GAVI FERNANDEZ live webcams for YOU!


Shy Sexy Dance [Multi Goal]

Date: February 13, 2023

12 thoughts on “GAVI FERNANDEZ live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is crazy, four comments are not shown. Thankfully I was able to read them on the users' profile, and they were very detailed and helpful. My understanding is that Reddit hides them if they deem them too controversial? That's too bad.

  2. Run for the hills. You don't owe her anything.

    A person like that can and will derail your life if you let them. She's still young so I hope she wises up. Until then you're absolutely in the right for wanting out. This is borderline abusive.

    Id have a chat with your real friends, let them know whats up and she might try to sabotage you. If she ever talks shit and threatens you over texts, keep screenshots.

    There is likely no way out that won't make her mad. Talk to the people in authority around you. Your parents/guardians, teachers, even the police if things get really bad.

    You might at the very least get to swap classes at school. Which sucks and is unfair that you might have to change your routine.

    But that is absolutely horrible what you are going through. I'm really sorry. No one should have to be worried about being assaulted or having people go round their back. She doesn't own you and you absolutely deserve better and to be safe.

  3. Hey, just so you know me and my family do this too. My mum has been collecting her doggos fur since they were puppies and she wants to weave it into a poncho (they’re very fluffy) and when I moved out to my own place, she sent me two ziplock bags of their fur to remember them. They are still alive too aha. Would I say we’re normal? Well what is normal anyway? All I know is I’d never change and never want my mum to change. If anyone has serious issues with it then they can fuck off. There’s others like you out there who will love you for you and your little quirks. You don’t deserve this toxic bullshit. I love you, never change ❤️

  4. You need to stop thinking about her and start asking yourself why YOUR MAN is allowing this??? Would YOU act like this with another guy? No, of course not. So why are you allowing that behaviour from him. This dude is 6 years older than you and it (coming from a complete stranger) sounds like he is not only losing to you but is totally taking advantage of how young and naive you are. Smarten up. This guy is cheating on you, with this chick and probably others. How much more proof do you need before you are willing to see it? If this was your sister telling you all this would you be so forgiving and lenient? Or would you tell her to dump this manipulative jerk?

  5. There's a whole boatload of red flags in this relationship. She sounds like she's making you codependent. Threatening your life if you tried to leave is the biggest one, though. You definitely need to find a job and leave as soon as possible.

    Maybe start getting proof about the threats she has said to you would be good as well.

  6. I don’t understand why you don’t just… show up with him. Why does he need his own formal invite to everything? I don’t ask permission to bring my boyfriend to family stuff, I just bring him. Stuff like booking tickets? Well yeah, if he never comes to anything why would they buy him a ticket to shows?

    It didn’t bother me before as we would go out as just a family

    If YOU don’t even see your partner of 15 years and father of your children as a part of your family, your family won’t see him that way either.

    Your parents may not have a great attitude either, but you need to make the point that you and your partner are a package deal. Shoulda made that point a long time ago.

  7. Her mom is incredibly abusive, controlling, and narcissistic.

    Since she (hilariously) contacted your mom, I would first suggest that you tell your mom to reply to her, telling her that you are not a child anymore and she absolutely will not interfere in your relationship. (Trying to show here what a good parent would do) She could also explain that you are both really in love and trying to stop it would be both silly, petty, and useless.

    Other than that, your girlfriend needs to become independent as soon as possible because well first she is getting emotionally (and physically? Not allowing to cry??) abused on a daily basis which is a terrible thing. She needs to move out and cut contact with her mom yesterday.

    You can't do much in this situation. I will tell you – it's really not the end of the world (despite it feeling this way), that's just how love feels when you are separated. To actually solve this situation you would need a way to disconnect your girlfriend from her mom – moving in together or support her financially. Both of these I assume you are not able to do because of your age.

    That's life sometimes. Try these things. You can keep talking secretly to keep things going and plan a way out, but not much more really as long as your girlfriend depends on her insane mom.

  8. Sadly, there are grown people who are this insecure. They usually turn out to be super controlling and jealous. This is something my ex could have whined about.

  9. And here it is, the worst take on the whole post. Congrats.

    Btw, he married her too. He made vows to her too. He also made promises to her regarding their living situation. So he gets to ignore all of his vows and promises because he makes more money? He makes more money bc she’s been sacrificing for the last ten years with the understanding that then they’ll go move forward and prioritize her wants after that. But he doesn’t like that idea, he decided she should sacrifice everything forever and he should never sacrifice anything. HE is breaking their marriage vows, not her.

  10. you do not have to be okay with that, OP. you talk to your husband about this and say you are uncomfortable. do not force yourself to do it.

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