BMWGirll live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

14 thoughts on “BMWGirll live webcams for YOU!

  1. my abusive ex used to say i cheated on him because i hung out with a group of male friends (that he was also friends with) without him, like 2 weeks before we started dating… turns out he was accusing me of this our whole year and a half relationship, bringing it up randomly in arguments, etc… because he was cheating and was trying to justify what he was doing by saying i cheated he did this with most of my friends even my straight female best friends

  2. Info: is there a pattern to the things the women are telling you that need that you're not providing / doing that they don't like? With them wanting to come back again it's obviously not the deal breaker they originally thought, but maybe if you can work on it you can find women that are better for you. It very well could be them, but the solution to that is also working on you I think.

    And I say this as someone who needs a hell of a lot more work than you, and with a lower level job (the hell, an engineer isn't enough?).

    I'm in the process of trying to get a new psychologist but if you can speak to one who works with relationships and work on this pattern you might have some luck. Maybe stay single for a bit.

  3. I have to say I agree with you. This is really coming across like he still has feelings for his ex but doesn't want to admit it. Why else would he care what she thinks? I could see trying to be sensitive and perhaps he's a decent person who cares about his ex but this is a little over the top.

    The only reason he cares about hurting her is because deep down he still has feelings for her whether he wants to admit it or not. If I was his fiance, I would not be happy about that.

    If I were her, I would take a step back from the relationship until he figures himself out. I also told him that if he still has feelings for his ex, he should put off going forward with the wedding. People can say that they're over their exes and it's not actually the case.

    In reality they are still hung up on them and don't want to admit it. I had an ex who swore up and down that he was over his ex but he talked about her constantly and finally I broke it off because I was tired of hearing about her all the time.

    It's fine if he was telling a story and had to bring her up to tell the story once in a while but it was every day and it was practically every other sentence. I finally told him that I was done because I was not going to play second fiddle to someone who was supposedly not in his life anymore and that he needed to figure himself out.

    I honestly think that he was not over her no matter how much he tried to claim he was. His fiance does not deserve this. It's not her fault that his ex was having fertility issues and I would not want to be with someone who's still harbored feelings for their ex no matter how small. It also seems to me that he moved on pretty quick.

    It's suspicious because it seems like either he was already seeing his fiance or was already on the way out the door at least mentally. That or his fiance is actually a rebound because he was with his ex for 12 years and then moved on 6 months after they split.

    I don't know, it just doesn't sit right with me. If I was his fiance, I would be wondering why in the hell he cares about what his ex thinks? I get trying to be sensitive but he cares about hurting her and that's very telling of someone who is still harbors feelings.

  4. Because he’s doing well for himself and really pulled himself from a very bad place with drugs. Does he have issues? Yes, all of us do. However I didn’t say his personality is why I’m proud of him. That needs work.

  5. Or make it a criminal charge punishable by fines and potentially jail time, because it is literally fucking fraud and coercion. It is literally the extremist form of cheating.

  6. That might be true, I'll have to ask her about that in the morning and if it's the case then I'll drop it off at my parents house, it'll make more sense if that's why she's upset.

    I don't have stockholm syndrone, I genuinely love her and with therapy things have been getting better

  7. Please don't see her ever again and make sure she's aware that not stopping when someone says to as well as hopping on unprotected without consent are both individually sexual assault

  8. A picture can be misinterpreted, but a video… kinda hard unless her best friend managed to deepfake those.

    I would take some time to clear my head and calm down, then I would meet in a neutral ground with some backup friends in a safe distance to end things personally. If you are close with her parents, I would talk to them as well, just to make things straight.

    I’m sorry you are going through this crazy thing… as others have said, probably it was a blessing in disguise. There’s billions of people who share your values, so don’t lose hope. You’re young and this hurt won’t be your entire life. Just have patience with yourself and take the time you need to heal before you get into a new relationship.

  9. Sure I get that but I also don’t believe people should do sexual acts they do not want to do. Plenty of men don’t like to go down on women. And some of them just don’t.

  10. Homie. Personally, leave it. It might hurt, but see it as an opportunity of growth. If a person truly likes you, and values you who for you are, they wouldn’t play games with your emotions.

    There’s plenty of people in the world. Enjoy college, don’t get hung up. The right person will come along and you’ll both know when it’s that time.

    Also, yes you’re 19, your title is a bit naïve.

    All this info also coming from a young person, but older to you. Been through similar situations. Surround yourself with friends during this time. Work on yourself, your friendships, and constantly seek to improve.

    Once college is over, I personally found it much harder to make friends. Friends are just as important if not more than a mate. Good luck homie.

  11. Hmm. I dunno.

    I like doing my own thing and don’t spend all my time with my partner. I have my own hobbies and interests and volunteer work. I think he’d prefer to spend more time together but I just can’t.

    You’ll have to keep discussing it.

  12. More investigation work needed.

    Sounds like it could be an estranged marriage, technically still husband and wife but?

    Multiple things don't add up

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