Gaheelove live webcams for YOU!


gaheelove Public Chat Channel

Date: October 18, 2022

14 thoughts on “Gaheelove live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sex is always intimate but not always affectionate. Try holding his arm while walking. Maybe small tokens to show you're thinking of him. Literally, my girlfriend once gave me a smaller container of Vaseline because I was always lugging around a large one. Shit was nice.

  2. I’m planning to, her boyfriend and I talked about it and he’s going to take one when the baby is born, if it comes back negative I’ll take one

  3. He is showing no interest in building a life with you at all. If he was he would be actively trying to integrate you into his life and actively being trying to get more involved with yours.

  4. I read somewhere that pregnancy is one of the most medically risky things one can undertake.

    Like, an extreme sport like skydiving would be vastly healthier.

  5. If your future wife isn't willing to put her foot down on this then she shouldn't be your wife. Imagine every major event in your life being ruined by this foolish mean idiot. Every BBQ, birth of a child, family reunion, Christmas, birthday parties, anything you would see him at you are going to have to be on guard for his foolishness. No way. This is her family and it's her responsibility to deal with it or at minimum allow you to do so if she is unwilling or unable.

  6. I’m nearly 30, and I never said anything about sexual favours?

    I don’t think he’s a predator, I think self worth needs to come from within to be sustainable.

  7. One day, if you're both really lucky, you guys will live long enough to wipe each other's asses. Best to just be blunt, with love, and work on a solution together.

  8. You are straight delusional. The overwhelming majority of men want absolutely nothing to do with single mothers. You can get some upvotes in this echo chamber by simping for them like this, but reality is far from the fantasy you just outlined.

  9. It’s a gathering that the ex suggested and he agreed. The other couple seems to be good friends that he claims he hasn’t met in a long time. He claims she has a bf and that I have no reason to worry about. But I still can’t shake it off

  10. Yeah there is a VAST difference between touching someones bum and slapping someone in the face. Honey you don’t deserve that. It’s not something to “have grace” for.

  11. My sincerest gratitude to you for the wise counsel and guidance. Honestly, it really meant a lot to me!

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