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mia_deviillive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat mia_deviil

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Date: October 12, 2022

35 thoughts on “mia_deviillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I wouldn’t consider it cheating since you were separated, but separation is different for everyone. In my mind, a separation means you are not in a physical or psychological relationship. However it is defined for you and your wife, though, does not take away the expectations you had. If, for you, her sleeping with someone bothers you, the separation was successful: you found out you were on different pages. But the conclusion regardless seems to be it’s over.

  2. I know people like this. Mark my words he will try to cheat on her with you after they become official. Then later he’ll meet someone new and the cycle will continue. He’s being gross. Share your body and time with someone cool

  3. Your posted definition of grooming includes brushing hair. I don’t think you’re using the correct definition.

    A paper released by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is where I got my definition.

  4. People are really sick with this “he's too old for you” crap. Granted he sounds shady af and OP should cut him loose, but it's either a cop out or a personal hang up to say he's too old. There are plenty of legitimate reasons, just from the short description she gave, to know that he's up to no good. Being “old” has nothing to do with it.

  5. “it was my wife's birthday and I asked her what she wanted, she said a nice bubble bath as she was tired from work, when she got home I hadn't made a bath, instead she found me with my cock out, she got upset at me… Wtf guys!!!1” yeah I can see you defending that scenario……

    You're comparing apples and oranges, because surprise nudity from women and men basically is an apples and oranges situation. People are rarely pleasantly surprised to find a cock out, and people are often pleasantly surprised by tits.

    An actual emotionally equivalent situation would be if her husband had tried to surprise her with something he expected her to actually want (i.e. not “surprise cock”) like a romantic evening just the two of them or something. If she had reacted to that with “eww, lame” his feelings would have been hurt. That's all the happened here; she tried to approach him with something she expected him to like, he reacted extremely negatively, now her feelings are hurt. Is any of that his fault? No. Should a good partner try to mitigate the hurt feelings anyway? Yes.

  6. I slept in the same bed as my wife who had covid and was there to take care of her the whole time. Would have gladly caught it myself so she wouldn’t be alone.


  7. “I also haven't spoken about this with my guy”

    That is a huge mistake.

    Communication is key. Tell him how uncomfortable this makes you feel.

    If he's worth his salt as a partner he'll shut that shit down without ever mentioning you said a word.

  8. It's clearly going to take more than a day to recover from this. The man's whole world came crashing down. He probably won't be ok for quite some time. All you can do is be there for him.

  9. Let it go. If someone wants to be with you, they will. They won’t be cheating with anyone else either. He’s immature and you deserve better.

  10. You’re going to call a woman hitting a guy raping her mutual abuse? Wtf.

    A man screaming and throwing a fit at his wife after finding out she was cheating is mutual abuse?

    Are you a robot? Are you completely devoid of normal human emotion?

    I’m done replying to you. This isn’t how the real world works.

  11. So you're moving to an area not of your choice and agreeing to pay “at least half the rent” where he gets half a bedroom PLUS a whole room for gaming, and you get, what? Drunks or druggies showing up and camping in your living room?

    Don't move in with this man. It's already stressing you out and you haven't moved yet. Living alone would be infinitely better.

  12. Yes, she definitely had an emotional affair with this guy. When she starts taking time and energy and emotion from your relationship and start giving it to somebody else, that is an emotional relationship she needs to have a very strong barrier set in if it’s a coworker then she needs to leave her job to stay with you, she needs to have her phone completely open and available to you and she needs to be greatly remorseful for what she did. She goes through therapy to find out why she had this emotional affair with this other guy. Good luck my friend.

  13. YOU did nothing wrong! Your pos husband, and that witch did! They manipulated both you, and the witch's husband into a situation neither of you really wanted to be in to begin with when all either of them really cared about was fucking each other “without it being cheating”. If your husband really loved you, first he would have told that witch to fuck off as soon as she asked, but he's a pos so he didn't. All he thought about was his own dick. If he really loved you, he would have realized you were uncomfortable, stopped everything immediately, took you, and got you the fuck out of there instead of being so focused on getting his dick wet with that witch. If your husband really loved you he would be ripping that witch apart for the shit she is doing to you now. He would also be blocking her from contacting either of you. Your husband is not butt hurt because he realized he didn't like it when another man touches you, but instead of owning up to it, he's being a dick to you instead because. Well because at the end of the day he's a self centered asshole who only thinks of his needs, and wants, not how they effect other people.

    The witch is pissed because she wasn't the center of her husband, AND your husband's attention. She's jealous that you weren't completely thrown to the side by both guys. She never wanted you included to begin with. She just wanted an excuse to fuck your husband without “cheating” on her husband.

    My advise, tell her to fuck off, forward all the shit she's saying to her husband so he can see for himself what she's doing then block her. As far as your husband, I think you know. He's shown you just how little you mean to him based on the above I listed out for you. Stop sleeping with him, get your stuff in order, and divorce him. You'll be faced with this crap again if you let his lack of respect, and love for you to continue. Before you asked, no you didn't do this for nothing. You did this to finally see your husband for the selfish ass he really is. I'm sorry.

  14. Discuss with your wife ground rules and follow them. Maybe with both of them, run that by wife first. Follow them

    Treat it as a one off and enjoy. Be complementary to both women. Say thank you during

  15. Do I understand right that the only time you get to do your hobbies is when he is home and that is never on a fixed schedule or for a large amount of time?

    If you do have the ability to go out independent of your husband then if he is ok with a housekeeper as long as you're there then it should be fine right? Don't really know what your day-to-day life is but maybe the housekeeper could come by and do all the house except the kitchen and you meal prep during that time so you have healthy things ready to go. (just an example to address his nitpicks)

    If you don't then I think that's a problem. Sure, you agreed to take care of the house and children but if you are not allowed to do anything for yourself outside of him being home caring for the children I think that is unreasonable.

    Second, you mentioned in another comment how you feel you'd be shunned by others if you divorced him (specially your parents). If those friends shun you for divorcing so you are happier they are not good friends. Also, your parents divorced so they shouldn't get an opinion on it either. Related to that, you can ask in a different reddit or read online but lots of kids wished their parents divorced when it was clear they hated each other. Not saying that's your situation but staying together doesn't automatically mean your kids are having a better life than if you divorced.

    Finally, I think that you are being a bit hard on yourself for the whole “I agreed to do this”. Are a few PB+J sandwiches damaging to your kids? No. Is an occasional dirty dish making the house horrible? Probably not. There are levels to taking care of the house and children and I think just because you agreed to it doesn't mean you agreed to basically become the perfect (possibly unachievable) mother who does complex meals from scratch for each mealtime and cleans the house spotless every single day.

    Last thing actually, maybe you could attend therapy (virtually I suppose) to see if they can guide you better through what you are feeling and help you get to a place where you are happy.

  16. It takes you 20 minutes to leave your building?

    Also I don’t understand why that would stop you from going outside to smoke. It just sounds like an excuse to minimize your actions

    It doesn’t matter how “small” it is. She asked you not to do X, you agreed and did it anyways. She broke up with you

  17. If he's suicidal he shouldn't be handling his own health care really. Was he a mental health professional? If it gets bad he should be checked in for monitoring. Voluntarily or involuntarily. That's a tough call to make though, but a necessary one if he's a threat to himself

  18. It hasn't even been 6 months, you don't even know her yet. You guys are moving way too fast. Good for her for pursuing her education. And you wouldn't be wrong to not be ok with LDR. It just means you're not compatible. Kind of weird she hadn't brought up the possibility of moving but it is what it is. Shouldn't have moved on so quickly and made long term plans.

  19. Just spit balling here, you could always tell him “i was talking to my parents about my memories about Russia when I was really little and they laughed at me! I thought I was born there and moved to the US when I was 4. Turns out I fabricated it all in my head! What do I do??” Although this does open up the possibility of discussing it with your parents at some point…

    Honesty is the best policy ?

  20. Get an attorney first and before you make a decision about visitation with her. Call and get an appointment with a family therapist to help you make that best decisions for your daughter and to prepare her and yourselves should the ex go to court for visitation.

  21. Just say ‘so hey, uhh, it’s awkward but I’ve forgotten your name. I’m so very sorry & it’s an awful habit. Please don’t think bad of me’ and I hope she’s okay about it. Because honesty is the best way forward

  22. Huh? Used sales are as is. We have no idea what that person did to the clutch in a few days. Maybe they don't know how to drive standard and ruined the clutch? You can ruin one in ten minutes. Three days with the car is a long time

  23. Pouring myself into school/work is definitely my priority right now. I'm done always putting his needs before my own.

  24. Dealing with trauma is hard, but you can't make your current partner pay for what your previous one did to you. Don't bring baggage from past relationships to a new one, only bring the lessons. I think asking not to give out her phone number to guys is a very reasonable boundary. Expecting her not to find other guys attractive is not however. Walking out like you did is somewhat immature and shows your insecurities. Discuss boundaries, reasonable ones, and respect them. When something happens that crosses a line, file it and discuss it later in private, if it can't wait, go somewhere private. Communicate with your partner, don't run away in resentment.

  25. He will always cheat. Better to get out now with just a few years spent than further down the track with more time and commitment. Take this as a life lesson and throw the whole damn man out.

  26. If it’s only been a year and he already has one foot out the door, leave. This is sketchy behavior and you deserve someone who will be more respectful of their commitment to you.

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