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7 thoughts on “your_little_girl7live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. u/looking4happyending, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I broke up with my ex recently and he played a huge role comforting me.

    To be honest, I think most people typically lean on their parents, family, maybe one select friend they've known for a decade and a half, in this scenario.

    This sounds awfully like a rebound to me, also sounds a bit codependent. In other words excessively enmeshed without clear roles or expectations.

    If you're going to jump into a rebound relationship, then it least have some self-awareness and discipline and don't do it with a presumed friend. (Also don't rebound with one of your coworkers. Just no.)

    It's not a crime to not know what you want, But if so, I would suggest you at least decide what you don't want. Hopefully one can understand a few of the reasons why trying to date one's friends is a bad idea.

    We got pretty close, talking a lot, hanging out every other day. Until suddenly, I was the one constantly asking to hang out and him being late or cancelling a lot.

    Being physically and emotionally available is boring and unsettling to him. He feels secure with women whom he knows aren't available to him. Being too available triggers icky feelings.

    When we did hang out, he'd sometimes smell my hair, tell me I looked really good and that he loved my voice and believed in me.

    So you've both got boundary-confusion issues.

    This isn't the way you treat a friend, when you've given nothing to clearly indicate that you actually want to date that person.

    Other days, he'd say that I needed to lose weight and I wasn't feminine.

    Yeah…….This guy isn't your “Friend.”

  3. I would not recommend holding your addict partner’s hand during a home detox. I tried and failed to be my heroin addict bf’s nurse many times. Let me just say you are not an addiction specialist or a medical professional, or a therapist and you will be in the position to be all of those tings if a home withdrawal situation doesn’t go as planned.

  4. He already voided the option of therapy when he kept her around to get it out of his system for a while not to give you time to think. He has been doing this a while it seems like this is not the first time. He will do it again. Please for your sake and especially for your childrens emotional development and future – divorce him. Safe your evidence and file first!!!!!! Don’t think about the mountain of fear and change you have to live moment by moment day by day with the only goal to be away from that horrible betrayal to you and your family. She is disgusting too don’t even communicate or respond to her. You should stay in your family home and do not tell him your plans but file! File! File! He can see his children still but this way they get to also see what they should never tolerate happening to them when they are grown and to see their mother respected and happy and loved the way she deserves!!! Even if that means just loving yourself enough to choose yourself and them!

    This was no fling and this is not due to mental illness, he is reacting so calm and calculated and seems to already assume you’re going to let him get away with it manipulating your love for him and your family and it is wrong.

  5. It seems like you lack empathy and understanding for people who do have higher sex drives and like sex. You will not be able to have a successful relationship with someone who values sex if that’s how you feel about it. You need to be upfront with people when dating that you don’t care about sex and will probably rarely want to have it and let them make that choice. Try looking for others who identify as asexual.

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