Naommi Scott live webcams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Naommi Scott live webcams for YOU!

  1. You are, Queen. I see how it's possible to get pregnant from a guy you barely know. No more questions, Your Highness.

  2. If you drink enough to black out often, sometimes your brain just trains itself to shut off much earlier in the binge.

    Idk how or why that works, but it’s definitely a thing. I get a bad vibe from her based on this post, but it’s possible you’re over drinking even with that amount.

  3. Even though white lies are nice to hear I don’t think someone should be looked down upon for honestly answering a direct question

  4. Lmao at me getting downvoted. Just eat the cost of new tickets to the museum for an earlier day, take your wife and kids to lunch to “make up for it” and then watch Jalen Hurts take us to the Super Bowl. Everyone wins. Including the Eagles.

  5. He also told me that there were many smaller things that annoy him but he never talked to me about it so I could change something.

    This is why you didn’t have many fights. It’s because he’s probably a people pleaser or he’s conflict avoidant (easy to google). People like this seem like great partners until they’re frustrations build up to the point that it starts showing up in passive aggressive comments or jokes. And then when they do talk there’s so many issues they bring up or it’s hard to trust them afterwards as they had all these issues but never said anything. And this type of approach to conflict is pretty entrenched by his age, so with out therapy he’ll probably keep doing this. So has poor conflict resolution skills, along with him maybe wanting kids, and him wanting his freedom to be wild, I’d say give him his freedom and move on. But don’t wait for him. Even if he gets his wildness out of his system and decides he doesn’t want kids, his poor conflict resolution skills will make it hard to trust him moving forward. Better to not waste more time and instead start looking for someone more compatible.

  6. This guy seems like some kind of video game nerd. Find yourself a guy IRL that has real friends and doesn’t spend all of his time gaming.

    Long distance is unsustainable. Unless you had plans to move near him your just delaying the inevitable. Break it off first, get the upper band and save yourself some suffering.

  7. and yes we've been considering marriage soon..

    That's too darn young. What's the rush? Statistically, you've both got another 60+ years ahead of you, your lives have barely begun. You both still have a lot of growing and changing to do, what you want in a partner at 18 may not necessarily be what you want in a partner at 28.

    So what do I do?

    I say just chill out, keep dating and enjoying each other's company. Don't worry about the father for now, as long as everyone else approves. In time, he may come around.

  8. You did do the right thing. It is a major incompatibility, especially the just jokes. However, it's a bit naive to think things will just go back to how they were before. You both had crushes, you went on dates, his feelings are hurt. He is being immature but even mature people would probably want a break after being dumped.

    Your best bet is to stop expecting him to be your friend again, and go nc or lc.

  9. …if the two of you were exclusive and you kissed someone else then you cheated. That’s it. Having the label of boyfriend and girlfriend isn’t what matters here — the commitment to being exclusive is what determines cheating.

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