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5 thoughts on “angel_luisalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He is a pos of cheat, stop begging him he doesn't want you and your embarrassing yourself, never let a man tell you twice he doesn't won't you, why the hell would you want him back?? He fucked around on you god knows how many times and ghosted you?? Does that sound like a winner to you ??‍♀️??‍♀️ block his number, go out with friends enjoy your life, you will meet someone, my petty arse would take pictures kissing and cuddling up to some lad lol and post it on my IG or FB, but I'm petty like that ??‍♀️?

  2. When my husband and I picked my ring, I shopped the sales and clearance section—but we do that for almost everything. We hate paying full price for stuff. He set the budget based on what he felt comfortable with and I showed him what I liked within that range. I just don’t understand the need to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on a ring when that kind of money could be used on a house. Your gf’s expectations are a glimpse of what the future will be like.

  3. Well, I was in a similar situation once. My (now ex) bf and I had been dating almost three years and were due to move in together at the end of the summer. However I switched gears when I started to have feelings for someone else. I wasn't sure how much longer I wanted to commit to the relationship and didn't want to sign a lease if I thought things might end between us.

    I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but it might be worth it to ask if she's having doubts about the two of you being together long term.

  4. So you started dating your fiancée when she was 18 years old, we’ve survived a pandemic, and she had a whole baby, and you’re upset that she doesn’t look 18 anymore?

    Your post is dripping with condescension and disrespect. There’s no hope for this relationship when you’re using words like “gut,” “lazy,” “glutton,” “eats like a child” to describe the woman you’re supposed to be in love with. At this point it would be kinder to break up and transition to a coparenting relationship. You’re being crueler to her now by pretending to love her while being secretly disgusted by her. Over time you’ll only grow to resent her even more for not being the person you want her to be. Give both of you a chance to be happy apart.

  5. I hope she reads this bc if she does, I can guarantee you won't have a bride or wife. You're not mature enough to get married. Especially if you can't compromise and literally twist her words like this. When everyone is saying that's not what she said, THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE SAID.

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