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Irina_riidlive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Irina_riidlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm sorry you are going through this.

    I would definitely freeze some sperm. Just so it's there if she wants to have a child.

    Marriage is a tricky thing nowadays. Your debt will fall on her. It's sad, shitty, but true. Get a domestic partnership, which is similar, but can be broken at anytime, and won't leave that stress. Unless if you have no debt of course, then it isn't an issue.

    Is it stage 4 metastatic colorectal?

    You technically have a 65% survival rate. If it is localized, your odds are higher. I know we as humans want to plan for the worst, but as someone who has had cancer patients under my care, these things are averages based off of mass groups of people. Everyone is different. Don't give up that hope yet.

  2. it makes no logical sense.

    Yes it does.

    You gotta remember that to some people, sex in itself is super personal and they would rather have that with someone and it stay between them so the knowledge that someone you know also knows what it's like to be with the person you're with, isn't comfortable. It's not insecure, it's a literal preference as you yourself stated.

    Where is the line drawn? Friend? Best friend? Sibling? Cousin? Co-worker? Etc. Some people reading this wouldn't care who their partner slept with while other care but only to a few like their sibling or family and others like you draw the line much further out at friend.

    It's reality.

  3. it makes no logical sense.

    Yes it does.

    You gotta remember that to some people, sex in itself is super personal and they would rather have that with someone and it stay between them so the knowledge that someone you know also knows what it's like to be with the person you're with, isn't comfortable. It's not insecure, it's a literal preference as you yourself stated.

    Where is the line drawn? Friend? Best friend? Sibling? Cousin? Co-worker? Etc. Some people reading this wouldn't care who their partner slept with while other care but only to a few like their sibling or family and others like you draw the line much further out at friend.

    It's reality.

  4. Oh honey. He's been sleeping with other people for 14 years, and it sounds like he's gaslit you into thinking that you agreed to an open relationship. From how you're describing it, it sounds like he managed to convince you that a lot of it is your fault or not an issue.

    You misunderstood the conversation about being open, therefore you should accept it and move on? You're telling me he thought you were in an open relationship for 14 years and NOT ONCE did he mention anybody he was seeing or who you were seeing? Its not like it happened once… he slept with people multiple times a month for FOURTEEN YEARS.

    You wanted to be exclusive, he wanted an open relationship, but somehow its your fault that you're not exclusive because “you refused to get on board with his plans?”

    I'm sorry, but it really sounds like you were gaslit here into believing his narrative. You knew how you felt about the relationship and what you thought the relationship was, and you shouldn't let him redefine the last 14 years for you.

    Look, you've dated for 14 years. If he was serious about you and wanting to make sure the relationship is healthy and happy, I can't imagine he wouldn't let this whole thing slide under the radar and undiscussed for 14 whole years. I can't imagine he wouldn't have AT LEAST once checked in… make sure everything was still okay and that you're headed down the right path. I think you need to step back objectively, trying to not be biased towards all the time you've spent with him, and really assess the situation for what it was.

    Good luck

  5. he won't be getting notifications if it's uninstalled.

    if the account is disabled but the app is still installed they'd push him notifications to tempt him to come back, but not if it's uninstalled. it simply cannot do that.

  6. Honestly, for me, it’s because I know what it looks like when you’re just coming off your period, or when you’re right about to get it. It can be either clots, or brown and dried. It’s not dirty or shameful, we just respect you enough to know you probably don’t want that in your mouth. Especially by surprise. I couldn’t relax enough for it to be worth it, and your wife probably feels the same.

    And by “fertile window” do you mean she only lets you do it for 5 days a month? Or just for a few days before and after her period?

  7. I don’t understand what help you need. He’s controlling and abusive. Break up with him.

    There, helped.

  8. Definitely. I just want to go to work in peace, not deal with stuff like this at all. As I said, I can be cool with coworkers but anything more is a huge no for me. I just hate when people think they can test me like that because then again it makes me uncomfortable and feel disrespected to how someone can disrespect my boundaries

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So background. We have been together for almost 7 years. At the start everything was pretty rocky (my fault) but the bedroom chemistry was off the charts.

    Fast forward to now. She feels like we have hit the roommate stage. We have two kids together and our bedroom chemistry has plummeted. I cannot perform nearly as well as I used too and she has also gone down in participation in the bedroom.

    We had a discussion about it after two months of literally zero contact. (Roughest two months of my life) She said that she is open to the idea of me having a one night stand to see if the issue really is me or if the issue is her.

    I am by no means okay with this. Not by a F-ing mile. I would never be okay with someone touching her at all so I am for damn sure not about to go sleeping with some random hookup.

    However she has informed me that we can either keep going with the roommate phase as she feels it until it goes away and we get better. Or I sleep with someone and we get the answer to the main problem quickly.

    I have reluctantly come to Reddit for the assistance because I am just beyond words of confused and anxiety ridden.

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