JinuaSol live webcams for YOU!


JinuaSol Public Chat Channel

Date: March 29, 2023

2 thoughts on “JinuaSol live webcams for YOU!

  1. What do you think will happen when threats against himself don't work anymore? That he'll give up? No. Those threats will be aimed at you. When the threats themselves no longer work and you inevitably call his bluff? Well, he'll try to enact his threats in any way he can.

    You're not in immediate danger but don't try to fool yourself into believing this isn't a dangerous situation.

    Leave him. He doesn't love, respect or care for you. He just wants to own and control you.

    Get your important items and arrange alternative accommodation. Do NOT tell him you're leaving. Just do it on the downlow and then, when you're somewhere safe, you tell him you're out.

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