Lolajay-19 live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 16, 2022

10 thoughts on “Lolajay-19 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes if you want strict monogamy. No if you think this man is the one for you. Life is complicated, and feelings are complicated, and what any one person chooses to do comes with some reasons why your choice is good and some reasons why it might not be. No one knows what the future holds after all, we just make the best educated guesses we can.

  2. Well as for solving your situation, I think he needs to understand when things don't go well, it's not because of him or that you may want to just be left alone for certain periods of time. That's fine. My wife and I learned to be on our own while still living together.

    To maybe give you some freedom, I would try and just focus on building up your savings. Maybe taking courses to break into a better paying career/job. Avoid having kids early on and just work on yourself. Once you have the means to be independent, think hard if this is the kind of guy you want in your life. This will also help you realize that you can have the freedom that you wanted to live on your own and have new experiences.

    Your youth is something that shouldn't be wasted if this is the kind of stuff you're going to be dealing with. Stop focusing on making others happy and work on your own happiness.

  3. Wow can't believe how many people are siding with him here. Is having a flatmate not normal where you're from? I don't understand. I would rather live with a friend than a stranger.

    Also if she was going to fuck her friend, I don't really think living together or not would change anything. My bf used to live with his ex (after they split) it never worried me and never caused any issues. If something had happened I would have dumped him obviously, but again they already know each other and hang out, the living situation wouldn't have 'caused' them to sleep together, shitty morals does that – just my perspective anyway

    He either trusts you or he doesn't

  4. You don’t get addicted (chemically) to weed, and you don’t stop an addiction by flushing their supply down the toilet.

  5. Your husband is an AH. I hope Sara reports him to HR. You should seriously consider your relationship with him going forward. He's a creep. And he's lying saying it was “joke”. If it was all innocent, he wouldn't have hid her name under a man's name and he wouldn't have been such a creep.

  6. Nothing to save. You blew it. That early on trust is extremely fragile. In 6 months you shattered her trust, how can you expect her to move forward in trustful way?

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