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aura_kisslive sex stripping with hd cam


35 thoughts on “aura_kisslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You seem weirdly obsessed with both of these ladies, and I have no clue what their skin colour has to do with anything

  2. Well I'm glad that you have (maybe?) realized that it was extremely immature of you to tell your family about your salary. That is just not something you do and, as someone who has done very well with stock options, it is true that it is not real money until it vests.

    Stop trying to prove your worth or gain respect by telling people how much you earn. It's crass and makes you look foolish.

  3. that’s the thing, it just made me feel confused at first, you could say that I was a little uneasy because it never happened to me

  4. She is more right than you are. Cheating happens one step at a time and then rationalizations start. You should take active steps to avoid risky situations AND have principles. It’s both/and not either/or. You should also take steps to ensure her peace of mind.

  5. Please find a vet, try to find another family for your dog or even surrender him to a shelter. Shelters are full now so there is a risk of euthanasia so try to find a family to adopt him. But shelter can be a last resort.

  6. I understand the dilemma . It morally right to tell the wife whom is someone you know, but the fact your husband brings up makes it understandable to be very careful how you deliver it. You could use a throw away email, or social media fake account ( Facebook, if, etc) or even a burner phone. You really have. To pay to dollar to trace those things which I doubt she or he would do. I the fact is to cover your tracks because as your husband is aware this could affect your own household financially, which I know you wouldn't want. Sometimes we put morals AFTER reality which I in no way would put someone down for. You have kids and household to maintain yourself so the fact that this affects you too is insane. Cover your tracks and you'll be good. You could even have mail delivered to her job, just a thought.

  7. Go and read OP's post again, because he never said they had a bad relationship. In fact OP explained their relationship was excellent apart from the lack of sex.

    Now it maybe that in the future they're relationship will get worse, but it could equally get better. OP has a young child and that puts a lot of strain on a relationship, but things get easier when kids get older and stop demanding 100% of your attention.

    You shouldn't project a one-size-fits-all model of relationships on every person that asks a question here; you need to listen to what people actually say.

    If OP had said him and his partner had a terrible relationship then maybe I'd agree with you, but that wasn't the case.

  8. Big ones do hurt. And can make you tear and bleed. I had to break up with a guy because of his monstrous dick. I just couldn't do it. It hurt so much and I'd bleed afterward for days. He's not thinking about this logically.

  9. Nah, you didn't understand all my words if I had to point out key words in my sentences that went against what you said.

    Yeah, I implied it, get over it.

    She's 51, for gods sake. If she doesn't respect hers space by this age, what number do you view as being stuck in her ways? 81? Life expectancy of women in the USA is 77. Chances are she'll be gone by that time.

    This is life as her mom knows it, chances are this is how it is.

    What is it with you people on this subreddit, don't you have better things to do besides trying to 'correct' people's comments.

    You literally said the exact same shit I did:


    You are not obligated to be your mother's caretaker.

    But if you feel you can't leave, buy a lock and put it on your door.

    Hey, why should she move if she can talk it out with her mom?

    Hey, why should she buy a lock if she can talk with her mom?

    Congrats, we arrived at the same outcome with different paths.

    Thank you for your valuable input on my comment, glad we had this conversation.

  10. Obviously you didn’t, you kissed her for Pete’s sake like damn. It obviously wasn’t involuntary because it’s been for the entire relationship with your gf. Like you are actually garbage. You and the sister

  11. I am so happy you understood. I don't know what popped in my head yesterday and I typed that. I just-just said that my mom likes it absentmindedly. It has nothing to do with her having the final choice about me or anything. It's all about me and my gf now apparently

  12. This gives me hope! I have to reserve most of my energy and strength just to look after my kids. I can barely pick up my 30lb one year old and I can no longer keep him still if he gets wiggly during a diaper change. I've dislocated my thumb numerous times trying.

  13. i guess it’s hard to say if you should view him differently if you can’t even identify what this says about his character. To me it’s a little childish to be so hung up on it. Why do you care if it happened long ago ?

  14. Seriously, “family lines” are barely a thing to begin with. For centuries, adoptions have been a thing, even undocumented ones. I've been watching clips from that PBS show “Find your Roots” where celebrities are being told their family tree, and at least two (including Julia Roberts) have been told that their ancestor was not actually part of the bloodline.

    It just proves repeatedly, that family is not a NAME or BLOOD, but what we make it with the people that we love. THIS is what should be important.

  15. I said that and it did not end well. She threw it on me and said she can’t be married to someone as crazy as me. I’m far from crazy but this whole thing has just got me going ballistics

  16. girl, you emotionally abused him stop trying to get him to get over it on your timeline. Abused people are often never the same.

  17. I did what i had to do, she wasnt compromising on anything so that was the last thing i could do and i did it and im glad i did it. I lost a person who didnt care, who sxually and mentally abused me, who liedand manipulated me, gaslit me , kept me hidden from Her friends, disrespected me in front of them.

    Im glad i made that threat then.

  18. Grrr. Okay so what does he say when you call him out on it? What’s his “reason”?

    I would work with a couples counselor if you want to try to “fix” things, else get an attorney and make your exit plan.

  19. It would be an extremely good start, and also a good way to learn who your real friends are. “He wouldn’t stop sending me dick pics and pressuring me for nudes after I repeatedly told him no, so I’m not dealing with him anymore” is all a good friend would need to hear.

    And awkward social dynamics are a part of life. The alternative is just to put up with predatory behavior for the sake of surface-level optics. You can’t “cool girl” your way out of being called crazy or dramatic for unjustified reasons in the long term, just because you’re willing to protect him with your silence on this one.

    Developing the courage to speak up, even if it makes things hella awkward, is a basic building block of genuine self-respect. Yes, there might be some short-term social fallout and pain, but that’s just life, and something you’ll eventually have to deal with if you ever intend to seriously respect your own boundaries.

  20. Even if this guy was great, if you felt this way about him so early on, you have every right to leave the relationship.

    Further, you're not only doing yourself a disservice, you're doing him one. Choosing to move in with someone you already don't like messes both of your lives up. Note you like him even less and are still sticking around wasting everyone's time

  21. In the beginning, he was in a position of power. You were vulnerable, he felt needed, useful. Over time, you grew more powerful, more independent, strong and resourceful. Now he feels weak, threatened by your confidence and assertiveness in exploring your talents. It may be that coming from a place of vulnerability originally, you both had more in common at that time than now. Now he just feels you slipping away along with the former codependence. Please know, there is nothing wrong with froth and change. There is a lot wrong with some peoples inability to support and accept it. It is ok to set boundaries, and it is also ok to let go. My words to live by are these” for ANY relationship in your life, if you do not feel like a better person for it, if you don’t feel supported and encouraged to be your best self, there is no place for it.” All the best to you. Our hurts are part of us, but they don’t have to define or limit us. Life your best life, it’s too short to be unhappy.

  22. That’s called emotional manipulation. Each time you give in, you lose some of yourself and give him more power. Stop believing his bs and leave.

  23. I wouldn't go that far.

    It's normal to get tied up about unresolved problems from previous serious relationships. Not to the level op is going of course.

    I fully expect to have some weird thoughts the first time I see my ex wife out with a new partner, despite everything she put me through, and how bad I know our relationship was in every fiber in my being. I'm happy and with someone where there are many good things, including mutual respect. Which was never in my previous relationship. But still, almost a decade of relationship doesn't just evaporate

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