he said it questions his credibility. Like I said get better at your job if you want the boss to back off. Or find a way to get in good with said boss.

  9. Someone who truly loves you doesn't ghost you for a month over an argument that happened a month previous to the ghosting. You are right not to trust him right now after he hurt you so badly. Do not move back in with him until he and you get some therapy for whatever issues you have and learn to communicate better.

    Be very cautious with this. Trust is very hard to earn back.

  10. Its hard since we live together. He makes me feel like i owe him money and I tried to break up with him not too long ago and he cried and I got scared to break up and be alone in this house so It didnt end up happening

  11. Their age has nothing to do with it, but it is a habit they need to overcome, which will take effort on their part.

    In the meantime, whenever they use your former name, say your new name to them, and hopefully they will repeat your chosen name to you.

    Good luck!

  12. What the hell is so special about this guy to not only treat someone else this way but also yourself? Have some damn respect for yourself at the very least.

  13. That’s not fair at all. People are pressured into marriage by society, religion, their parents, you name it and then they’re supposed to become a pillar of upholding these values. Sure he ruined his marriage, maybe that’s a good thing.

  14. Without much detail it’s hard to give a recommendation. What does he not like to do? If he is a reader, She Comes First is an excellent book. If you are a person of faith, The Great Sex Rescue, is a great resource as well. Other than that, a marriage and family therapist could be helpful though you say you have good communication and you explicitly share your wants, needs, and desires. That’s great that you are that comfortable with him and can share that. Definitely something holding him back on his end. It could be bad messaging regarding sex from his family of origin or some trauma on his end.

  15. Your girlfriend is an abusive piece of shit that doesn‘t give a shit about you.

    Boy, so many girls would die just for their low-effort boyfriends to REMEMBER the anniversary day, while you‘re out here trying your absolute best to keep this retard in your life.

    My suggestion is you break up and run faaaaaar away. You will find someone who loves all of the things you do for each special day you two spend, and will not call you a loser for it. You‘re a gentle and sweet guy, and as someone who only dated abusive/toxic partners, I envy your girlfriend fr. If someone made efforts to celebrate this special day with me and gets me some romantic gifts, I‘d fucking cry and sob on the floor.

    So go dump your girlfriend, she is the loser here?

  16. Glad that things worked out for you and your gf in the end.

    Just want to make a short comment on the iPhone/Android issue. The “sending videos from iPhone to Android lowers quality” is a lie just like so much else that those women lied to you about. Besides, an iPhone is a phone and Android is an operating system so it's not even a proper comparison that those liars did.

    Good luck OP. Your gf is a keeper. Please consider marrying her in the end.

  17. I know I might sound stupid for my age, but is what you have said true? He does love me and is very caring for the time I have been with him

  18. That's considered assault, where I'm from, and you can be charged for it.

    She means for you to feel like shit.

    I'd seriously reconsider this relationship.

  19. As someone who's had a partner call them ugly before, you're a shitty partner and he honestly deserves better.

    He deserves to feel like he's attractive and you aren't able to do that for him. You know you aren't a good partner or even a good person and yet you think someone should be happy settling for less than average?

    You need to be single for a while and do some growing up. You're nowhere near ready for a serious and healthy relationship.

  20. Why on earth are you still with someone who laughs at your discomfort? Any decent person would have said. Yes, it was very expensive, but I will change my shampoo.

  21. His two new girlfriends could well feel the same way in a year or a month or the night you saw them. Before he moves onto the next. A flashy display of sophmoric, public, success doesn't mean squat. A good friend doesn't make you feel alone in my experience.

  22. Family pushback is a powerful destructive force that has broken the relationships and marriages of people far stronger and more independent than you. Youth, inexperience, impatience, and differences in perspective weigh very heavily against you.

    They know very well what they did. All three of them, I assure you. Mom and Dad were just slightly more sneaky about it, compared to Brother's open contempt, but I know this game they played, and there's no mistaking their true intent.

    And, by design, their hostility was perfectly clear to your BF, while you found excuses for them all, even Brother! Brother was “intimidated,” Dad merely asked a few too many questions, and Mom just stared a little too long, right? You watched, but said nothing. You'll soon be temped to blame your BF for being too quick and too harsh a judge. Perhaps you've done so already.

    The only way forward is for both you and BF to be all in on what is a very long game, full of strategy and tactics, against bad odds. A very serious commitment. If you can both make that commitment, write again, and I'll show you how the game is played. If not, game over.

  23. Can attest. Married into a crazy family and now no boundaries are respected, what matters to me isn’t a priority to the family etc.

    Think wisely about what family you’re marrying into, you can’t get rid of them.

  24. Can attest. Married into a crazy family and now no boundaries are respected, what matters to me isn’t a priority to the family etc.

    Think wisely about what family you’re marrying into, you can’t get rid of them.

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