Karinaaa live webcams for YOU!


10 thoughts on “Karinaaa live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm going to add (and I think quite a few commenter are right already) but he MAY NOT already have someone in mind or be cheating..

    You don't want to punish someone asking a question, wondering, opening up marriage is risky, and he did it at the wrong time when you guys have toddlers..

    Is it much different to (usually guys) who watch heaps of porn? Or flirt with girls? Causes same feelings of inadequacy in the woman..

    But don't lie about how you feel to protect him.. I mean he will probably censor himself in future.. partner sharing doesn't have to be the big scary thing people make out.. it can be if it's one sided though.. and this sounds like it is

  2. Saying “no” and “stop” during sex is removing your consent. If he kept going until he finished, despite you telling him to stop, this is rape.

  3. Serve her divorce papers, see how much she laughs then.

    Divorce is not a joking matter. There are several things that should never be joked about in a relationship (death, divorce, cheating, miscarriages, abuse to name a few of them)

  4. Well most people who cheat don’t leave their second phones charging in a public place. And you went through the phone. There was seriously no clues as to who it belonged to? And then instead of using your words you went straight for cheating. Yea I can see why she’s mad

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