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PennyPrincesslive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “PennyPrincesslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you! I was about to say. Are we living on different planets? Some strippers are very handsy and DO offer sexual favors. lol

  2. If I were you, I wouldn't have another conversation. Your mother made her point very clear. She is unwilling to change her mind and will do anything to make it seem like everything is your fault and that you are the only problem in this scenario.

    And she'll never change because the only way she could change is to take ownership of her actions and it's so much easier for her to just blame you. So that's what she does.

    You need to get out and cut her out of your life. I know that it's not easy. I had to do it myself, though not for the same reasons you do. You need some time for yourself to deal with everything that you have gone through in a therapy environment. Honestly, if you're tired of the same thing happening over and over again then you shouldn't have any contact with her because there is little chance that she would ever stop.

    You need to take care of yourself first, even if it means that you won't take care of her.

  3. Refer her to therapy so she can develop a healthier approach? Don’t play into it?

    Honestly, while I know that these styles exist, I feel like some people identify them and then use them as an excuse for behaving poorly in a relationship instead of using that information to begin working towards a healthier approach.

    You shouldn’t have to accommodate her issues. Especially not at this stage of a relationship.

  4. Agreed. It seems OP is realizing their partner went for someone much younger because of their inability to be as mature as people their own age. Sex should not be what your marriage is focused on. I'd recommend couples counseling if you really want this to work out

  5. Well I mean his Facebook post that I saw was celebrating them getting engaged on their third anniversary.

  6. I'm honestly so thankful that my husband and I have matching sex drives, which means we have a lot of sex

  7. I’m very frustrated as it is an activity we used to enjoy together and she used to enjoy very much. I didn’t know that she was enjoying less as time went on. She would usually say she was to tired to bother. I can see being tired as we both have been exhausted due to taking care of kids and I work full time. She is stay at home mother and I know that’s a lot of work too. I’m not sure what changed. She only ever wanted the same three positions and never wanted to try anything I wanted to try. She was my first and I was her second as she was married/divorced before.

  8. And? She probably does want to be with you. Once or twice a week. And then she wants to be with someone else another day. And then a friend a different day. She clearly said she doesn’t want a relationship, so you need to respect that. What she is doing is being honest with you, so you need to decide if that’s something you can deal with or not.

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