Laura Evans live webcams for YOU!


Finger Pussy Close Up At Goal, ⭐Special Tips 22-33-44⭐ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 17, 2022

37 thoughts on “Laura Evans live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh you poor love, none of this is your fault. You were presented with information that indicated that your father was playing away. That’s a difficult thing for anyone let alone a teenager caught in the middle. I think the best thing for you to do here is to step back and let them deal with it themselves. It’s their relationship and their responsibility. You’ve done nothing wrong.

  2. You've not even moved in together (a key compatibility test) and she's talking marriage and children so no surprise you're feeling rushed.

    You can boil that one down to “I love you, I see a future together but we've not moved in together so let's take one step at a time.” Something like that, probably better delivered than what I just wrote.

    I can understand her side of wanting certain things at a certain time… or more specifically… wanting to know that she's not wasting time here and you're both on the same page of this relationship moving forward. Maybe it's just a reassurance thing.

  3. At the moment it’s just about making sure I never emotionally invest in someone ever again unless I’m certain about her as a potential long-term partner.

    This is probably a good idea. It doesn't sound like this girl was very serious but you jumped into the deep end for her anyways. .

    I’m now seriously thinking about finding ways to get into her face again. I know where she lives so it’s easy to show up at her door

    I have to do something about it, and I know where she lives…

    Don't do that. I get that you're hurting and thoughts of what you can do will surface, but you're a better person than that. The moment you start stalking, harassing, and showing up at this person's door is the moment you lose any sympathy for your situation.

    I’m having a very difficult time forgiving it. What could I do?

    Start healing. Someone hurt you and that sucks, but you are the only person who's behavior you can control. Many people will hurt you over your lifetime, you have to learn to move forward.

    Write a letter to her and burn it, bury it, trash it, whatever. Give yourself the closure you need by getting it all out and ot relying on a response from her.

    Immediately following that start working on yourself. Work out, eat well, sleep well, take care of your skin, start reading something meaningful. Do things that enhance your life.

    You'll have a lot less energy to spend being frustrated by her if you've already used it on improving yourself.

  4. Like what the actual fuck!?!?! Why aren’t you going to offer me a safe space or tell me I deserve better or ask if I’m okay or ANYTHING. Like damn.

    Hard to tell without knowing your backstory….it's been 3.5 years, there's a child….have they ever voiced anything before about him being abusive?

    If you want to get away…why don't you ask them concretely to offer you and your child a safe space?

  5. Also when I bumped into my ex completely by chance in London the other day, I told him I had struggled after the breakup and disappointed that we never spoke again. He said ‘it was nothing bad.’ And I don’t know what he means by that, as he’s now back on the dating apps. He cited the reason that he wanted to breakup as because I want kids and he’s not sure, and now his dating app profile says he doesn’t want kids. I thought it was an excuse as for a reason to breakup but maybe he really means it when he said it was nothing bad

  6. Should DEFINITELY snap a photo of the sunglasses and a photo of the sunglasses in his car. If they're for himself, you can delete the pix. If YOU don't get any D&G sunglasses, and HE doesn't get any D&G sunglasses for Xmas, THEN you have the proof (along with the $350 debit from your bank account).

  7. Exactly. You didn’t mean as much to his as he’s made it sound, and you need to focus on yourself. You need to not worry about him and do what’s best for you, and that probably means going no contact and focus on your own healing and growth. Good luck!

  8. That's a mature idea, but considering how insecure OP is, I don't think that chat will go over very smooth.

  9. Ok I sent this

    “Hey, so I’ve talked to a few different people. They all kinda agree that I should have been more clear about how I feel. First off I’m sorry for not being specific, I swear I didn’t mean to mess with your emotions or anything. I’m just going to be as specific as I can be. I would like to get to know you more, I think you are very nice and I think we get along very well. Along with that it’s hard to find someone else who has the same passion for exercising as me and that’s one of the reasons I like you. I don’t know enough about you yet to say weather or not I want to ask you to be my girlfriend. I think we should meet outside the gym at some point and just get to know each other outside the gym.”

  10. Talk to a lawyer, you dont deserve that. Keep all the proof you can. She will have to split and you could probably get alimony for her cheating. When she leave again make all your moves and divorce her bitch ass

  11. You’re definitely right we have spoken about it many times, I just can’t help but feel like he’s not telling me the full truth, he said he stopped back in june because he was starting to feel guilty but I don’t really believe him because he was still looking girls up. I’m just torn weather I should stay cause he’s growing or is this a huge sign to break up and move on.

  12. And that is absolutely fine. You should be allowed to explore your past at your pace, no anyone else's. Your ex made a cruel, selfish, unilateral decision without thought or feeling for you. Don't doubt your actions for a second.

  13. I’m a marathon runner. What you’re going through sucks. Not having a spouse be supportive of a healthy life style and something that your passionate about isn’t fun. What distances are you running 5k, half marathons etc? Is there anything you can do to support his hobbies?

    I’m also wondering if you have lost weight and are to him, not the same person who he married.

  14. But we modelled different things and good values growing up. I’m still hopeful he will love me and his dad again

  15. Well… I don't think she's a good person if she believes men shouldn't ever show or have emotions. I think it's truly bizarre when people don't tear up on emotional scenes in movies. Find a girl that will sob with you lol

  16. Agree. AND she is pregnant. This could well have a huge backlash from his partner and her family. It could destroy any amicable relationship for good.

    OP, why not ask to talk to a couple’s counsellor under the guise of making things better and they can help guide a breakup? If she says no to this, then you need to just ask her if she is happy with you. Don’t say ‘I’m not happy with you’. Give her space to talk about her feelings and also express that no matter what you will support her and the child.

    It sounds like you love her but are not ‘in love’ with her. I hope she feels the same and is not blindsighted whilst pregnant.

  17. I can’t imagine her 6 months ago, especially before her diagnoses, saying something that rude to me.

    …Maybe she's just tired of your misogynist bullshit?

  18. I would ask him bluntly whether he's going to propose to you in the next 10 days. He might just lie (which is honestly cruel and unforgivable), but he might have a moment of decency and tell you the truth.

    Either way, I would start planning for what steps you'll take if/when you break up. Maybe he'll surprise you. But if he doesn't, you'll feel better with a plan.

    And for the future, remember: a proposal can be a surprise, but an engagement never should be. Even if you want a surprise proposal, the details and timeline of marriage should be thoroughly discussed and agreed on beforehand.

  19. She is not your friend. She's probably had her eye on him for a while. She used the info you told her about him against you to put a wedge between you and the guy. I have seen this many times. Move on from them both. It will be hard, but you will be better off without them.

  20. He explains that dating is a time for fun and future compatability. Marriage is when it becomes closed.

  21. No, he knows women don’t write about it. It was his disgusting passive aggressive way of letting her know he wanted his dick sucked ?

  22. As a stahm I live with my dad who's willing to help whenever and I haven't interacted with an adult unrelated to my daughter since a month or two before she was born and she was born a little over a month ago. I haven't gone anywhere without her and have been practically homebound other then appointments and seeing her dad once a week.

    I haven't been to the store since she was born I haven't gone anywhere without her and I love her but it's draining.

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