GoldenZoey live webcams for YOU!


GoldenZoey Public Chat Channel

Date: October 16, 2022

9 thoughts on “GoldenZoey live webcams for YOU!

  1. Did you not read the post? She had been communicating with him non stop, he refuses to deal with his own family, wants her take the brunt of it and create an even more awkward situation on her own, even though its HIS issue with HIS brother. Its not up to her to manage awkward situations with HIS family, thats up to him. He’s a child throwing a tantrum that doesn’t want to communicate with anyone and would rather she run the risk of his family having issues with her because he cant deal with his issues himself. You and this guy want her to be thrown under the bus so he doesn’t have to grow up.

  2. So like. I’ve not seen or read any studies on this. But from my experience, it could be 1 or 2 things.

    you have a ph imbalances, which can be corrected and is no big deal.

    Maybe you and your BF aren’t as “compatible” as you think. There has only been a hand full of girls I had “odor” (pheromones) problems with, and I’m pretty sure it just boiled down to the fact that they either didn’t take care of themselves and their ph balance properly or we weren’t meant to be an item (again pheromones).

    That’s kinda how I look at it though anymore though.

  3. If the persons depicted in those videos were underage (which “not fully developed breasts” could indicate, though not necessarily) anyone who disseminated that data could be in serious trouble with the law.

    I wouldn’t just sweep this under the rug. But rest assured if you mention “teen porn” to a mandatory reporter, they will assume “child porn” and report.

  4. You can't control her actions. It sounds like she needs a more steady way to manage her BPD. If she can't/won't do that you need to make an ultimatum and stick with it.

    I'm assuming she is aware of how her outbursts affect you?

  5. Imagine peace. Does it look like this?

    Let him have his dumb ass girlfriend, I guarantee that will implode within a year and you have enough evidence of an affair to divorce him over.. Get the best lawyer you can find and stop worrying about his stupid ass

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