PETER AND MULAN ALWAYS READY FOR ALL // AND IN THE KEYBOARDS THIAGO for all, the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: October 17, 2022

24 thoughts on “PETER AND MULAN ALWAYS READY FOR ALL // AND IN THE KEYBOARDS THIAGO for all, the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Plenty of people are stating the first obvious major red flag being the age gap and what sounds like your basic groomer’s playbook. That doesn’t seem to phase you.

    How about having a predetermined age which she has determined is when she must be married? She’s even said if it’s not you, she’ll find someone else. She doesn’t care about marrying YOU. She wants a husband at 25. Your friends are right, you don’t know really know someone after dating 9 months. Someone that desperate to have a husband in a set timeframe is likely to not ensure that someone is a great match but to present herself as whatever “the one” looks like to someone naive enough to be manipulated by an ultimatum.

  2. Men prefer women who are not overweight/obese.

    If you can't even work on your weight, that's proof to a man that you don't love your body.

    Being overweight gives you in the long run massive health problems and destroys you mentally.

    80% of america is overweight, majority of all deaths are from heart attacks.

    Also stop being so sensitive.

  3. “How I personally think how he should feel” and drastic change in friendship are the exact same amounts of conjecture. You have no idea how he feels about his ex other than he doesn't want his friend sleeping with her, and you have no idea how that 'friendship' has changed based on this post.

    All you know is that he makes up the rules of who gets to have sex with who based on who OP has dated.

    Your flair actually gives more understanding on this particular stance considering it's a very juvenile way of thinking; having rights to someone else's sexual life based on their history.

  4. It's…. a bit of a weird thing to say. It could mean something weird or his brain could've instantly gone “nurturing? You went with nurturing? You went for a breast comment and went with nurturing?” Sometimes people say silly shit because their tongue finishes a sentence their brain hasn't formulated. Like saying good morning when you leave work in the evening, things like that.

    At the same time, you can always ask. Just because it's been a month doesn't mean you can't say “Hey, I've been running this one around in my head and I've got to know what you meant when you said my breasts look nurturing.” Doesn't even have to be a serious conversation.

  5. okay so let me get this straight, you would leave your wife with 3 kids to party with friends till late at night. Ya i can see why she was upset with that.

    I am assuming the kids are older now and so the mom can finally go out, because i bet OP never looked after his kids and now is complaining about it.

  6. Cheating is a dopamine thing. It is not a question about better sex or more love. It is to a large extend a question about excitement connected to illicit behavior.

    Therefor – especially when he is so young – it is more likely that he continues cheating. It is to a large extent a habit as well. When he is lacking excitement or a natural high – he will go into the thing he knows – which is cheating. Maybe better then drug use …

    If you want to stay with him you can – just be honest to yourself – he will cheat on you. He might not love some one else but he will have sex with others. If you accept this before you give him the chance – you can give him a chance and aim to enjoy your company for a time. He might not cheat…. If he does you are ready and it will not hurt you as much as if you believed he would not cheat.

    If you can not deal with this pressure – break up.

    Hope it helps

  7. First, I'd be flattered. Like others have said, I wouldn't keep it from him, it'd be mighty suspicious. Feel him out, maybe he'd want a threesome. Tell her to pay your 4x the normal amount and all three of you have fun and earn cash!

  8. Of even therapy doesn't bring any effects than can you really expect to finally get somewhat mature… at the ripe age of 24?

    This is what you neef to ask yourself. Is there hope she will become “normal”?

  9. I'm referring to making sure he is on the same page and timeline. She is right to do that if it is important to her.

  10. Yeah, I understand that the situation itself was already confusing (“close friends?!? I guess we were kind of close back in 2013???”). But your responses and asking her how she’s been is a very kind thing to do in general, whether you really were close friends or not. Never stop being kind, even if it’s awkward. The world needs more kindness. 🙂

  11. My conflict is whether I should continue working it through with my bf emotionally or go for the coworker that seems extremely sweet and caring. Should’ve clarified emotionally distant we’re both pretty okay with each other physically?

  12. The red flag for me is he lied about being married before. I wonder why… why hide that? I mean, my husband didn't lie to me when we met that he's been married before (and divorced obviously). Surely Kate and he have gotten a divorce, right? Or are they still legally married?

    Unfortunately, if she's not telling lies and Kate's the ex-wife, the chance is, if you get sick in the future, he'll repeat what he did with Kate. So if you do decide to stay, it shouldn't be a surprise to you. You should expect it and probably already plan ahead on what to do if you're to get seriously ill. Although, I'm assuming that guys like this, generally expects the partners to take care of them fully if they're the ones seriously ill…

    Nonetheless, if you're going to be immigrating to the US via marriage, don't you have to rely on him for at least a couple of years (financial-wise), is he ready for that? Or will he mistreat you in the middle of taking care of your paper…

    That does raise a few questions.

    Also, this thread, if not wrong won't do an AITA type of question. But, I'd say everyone can break up for any reason. Even the reason you mention above.

  13. I truly think this person is my soulmate and she thinks the same,

    Yes we all do with our first, it's normal. We all think that other people don't know shit, they don't know how special my love is, etc. But we know, we went through it.

    Did you guys ever saw each other in real life? How many times? For how long? Texting and chatting from around the world is nothing. Living together, talking about money, child and future, that's when things can become hard.

    my mother doesn't understand love

    She know what love is, she loved you all your life. She went through a lot of hardship and sacrifice for you because she love you. Until you and your GF have to go through hardship and sacrifice you won't really know if it's your soulmates or not. You know so little about your GF that you don't even know how much you don't know.

  14. ?⭐, as a mom who absolutely loves to host and cook for people! Ask your bf for ideas about a small hostess gift, and I agree witb this whole reply. I know that Thank You notes aren't what they have been in the past, but I'd recommend one. Just a couple of sentences.

  15. You continue to be focused on large companies. These are not the only companies that exist. Lots of jobs are still by word of mouth. Digitization will not replace trust.

  16. In her school they treat each other like family

    Do they really, though? I mean, I'm sure the teachers probably do, but I doubt the principal and board of governors treat the teachers like family, and they'd be quite happy to get rid of someone if they thought it would further their own agenda.

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