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Indian_colourfulbaby_9live sex stripping with hd cam


27 thoughts on “Indian_colourfulbaby_9live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Easy, it’s the principle and if your partner is uncomfortable with that then just don’t do it. It’s not like OP is sacrificing anything. Y’all are weird

  2. I have no issue with my husband having one on one time with a female colleague. Has happened more than once. He's also able to meet up with a high school female friend that he briefly dated. He had a female roommate (extremely attractive) when we started dating. Was still fine.

    My feeling is that everyone has different boundaries. I trust my husband so I'm fine with him spending time with male or female friends without issue. Others may be less comfortable, particularly in newer relationships or when younger.

    I've always believed if someone is going to cheat, they'll do it no matter what rules or “boundaries” (I feel like that term is way overused) you put in place. Why stress yourself out?

  3. But the post I mentioned also had a couple where she was making double what he was making, and everyone there was saying to do a 50/50 split.

  4. What? I'm not in my wife's family group chat and I'm thankful for it. Imagine a bunch of notifications about stupid jokes and memes.

    You're upset over nothing.

    People are free to communicate in what ways and with whom they want and we are all owed NOTHING.

    Sooner you accept that the better off you'll be.

  5. This will probably be a very unpopular comment: In general terms, women value social/emotional intimacy and closeness much more than men do. So, you being long distance probably makes it much harder for him to stay monogamous. It has nothing to do with you or his opinion/care of you. I give him credit for being honest.

    Also unpopular: monogamy and intimacy are not the same thing. Because he wants to be non-monogamous while you two are apart does not mean he wants to violate your trust by cheating. For men, it is very easy for sex to be different within different relationships. For women, generally, it is not. Neither one is better or worse. It just is.

    The guy was very honest during a difficult conversation. That’s not easy to find.

  6. There really shouldn't be any issues but I would ask, just for courtesy reasons. Its no sweat off your back and at least your cousin knows you weren't just swiping him since the first time you all met lol

  7. Plenty of people choose to break cycles to stand up for what is right.

    Your father is either weak or willfully evil.

  8. Thanks so much for the detailed response/advice I really appreciate it. I’ll talk to her about it later and I’ll work on trying to find a couples therapist

  9. If you're doing the majority of the conversational heavy-lifting, you must be exhausted. Why not let him go? Find someone you can have an actual 2-way conversation with.

  10. No:

    I rejected her and told her that I had a girlfriend and that we can still be friends.

    You should be putting space between you and this girl. Don't be friends.

    How do you think this would play out?

    Hey, so I went out. Had a good time. Shared an uber with a girl at the end of the night.

    Took an uber home with a girl and she told me she liked me.

    I shut it down, but we're still friends.

    That is insecurity inducing. Especially when you're LDR.

    Now what:

    Hey, so me and my friends are going out and that girl is going to be there.

    You don't have an issue with that, do you?

    And anytime you hang out with this 'friend'… your gf is going to have a mental battle every time.

    Yes, we can call her insecure or jealous… but really, don't you want to save your girl from that regardless?

    What I would do in this situation… Respectfully end the friendship, then sweep it under the rug.

    If it ever comes to light somehow, at least you have evidence that you ended it promptly.

    And the reason I take this route… is because if you end it in full and still tell her, she begins to think about what happens when you go out and now you're dealing with the same situation as above but on a smaller scale.

  11. Not my teacher or my boss, there’s no weird power dynamic in our situation. Non of his past relationships were with younger girls, mostly ones around his age. When he met me he didn’t even know I was twenty one nor did he specifically go after me for my age/being young. We met in a regular way at a bar.

  12. why I’ve insisted

    Look….you've only been dating your bf for 4 months, which is nothing…..and this is already the tone you set? Take 20 steps back and have a hard look at how your bf handles this situation with his mum.

    I think she’d appreciate having more notice then less because as of right now she’s absolutely clueless as to what’s going to happen and probably assumes he’ll be sticking around for another year.

    You clearly care a lot…but what about your bf? This is his issue to sort out.

    Tbh, him not being upfront would make me reconsider jumping into living together this quickly.

  13. It doesn't sound like she's trying to make you jealous smoshylumb8. But it does sound like she's more attracted to your friend than she is to you.

  14. You're being territorial. There's no reason for her to mention you. She's dealing with this as she sees fit. You either trust her or you don't. If you don't, take a moment to ask yourself if that's because of her behavior or something in your past. If it's her behaviors, then maybe this isn't the right relationship for you.

  15. And why would I do that? There is a chance for a healthy relationship here. And she has a completely valid reason as to why she wants to stay single this year.

  16. If that is the case then it's better to be more specific. But then again, not every woman or even men for that matter, who goes to clubs, bars and pubs are sexually deviant. Some just like to go to those places to go out with friends and genuinely have fun and not looking to get laid.

  17. What are you doing with this friend that is making your partner feel insecure? You didn’t talk about that and context is important.

  18. Everything – he, the situation, you, the cousin – its all too messy, too childish & immature. I read your post & its given me migraine so I cannot imagine you in center of the chaos.

    you are 24 & he is 19 ? just leave him & go find someone your age. you want a man to love & care of you not one that's accusing you on everything & from everywhere like a petulant child – which he is at 19…duh…

  19. You don't get to control what she wears. Simple as that. You can tell her “oh I like that top” or “I prefer the other top you own” (respectfully!!) but it's her body. You insist she's an adult, which she legally is (the age gap has been commented on enough), and as an adult she gets to decide what she wears. It was stupid from the get go to “expect her to dress more modest”. She can't read minds and again – she'll dress how she likes and definitely not how you think is appropriate for her. When you want to date someone who dresses moderately, you look for a woman who dresses moderately. You don't look for one who doesn't and expect her to change, that's not how any of this works. Besides, if your neighbours are the type of people to look down on your girlfriend for perfectly fine clothing choices, those are not people whose opinion you should give a damn about. As long as she's not attending a funeral in a crop top, it's plain and simple unnecessarily judgemental to say anything about it.

  20. Wtf, how could he possibly feel “betrayed” by what you like to read? Why were you supposed to share such banal information in the beginning? Why does he care that you like reading light, popular books? Is he so full of himself that he can only be with someone who reads dry philosophical tomes?

  21. important info

    If your relationship requires serious disclosures of the exact books you read for fun in order to be successful…it is not successful

  22. I agree that OP’s gf probably cheated, and he should break up with her if he believes she cheated, but this is judgemental and ridiculous. Someone has a 3/4some and then years later they’re automatically still not “wife” material just because of the past? Lmao ok buddy. People grow and change.

  23. From my personal experience, exercise for the sake of exercise just sucks. Rather than hitting the gym my wife and I will take long hikes, go play disc golf, or other activities. Way more fun than a cardio machine at a some gym.

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