Jannalbg live webcams for YOU!


Punish Me , ❤️ FUCK BOOBS [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

77 thoughts on “Jannalbg live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you should tell her not only that you spent that night together, but how he tried to make you the guilty person for “ruining his new relationship”. That's awful, he's not your friend. He just used you for sex and them tried to make you the villain in his new relationship. Extremely manipulative, he clearly knows how you feel about him and doesn't have a problem taking advantage of it. You should tell everyone and cut contact with him.

  2. So you have sat there and sucked it up just cause it was easier to keep her? Why would you want to break up ? Maybe it's a rough patch. Why would parents be on her side?

  3. Wow. I know everyone is different, but I'm 5'6″ and at 130 pounds I was getting insane migraines and passing out regularly until I got up to about 140lbs. If my bf has insisted I stay that weight I would have dumped him. You are healthy. Please don't let him influence you.

  4. thabk you so much with this kind words. Actually i was beating myself up and kept on thinking what did i do, was i a horrible girlfriend after all? But looking back, my ex always see me superficially, complimented me with the looks but not the real me, I guess when some people find you like that, its a double edge sword. But like you, one day i will find my person and I will find the right one. My friend told me i will have to kiss a lot of frogs before i find my prince.

  5. Not you completely disregarding op when she says she is okay with it. Some people actually are okay, it’s not cheating bc she’s there.

  6. You’ve only been together less than a year, you’re just not compatible. Sounds like she’s figuring some stuff out and needs to focus on herself right now. I don’t love the way she went about it but it’s over, there’s not a lot you can do but move on.

  7. Exactly. You got this. It’s also important to learn the different between “love” and “infatuation”. You’re infatuated. It’s a feeling of emergency, of deep longing and pain. Love is something 2 people build together.

    Maybe that will make you feel better. Our brains are powerful deceivers when we want something. Makes us think it’s an emergency. It’s not. And honestly? Women love a man who isn’t desperate for them, it puts less pressure on them. Inner confidence is an attractive quality. Confidence means knowing you’ll be ok with or without this person.

  8. Ew, I hate him.

    Save him as “cruel, whoring moron” in your phone, stop calling him your SO, and honestly get yourself and your kid out of that relationship.

  9. He made his bed, will he lay in it? That's up to you.

    He walked out once before, meaning he probably will do it again.

    Protect yourself, learn from your mistakes.

  10. He made his bed, will he lay in it? That's up to you.

    He walked out once before, meaning he probably will do it again.

    Protect yourself, learn from your mistakes.

  11. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan and even I'd rather go to her concert than sit through someone's long and boring graduation ceremony.

    Have a celebration with your girlfriend after your grad and tell her you hope she has a great time at the concert.

  12. This is what I call being played like a fiddle. She likes the attention not you. If she actually did like you she would have left her boyfriend by now their is a reason why she still with him and she is stringing you along

  13. Why don't you just wait until next time she goes for 30 minutes and go look for her after 15? I really doubt she's banging your SD upstairs though, the whole story seems whack…

  14. Gender roles that we have talked about and agreed in some way or the other. I want to pay for my meals. In all honesty I don’t feel confined to anything

  15. By the way, the fact that he repeatedly probes for information on any and all body parts you feel insecure about should tell you he doesn’t actually have an aesthetic opinion about your labia, so stop worrying how they look. He only pretends to have an interest in their appearance in order to get inside your head, because he enjoys emotional torture.

    Your labia are fine. Your boyfriend is ugly.

  16. You know her reaction wasn't appropriate or warranted, you know that breaking/hitting inanimate objects is often a precursor to being physically violent.

    The next time you piss her off, do you think she'll be reasonable and behave like an adult or fly off the handle and break something else? How much of your stuff being damaged with no remorse and some mental gymnastics on responsibility is worth staying here?

    I'm not saying you're an angel here, but the reaction is inappropriate at best.

  17. My mother took my fathers retirement in the divorce and he had to work until the day he died. I will never forget what she did.

  18. Yeah but you say that you started seeing your fiance a few months before the divorce was finalized. I get that you said that the marriage was over long before the divorce happened but I still think that your fiance is a rebound and that you only got with her because you wanted a kid. I still don't buy that you're not over your ex.

  19. The fact that your coworkers think that he might be a womanizer doesn't make him one! Do they possess the ability to see the future? Doubtful. Granted, personal trainers have a reputation for a reason, but generalizations are harmful. There is no way for you to know how he is unless you give him a chance. Go out with him and keep your eyes and ears wide open. Don't have sex with him right away. You'll be able to figure out pretty soon what kind of guy he is

  20. Sounds like she needs more therapy before she is ready for an intimate relationship. She initiated a kiss without consent. She did that, not you. To then argue with you about how much of a kiss she consented to when you didn't consent at all is pretty fucking ass backwards. You're setting yourself up for trouble if you pursue this relationship.

  21. Thank you…this is definitely a cover up. He probably cheated and wanted to end it at some point. The ex friend didn't and threatened to tell OP. He got ahead of it with this crazy story.

  22. Thanks for being practical, and yes I did tell him that the second he asks to borrow money from me we are through

  23. Thank you. I thought i was being too controlling but I think the nature of the concerns make it a real reason to question the relationship. I think I’ll have to draw a line in the sand. It just goes against all my values and who I am

  24. I think the way most redditors are addressing this is ridiculous.

    While I do understand the gf wanting more time, this disagreement has not been handled in the best way. Rather than conplain, knowing that he WILL be seeing his mother once he's in the same city, simply carve out an agreement on how the time will be balanced.

    He shouldn't have to feel he is “choosing” his gf over his mother, or vice versa. BUT it's only realistic that once he comes to visit, his time will be split at some point

  25. Yes, that’s true; I phrased myself poorly, but also was having a hard time fathoming that sister wouldn’t say anything to OP if it happened multiple times and was nonconsensual ? but of course that could be the case, too.

  26. “All separated by name” shit is basically gone Dewey decimal that’s how fucking many there are dude.

  27. Im not blaming her, and i doubt your bf is blaming you either. Sex/affection is something we want and have a drive for, and we can only get it from our significant others (i assume your partner is a stand up guy).

    Its not fair to put undue stress or pressure on a partner for sex, but it is a need. Its also something (for me at least) that shows i am destined and attractive to my partner. Guys typically have to take the initiative and risk the majority of rejection in dating and sex life. Its very painful, for me personally, to be rejected on a fairly regular basis, and have nowhere else to go after.

  28. Just stay the course. A break is a breakup where you're kept on a back burner anyways. She seems to have clearly been waiting for a guilt free chance to hook up with other dude. When someone immediately fucks around after separating, the other person was only ever going to be a consolation prize after testing to see if the grass was greener elsewhere.

  29. Lol, all the time on this site “it’s a perfect relationship in every way! Except for the drugs…and the rage, bootleg porn sales out of the garage, and occasional arson. But other than that, just perfect!”

  30. Yeah it’s really sad, I’ve known more than my share of people who got addicted to heroin through laced cocaine. 🙁 Some did not make it and most are still going through it.

  31. yes it's funny. It reads like a great script for an epic episode in a series about a long-suffering wife and her doofus husband. In the meantime, IRL he's just gone and torpedoed his career.

  32. I mean I get that she is moody after he fantasy of her has been crushed. But he absolutly didn't lie to her. Opinions can change. Consent can change.

    And the real problem isn't her being in a bad mood but her still trying to make him do it after he cleary expressed how uncomfortable he is with all of that

  33. I would be worried. He's being secretive, having an off behaviour… And women ft men friendships don't exist, there's almost always some ambiguity from at least one part. Hope you can have clarity!

  34. no no no. if she was truly sorry and want to work things out she’d NEVER contact that guy again. the fact that his name is saved under someone different. i know you love her, but you need to love you more and leave. you’ll find someone better.

  35. I’m gonna do the update post both on another alt and post it onto this account’s profile so people can verify it’s me positing it.

  36. He wants her pussy not to improve her career, she knows it, you know it, he knows it

    She should keep it professional, the fact she is even considering going with him is unbelievable.

  37. How long have you been together? Do you live together?

    We have a joint bank account (as well as our own separate accounts), that we both pay into for bills, etc.

    If you have something similar, ask her to put it in there instead, and use it for vacations together, or if you need to buy something big together.

  38. Your wife is a terrible person denying your child like that. I don’t know how you aren’t madder at her. I would tell her that she needs to tell everyone what a shitty human she is and that this is in fact your child. And that she cares so much about appearances that she made a kid, feel like he doesn’t have a place in his fathers home. Because she thinks she is better than everyone else. That’s what this comes down to she thinks she is better and she isn’t, she is a terrible person.

  39. Why don’t he ask his fiancée what she thinks of it? That’ll settle the debate. If he’s too afraid to ask it’s because he knows he’s in the wrong and is just trying to justify his actions.

  40. Have you met in person and do you have a relationship already in terms of friends or mutual friends, regular social interaction or crossing paths?

    Or did you creep in this person and think there is something there, when they don’t even know you exist?

  41. Obviously you are entitled to your boundaries but there's not a lot of men that age that are going to actually avoid porn. And as long as we aren't talking about human trafficking or abuse in porn, I honestly don't see what the issue is with it. You will probably be happier going forward if you don't feel threatened by porn. That being said, the way your boyfriend is handling this is immature and unsexy. No one likes being badgered for something like that. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

  42. I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 16 alright, you can't post here as a minor but i really needed help. I'm in distress and need help.

  43. He doesn’t know how to masturbate? I like sex like everyone else but I’d never bring up an open relationship. I’d dump him if I was you

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