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Room for online video chats TatooShieldmaid94

TatooShieldmaid94live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat TatooShieldmaid94

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Birth Date: 1994-05-28

Body Type: bodyTypeLarge

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

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Eyes color: eyeColorBlue


Date: October 17, 2022

59 thoughts on “TatooShieldmaid94live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Open a bekery business , he bakes , you on the cashier. More time together more money for the both of ya Business aside Tell him what you just told us he will understand.

  2. Yes, you would still continue as husband and wife but also date others. Obviously that is not the norm and doesn't work for most people, even the ones who think they would be ok with it.

  3. Any mother who keeps letting their child be abused and shit on so they can keep getting dick deserves neither the child nor the dick. Your child literally does not have a winter coat that you can find…in December…and your boyfriend wants to commit child abuse by letting him freeze rather than have to parent his kids about how gifts work.

    Do better.

  4. Your lack of boundaries, and common sense is out there

    While having friend with the oposit sex is fine and going out for coffe, movie, dinner is all good.

    Having them come over, shower in your home walk around in a towel and cuddle with him is too much even if is not sexual.

    Also I find it hard to believe that a 23 year old man has no other intentions just cuddling in a towel.

  5. No, I'm pretty sure it's both of us. The last text I got from him was a “It feels weird not talking to you, lol”. For multiple reasons, this is cryptonite for both of us though. He's not stupid. It's just something that cannot happen.

    I hope you are right. I like his as a person and need to work with him professionally (and hopefully not awkwardly).

  6. this all im tryna say lol. i just dont wanna be hopeful she'll change then 5 years later im dealing with the same thing

  7. Lemme tell you, my parents have been together since they were teenagers, and the resentment is rife. Part of this resentment is the fact my dad has never bothered do to anything or buy anything thoughtful for my mum. Occasionally he's splashed out on a bouquet. Your bf is never going to change, and his thoughtlessness is going to evidently extend in other ways than just birthdays and christmas. If it's important to you to feel loved and celebrated and special, find someone who wants to do so. This is who he is and how he is, he's not going to “learn.”

    Saying that, I know little else of your relationship. Maybe other elements make up for this. But if you cant imagine being happy years from now, with never having thought put into your birthday from him, then it's fair to find someone else who speaks the same love language.

  8. it's really going to suck in a few months or years when you aren't in a relationship with him anymore and your family is going to say we told you so.

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  10. Hello /u/TA19345027615,

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  11. You went on a rant about how it's okay to be uncomfortable. No one said it wasn't.

    What he did was controlling and it was unacceptable. I can't imagine a person who'd behave that way wouldn't act like that in different situations.

  12. He probably keeps her around because he enjoys the attention he gets from her. Someday, she's gonna try to lift him out of the friendzone. He's got weak boundaries with her. It won't take much to break those boundaries completely.

    He's issued you an ultimatum. I suggest you accept it and move on without him. He's failing the boyfriend test.

  13. Hello /u/avkat26,

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  14. 45k in credit card debt ??? run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. You are NOT obligated to pay her bills. She’s an adult and she got herself into this mess.

  15. Guys, stop telling him she’s done nothing wrong. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but he’s an asshole and we want them to break up

  16. Couldn’t she get a loan from a private company that would likely give her more instead of the government? I think that way it wouldn’t be tied to her parents’ income… but I’m not totally sure tbh

    Alternatively, if they make that much, maybe she can borrow money from them.

    Or there are some places that you can work that offer tuition assistance. For example, Starbucks and Chipotle do that.

    There’s a lot of options. None are “easy”, but she’ll need to pick something so she can finish her degree

  17. Couldn’t she get a loan from a private company that would likely give her more instead of the government? I think that way it wouldn’t be tied to her parents’ income… but I’m not totally sure tbh

    Alternatively, if they make that much, maybe she can borrow money from them.

    Or there are some places that you can work that offer tuition assistance. For example, Starbucks and Chipotle do that.

    There’s a lot of options. None are “easy”, but she’ll need to pick something so she can finish her degree

  18. No brainer, you end the relationship. There a lot of red flags going on here, this guy clearly isn't worth the trouble. He's not being honest about his feelings for ex . You want someone who's going to value you and appreciate you, this dude is not it.

  19. This isn't true. People are able to have years-long affairs without their partners knowing, even if their partners may have some suspicions but can't prove it. People can have two families at once without either one knowing. It's entirely likely that the wife has no idea, or she may have an inkling but has no evidence.

  20. She made her decision – it was not you, it was not you future, it was not your relationship. She’s banking on your trust and forgiveness and your feelings for her to get away with treating you as a doormat. Change your status to single and start respecting yourself!

  21. This year he’s giving you an allowance? No. You don’t get back together with him. He sounds emotionally abusive and financially abusive.

  22. She is treating you LIKE SHIT, treating you LIKE HER SERVANT, doesn’t give 2 shits that you are working AND housekeeping, and then making you feel LIKE SHIT when you’re miserable that she’s treating you LIKE SHIT. She’s ABUSIVE.

    DO NOT go to couples therapy with her! Abusive people are very manipulative and in couples therapy they use every sly malicious trick to make themselves out to be the poor victims and the victim they’re abusing to be the bad guy. They simply get more ammunition to manipulate you with. DO NOT go to couples therapy with her, as some folk are suggesting. Look, she’s manipulated you for 2 whole years already, you ALREADY feel bad that you don’t want to be used like a shitty servant, that’s pro-level manipulation she’s brainwashed you into. Wake up and smell the coffee OP, come out of the forest & see the trees. SHE’S USING YOU, TREATING YOU LIKE A SERVANT, AND ABUSING YOU when she doesn’t get her exact shitty way. And, YOU ARE ENABLING HER, you’re HELPING her abuse you. She has no reason to stop it and act like a fucking grown-up. You’re not her mommy not her daddy but she’s treating you like a sugar-daddy dog that she can kick and be mean to when she doesn’t get her lazy fucking way.

    So what if you live in another country away from home, I lived in other countries away from home for decades – had some shitty boyfriends and so frikking what – you can still kick them out, or leave yourself — you don’t have to shelter & be servant to someone who’s using and abusing you. At 27, you’ve already lost 2 yrs of your life to this shituation, don’t waste any more best years of life to this. You will look back on this and KICK YOURSELF that you put up with this for so long. You don’t want to ‘break up and hurt her’ !?!?!?!?!?!? WTF she’s been hurting you for 3 LONG YEARS ALREADY.

    Don’t worry about her – she’ll just go find another victim to be shitty to & pay her way. DO NOT GET HER PREGNANT, she’ll trap you because you’re a sucker & you’ll be her shitty servant forever and your kids will have zero respect for you because you’re a gutless servant allowing themself to be shit on all the time by a selfish lazy abusive mom. Sorry mate, but seems like you really need a tough wake-up call. You know it’s not right, yes? Rip off the bandaid & get your own lovely happy life back – hanging out with your friends, learning languages or music or whatever, and finding AN ACTUAL real legit nice person who supports & loves you. good luck!

  23. You've paid for a gym membership, which he asked for. You've supported him by exercising together, until he stopped being willing to go for walks. He refuses professional help (because he's holding onto you, anyway). Now you want a sensitive way to tell him he's too fat and it's interfering with your sex life.

    I think you're doing back flips for this while he sits and watches.

    Be honest with him. His weight gain has decreased his attractiveness, and it's the reason you two are having less sex. Just say it. Calm tone of voice, not angrily, but say it.

  24. Why not keep looking? Or ask an employee? Why not send him in to buy them? You could've even gone online or to a Planned Parenthood for free condoms. It's a Google search away.

    If that was too much effort or embarrassment, you should never have continued engaging in sex without any kind of protection. It's far more effort and embarrassment to deal with while raising a child, together with the other parent or not, so if you couldn't handle buying condoms to ensure you were protected then forgive me (and the other commenters) for doubting your ability to adequately take care of the baby the two of you brought into this world with absolutely no thought to its future with y'all.

    Is he contributing financially to the child at all? It seems from your comments like he's not, as you mentioned you don't even have enough gas money despite living with family, and all your funds are allegedly going to the child. If he is, then how in the world do you not even have gas money to theoretically tail him back to his place? I understand disability and social security isn't a lot, but you're living with family and he's working 12hr shifts at a lumber mill per one of your other comments. Since you're on SS and Disability, I'm assuming you're also getting food stamps? So that helps with food costs if so, and if you aren't then you should look into getting that. Does the baby have Medicaid coverage? It's more than likely eligible if not. What other expenditures do you have that eat into your gas money? You don't go to work, so there's no gas costs going to that. I assume doctors appointments and grocery shopping, and likely visiting family, but where else do you go often that would eat into your gas money?

    There's so much left out and almost every answer you give makes the whole thing make less and less sense. My heart hurts for the baby. I hope the baby is able to come into a stable living situation.

  25. You got defensive because you felt threatened.

    You felt threatened because you perceived an attack.

    You perceived an attack because of your held biases and worldview.

    I'm not saying you were wrong to be upset. That's not my point. But there are a lot of steps involved here where you could use some introspection. It's not about “everyone versus me” – people just don't have the bandwidth for that. It's about fixing your own attitude towards situations like this generally.

  26. Thank you hopefully when I'm in therapy I can lay all this out a little better and get help and resolve my feelings

  27. Personally, I get very unnerved if anyone is in my bed. It’s always been my personal boundary that I communicated to anyone that ever asked to sleep in it.

    While I now share a bed with my partner, and my son climbs into it too, I would be very very uncomfortable with anyone else being in my bed – my family, his family, anyone’s friends or kids. But I make it clear, that as stupid as it may be, it’s important to me, and my partner would never invite anyone to sleep there.

    This is a perspective that I don’t imagine many people have, and I’m not sure it applies in this case, but it exists and can be valid.

  28. Break it off. Six months is more than enough time to know if you love someone. Sounds like she doesn’t deserve to feel unreciprocated love. And sounds like you’ve healed enough to identify love out there for yourself now too.

  29. Dude this woman sounds like a right WITCH and knows well what she’s doing. You’re family also seem to be very silly for straight away going into her side and laughing it all off. She’s being very passive-aggressive(?) with you and it’s so hard to combat that without looking like the rude one, from my experience with my family I’ve found just calling it how it is infringe if everyone can sometimes work. Mention the subtle things she does and how how the view is different from your side of the conversation. It’ll probably get super awkward but try your hardest to stay composed and don’t budge. Keep your head clear and your words straight. She try’s to use comedy as an out to change the subject? Mention what she’s trying to do. If your family can’t see that after you lay it out for them then maybe they are a littlleee silly and you’re probably better off not showing up to family events as much to save yourself from the W I T C H.

  30. Why are you acting so desperate for this guy and letting him disrespect you? Dude probably thinks he’s hot shit, making you drive to him and wait around for hours just to see him. You need to stand up for yourself. Tell him beforehand that you’ll only wait 5 – 10 minutes for him, and leave when the time is up.

  31. Also Implying women have no agency in determining if the guy she fucking wears a condom or not. Or plethora of other contraceptives women have readily available.

  32. Wow that’s even worse. He literally ignored your request.

    Honestly this is making your age gap way more problematic too. He doesn’t seem to respect you and will likely continue imposing his desires over your needs. He probably goes after young women like yourself hoping you’ll be easier to control.

    HUGE red flag.

  33. Sorry. I meant you'll realise your value when you treat yourself with importance instead of prioritising yourself as second or third or fourth like he does.

  34. This isn't a flaw on his part. He's not a bad guy because he's not comfortable infantilizing you. This is something you need to deal with on your own. Or, if this is something you really need in a relationship, you'll need to find someone like-minded.

  35. They both were just fun people to party with, plus we have a lot in common with tv, music, etc. but I now realize that probably isn’t the only quality I should look for in a friend

  36. Right? By one persons carefully crafted narrative of events that no matter what will give themselves off in a positive light and the other in an opposing. If it were this cut and dry I think it would be pretty obvious what was happening. If you want useful relationship advice don’t give the gender because you’re bound to be treated a whole lot differently on a sub like this.

  37. Right? By one persons carefully crafted narrative of events that no matter what will give themselves off in a positive light and the other in an opposing. If it were this cut and dry I think it would be pretty obvious what was happening. If you want useful relationship advice don’t give the gender because you’re bound to be treated a whole lot differently on a sub like this.

  38. Seems his mask has finally dropped now?

    Either he's blaming you because he doesn't know what to do with it or he's just that unemphatic.

  39. Insisting you go out to dinner after you've just come off a 24 hour shift – strike one. Demanding that you come and pick him up rather than driving himself – strike two. Acting like a petulant child by refusing to come out and then texting you a guilt trip – strike three and this guy needs to be OUT.

    You obviously have a high pressure job (medical?) and he obviously can't handle you having responsibilities that come before catering to him so it'd be better to call it quits. Focus on looking after yourself for now.

  40. You're in an abusive relationship. You need to set up a safety plan to stay safe from her, break up with her (don't do it face to face, she will attack you again), block her everywhere.

    I also strongly recommend you to educate yourself about healthy and unhealthy relationships. To learn about how you can recognise red flag behaviours. And potentially to get therapy to work on your self esteem and to learn how to set boundaries if needed.

    A good resource to learn more about healthy and unhealthy relationships is

    Please also file a complaint with the police for cat theft, she stole your car.

  41. I’m not debating on whether or not the husband is right in what he did. It was an awful move and she should divorce him for that. I’m simply commenting on the legality of it.

  42. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, it's not your fault, you know it now but I'm just reassuring you that is not, I'm just an internet stranger but other internet strangers will tell you the same and you need a lot of voices to add to your own and to the voice of your therapist right now. As for the reaction of your spouse, you have every right to still be upset. Say so! Also demand from your spouse that they read articles, research and scientific material, on their own time, as for why people in general do not disclose SA not even to very close people. How so few survivors choose to tell their stories, and how so many, when they do, are re-victimized. This is what your spouse did, place himself as the victim here (they aren't) and dismiss your feelings. Be angry. Do tell them you're angry. Do demand that they educate themself about SA, you will NOT be the educator, there are plenty of resources online, like written articles, videos, podcasts and many other sources, if your spouse cares they will take the time to find this material and educate on the subject without requesting from you that you re-victimize yourself in order to walk them by the hand on why this was traumatizing for you and why you couldn't talk about it. Your spouse's reaction will tell you if this person really cares for you and is willing to do the work to understand or if they will make your trauma a “me-me-me-me-me” thing (in which case, I wouldn't stay).

  43. “you just want so much” “sorry I can't give you the world” – bro is so dramatic. You only want him to go see your fam more than once every 7 months and plan a few dates.

    You deserve better OP. It's not even low effort it's zero effort.

    There is a selfish person in this relationship….it ain't you OP.

  44. I don’t understand how every comment makes it more confusing. Are you trying to say that they are more than friends?

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