Tommy Joyer the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Tommy Joyer, 18 y.o.


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Tommy Joyer live sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

33 thoughts on “Tommy Joyer the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. There is no real answer. The only answer here is that this is one of those big decisions that ends relationships. If she is absolutely dead set on wanting more kids and you are firm about not wanting anymore, that is a split. It's not fair to her as much as it isn't fair to you.

  2. this is NOT NORMAL. This is a very controlling thing to do and if you let this behavior continue he will only escalate. He may say it won’t happen again, but with something like this, that sounds more like a manipulation tactic to keep you around longer. This is a huge red flag and you should definitely consider breaking up with him.

  3. He would be more interested in your body if he thought you were sharing it with someone else. (JK). Try to get him to have an adult conversation about what he’s actually feeling, and see if he will tell you what has changed? This is going to take a lot of communication from both sides. Best of luck to you.

  4. Have you ever asked about childhood? Is this learned behavior? A result of food uncertainty? Some things happened when I was a kid that don't cause me a lot of problems but every now and then, I get weird about food. My husband caught on pretty fast and alerts me.

  5. Hello /u/GlitteringWriting483,

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  7. This is all just so confusing to me. It’s just all so soon and despite her saying to keep it “professional” there is still a lot of “personal.” I’m having a really hard time with it because I am still in love but expected to act as all is normal. I also know if I don’t then there is no future..

  8. She knows about you and was covering for him. It's why he had to cut her off before she could keep talking.

    Get all the proof you can and then leave. You deserve better

  9. Hahaha man imagine if this poster was a man whining about not being able to simply abandon his child “because we discussed this” and fantasizing about leaving the state so he wouldn't have to deal with it.

    Sorry hon that's not how it works. You have a child. A living, breathing human entity who you birthed and you are responsible for whether you feel like it or not. The child doesn't go away because “we, like, talked about this”.

  10. We got pills to address the erection issues, but I think it’s more that I don’t feel desired by him. I enjoy his companionship, but when I rub his back or his arm, he goes stiff. Doesn’t ever touch me in a romantic way which FEELS like it’s because he’s not trying to excite me. If that makes sense. He told me a while ago he stopped watching porn in order to see if that could remedy what was going on. It lasted for all of a week, maybe 2? Now it’s just a conversation that we seem to be avoiding.

  11. Im sorry Buddy you’re a Placeholder boyfriend, you know why because people believe it or not people love to be with people they actually like

  12. Even someone pursuing their PhD has time to text more than once every few days. He’s not interested ENOUGH for you, so you should stop trying to make excuses for him.

    Look at it this way: if you two ever actually get together, you’ve already set the expectation that you don’t need any kind of affirmation, attention, or communication. Great. How can you expect anything more than what he shows at the very beginning?

    Instead of thinking about what he could be “if” you were together/he weren’t in school/had constant access to each other, focus on yourself and what you ideally want in a new partner. If he’s not that, the reasons for it don’t matter.

    The fact is that you want something different than he’s offering, end of sentence.

    This doesn’t make him a bad person or an asshole, he’s just not what you’re looking for.

  13. Your gf trickle truthed you. She lied about the biggest and worst part of it and came clean after telling you nothing happened. She allowed herself to go into a situation knowing that sex would be on the table (an overnight visit with a friend, is she 12 again? anyway..).

    Your trust should be damaged. IDC how many tears she cries, she is crying because she knows she fucked up and because tears are the easiest way to get you to forgive her. I think you have a loose goose and this will be an intermittent problem for you to deal with where she withholds important information.

  14. If this is what he's like about trying to have a baby then it will be 100x worse if you have a kid. It will all fall on you, he will do the bare minimum, you will resent him and be more miserable than you are already. Do you both a favour and call it quits now. DO NOT GET PREGNANT WITH A MAN WHO DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH!!!!

  15. That’s what’s got me on all this I get be annoyed that I was a bit selfish but don’t punish me for thinking differently to how she was. I even tried to make amends by arranging babysitters for my kid and her younger ones to take her out for dinner tonight sent an apology with chocolates telling her to be ready by a set time for me to pick her up and she rejected it!

  16. The title of this made me physically recoil. My parents used to hit me with a hairbrush and it was fucking awful, it feels degrading as hell, I’m sorry that happened to you.

    Please, leave him. This is emotional and physical abuse. It will not improve, and even if it did, you should not forgive him for this behaviour. He has no one to blame but himself, you have done nothing wrong. Please leave before he gets worse.

  17. I wish you the best. Life is too short to carry on with situations that just aren’t good enough. Find happiness.

  18. Yeah you either need to kick this asshole to the curb or give him a taste of his own medicine. Some people don’t truly understand how something is hurtful until they experience it themselves. You could spend a day picking out all the things he says differently and then making fun of them. Tell him he’s dumb for saying it however he says it and laugh at him and insist that he is wrong. When he gets upset and asks you to stop, tell him he needs to promise never to do it to you again or you are out. If he continues after that be out.

  19. I think ending it was for the best. She doesn't believe in compromise and wasn't willing to work with you and that isn't healthy in a relationship.

  20. Tbh it sounds like you have been somewhat isolated together for three years. The sudden change and interactions with others might have made her question her life and relationship with you. However it's hard to tell. As others suggested your relationship might be over. Consider therapy both for yourself and as a couple if you can still save it.

    There is also another explanation for her sudden change that is common on this forum, cheating. There is both the possibility that she met someone she is interested in during those three days and that she actually hooked up with someone. Cheating usually comes with a sudden change in behavior.

  21. This is fake AF. It’s been 3 years, no sex, but you’re divorced, you live together, and sleep in the same bed?! Nope. Don’t buy it. Karma farming.

  22. I was going to get tested but I just could not bare the thought of going through a Pap smear straight after everything came out, I was so angry. I struggle with Pap smears as it is and after my baby was born (I had a traumatic birth) I really put it off.

  23. Chapter 3: this time a VIDEO was sent to me but I can't tell if it's her cause it's blurry but it looks like there's a tattoo on the woman that she recently got

  24. To the person being left, whether an unhealthy woman or an unemployed man, the reason their partner left them matters fuck-all.

    The study doesn't attempt to offer reasoning. It only illustrates the existence (or the absence) of a regularity.

    Women leave men when men lose their jobs.

    Men, on the other hand, don't leave women when women lose their jobs.

    Similarly, men leave women when their long-term health is threatened while women stick by their men in the same situations.

    In neither case is causality definitively linked, but nonetheless, it can be readily inferred.

  25. I'm sorry OP but cheating is cheating. If you were BI and slept with men behind her back would that be okay with her? I highly doubt it. I'm sorry that you have wasted 3 years with her. Please don't waste any more time in this relationship.

  26. I'm actually not bitter at him at all for the break up. I actually don't really feel anything at all about it? I'm a little sad, but I think I've actually already mourned the loss of our relationship after something happened about 3 months ago, I think I knew at that point that it was time to let go. It broke my heart to pieces. But now, it's like I feel so little it's sad. So no, it wouldn't be to get back at him. Just a way to feel pleasure and have fun

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