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10 thoughts on “Kendall_sweetxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/soyyessi,

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  2. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    It was two hours after his shift and when I came home he was talking in hushed tones on the phone. He saw me and immediately hung up. I asked him who he was talking to as I normally do to start casual conversation. He just said “work”. So I inquired further to make sure everything was okay, as this type of curt response was very out of the ordinary for him. He then explained that it was work asking him if he was going to a work dinner, which was the first I heard about it. I asked about it a bit more and he became very defensive. He then showed me his phone to “prove it was work” and I saw literally 8 calls back and fourth from this “work friend” within the last half hour. I asked if he was going and why they seemed to have discussed it so many times. He said he didn’t know and then again defended himself and said he would call her in front of me to prove he’s not lying. I immediately started stuttering saying that no he didn’t have to do that, and then before I could try and stop him, he was already calling this girl. I sat with my jaw dropped as he put it on speaker and proceeded to call this unknown female coworker. She answered in a giggly tone and said “you better not be calling to tell me you aren’t coming to the dinner after all..” then he cut her off and proceeded to ask this girl to explain why she was contacting him because his “girlfriend was upset that they were talking and he needed proof of their convo. “… I literally sat there completely stunned in silence as this girl defended herself to me despite the fact that I never asked for any of this. I’m completely humiliated as this girl he works with knows a lot of people I grew up with and I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable that made her and what she’ll tell others about how I’m a crazy jealous girlfriend when I’m absolutely not . Why did he do this?! Please help.

  3. Sounds accurate though. The real AH is your BF and bestie, but you prefer to ask Reddit for help then insult those who give you advice.

  4. I know to most people it would be unforgivable

    Idk if it would be. Sure what you did was not okay, but you were 13 years old. If we would hold everyone accountable for the choices they made when they were teens I'm sure nobody would like anyone. You can't beat yourself up about things you did as a child.

    There's a reason why minors have their own court, there's a reason minors have their criminal records wiped when they turn 18.

    You didn't commit murder. You cried for help and made a wrong choice. You made amends, your slate is clean.

  5. Im feeling sorry for her too. I don’t think she had that much malicious intent but I’m glad she sent me those vids, even tho it made an alcoholic

  6. Just wanted to add to all the great advice: His ultimatum was equivalent to “kill your dog or I'm leaving”, because where is your dog supposed to go? He's very unlikely to get adopted, people want puppies. Your ex didn't take 10 seconds to think about what choice he was forcing you to make. He was being a typical impulsive cruel self-absorbed abuser, only seeing the world through the lens of how things make him feel.

    His daughter can't contact you because if he got the impression she was taking your “side” her life could get a lot worse. The only people hurting her are the ones who intentionally explain this situation to her in the most hurtful way possible. You aren't the one hurting her, and you can't protect her from her own father. It's tragic, but the best you can do is connect later on when it is safe and reassure her that her dad left you because you wouldn't let him abuse your dog. She'll understand.

  7. Like arguing over him doing things without me, when I’m not a psycho he would never cheat, he never did I just got jealous because he has more friends than me and I didn’t like to be on my own when he was out

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