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swissarrow3live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “swissarrow3live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Dude if you feel like giving up and walking away because of the perceived hypocrisy on your wife’s part, but you don’t want to for the sake of your kids, you are only going to end up angry and resentful of your wife AND your kids someday, if you stay, and you don’t get your wife on board with wanting to save your marriage.

    You and your wife should be partners. Not roommates trading off babysitting duties. Full on partners. Communicating like partners. Doing things for each other, not in spite of each other.

    Of course it’s healthy for you both to have your own friends, and to spend time with those friends. But it’s not healthy for either of you to do that in a way that makes the other unhappy. It’s also not healthy to roll through married life with an attitude of “you got yours, now it’s my turn.”

    Get you and your wife to counseling together. At least then you’ll know if your marriage is salvageable.

  2. I think this too! He constantly says he’s too tired from work and never having a proper rest day, but I just think he sounds so lazy and childish. Everyone works and has kids and manages somehow, yet he’s constantly tired and can’t be arsed.

  3. Oof, if he thinks that's disgusting, there is also the birth itself, your after birth healing, breastfeeding, permanent changes in your body. Then there's the baby, all puke and poo for like the first 2 years. I won't even get into what happens as you age. Will he support you through menopause or other “gross” natural things we all have to deal with? What if you are ever hurt and he needs to change your diapers?

    His comments are so disgusting and immature for someone of his age, I would be having doubts about any long term relationship with him. I certainly would not want to procreate with anyone who thinks my body or my baby's body is “disgusting and cringe”

  4. First understand a few things.

    What you’re going through right now is a stage of grief. Grief happens because our brains come to expect some things, and our sense of well-being gets dependent on the people who trigger our sense of well-being.

    Taking those people or things or places away creates intense, traumatic grief.

    True submissives, who have a need for others to make decisions for them and / or to provide emotional direction, can find themselves doubly in space over such deprivations. Not only are they missing a person, they’re not able to orient themselves towards action or feelings without being told what to do.

    So, first: keep breathing. Avoid self-harm entirely, and limit your drug and alcohol intake, as these can lower your emotional defenses still further. If you have prescribed meds you use to treat anxiety or other mood disorders, or if you self-medicate with drugs apart from alcohol, take them at your usual times and in the usual doses PRECISELY. No more, and not more frequently.

    If you cannot sleep, it’s understandable. You’re grieving. But try at least to rest your mind. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to concentrate on or enjoy streaming anything. But pick a show and try, preferably one you have never seen but wanted to try.

    Take a shower or a bath: soothe your body.

    Keep breathing.

    If you need to keep spinning out, write to a friend or yourself or a trusted Redditor: avoid anything that could become public.

    Can you do all that?

  5. I don't mean her issues. I mean yours specifically.

    She's just abusive, I don't see her posts anywhere here for me to say anything about her issues.

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