Katalina Parker live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 6, 2022

14 thoughts on “Katalina Parker live webcams for YOU!

  1. My biggest concern here would be the fact that you are high risk and don’t feel well and are in pain but you continue to have sex with him multiple times a week despite your discomfort.. Why? Is he pressuring you? It doesn’t seem like he cares at all about your feelings, including with the porn issue.

  2. Re-home now. Damage is already done, end the pup's suffering and find a good home.

    I had a lab who was mistreated like your puppy the first weeks of her life. A woman wanted a puppy, her boyfriend got her one. The puppy became ours after she spent so much time locked in a bathroom, the woman had never had a puppy before and didn't realize the work required. The man realized this was neglect and we said we'd find the lab puppy a good home, which ended up being ours. Puppy was underweight and had worms, but was the sweetest little girl. She became my best friend, and rarely left her people's side, probably because she spent those formative weeks locked in a bathroom. We had to put her down earlier this year, after she had a stroke and couldn't eat or walk, and I still miss her everyday.

    Please find the puppy a good home, yours is not one.

  3. Girl get OUT. I mean this in the most auntie way possible, you’re a child yourself. Leave this bonfire behind you.

  4. I think it may be worth while to seek out therapy in terms of understanding why it feels like cheating and why it gives you physical pain. This kind of reaction is abnormal. Perhaps talk to him and ask him why he watches it.

    You're not going to be there to satisfied him every time he's horny. If this is a dealbreaker then you should be dating someone who strictly does not like / watch porn.

  5. It sounds like maybe an opioid addiction, which can be very very tough to kick. You are trying, which is commendable. He needed someone to talk to about it, because dealing with addiction from your partner is super hard, and you need a support system. He should not have told his parents, but try to forgive him for that. What they said about you is understandably hurtful, and the reason why you asked him not to tell anyone. People are very very judgy about addiction if they have never experienced it. Addiction does not make you a bad person. Have you tried kratom in place of pills, to help you quit pills?

    If you feel you cannot trust him and he is not a good support person for you through this quitting journey, you probably shouldn't be together.

  6. No it’s for everyone. You can’t gain weight if you are eating in a caloric deficit unless you have some sort of medical condition

  7. The problem lies with his wife,

    You don't know that. It sounds like you don't really know his wife all that well. All you really know about her is her bad side, because that's all your friend ever really talks about. You're picking up his bias.

  8. This is not a reason to get this unhinged, she must have been looking for an excuse to break up already.

  9. It seems like you don't think she will be okay without you which is why you can't get yourself to do it. Maybe that's true and maybe it isn't, but you can't go on like this forever. She seems like she could.

  10. You got it from your husband. He’s throwing you under the bus to save himself and following through with believing his own lie. Cold sores are common. If you got tested in 2019 or 2020 it would have already showed up. It it’s showing up I the test now it means you got this recently.

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