Gaby-gomez27 live webcams for YOU!


gaby-gomez27 Public Chat Channel

Date: December 30, 2022

5 thoughts on “Gaby-gomez27 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Some people are a bottomless pit of dissatisfaction. It's just sex, most problems with it are in the person's head who has the problem

  2. It’s much easier to text someone more often than to quit watching oiled up latinas. You know how crackheads do a dance or some cool trick for $5?

  3. Unfortunately with the trust broken it will never come back. Lawyer up and get gone. I tried staying with a cheater and it ate me alive inside. It will eat you too. The relationship is done and she killed it. Now it's up to you to pick up the pieces and do what's right for you and your children.

  4. I am guessing it is a cultural thing and it also seems controlling. It will probably get worse as the relationship progresses. If you don’t like it now it will prob just get worse.

  5. You literally said you had a fight every weekend in March about her going out. So she tells you the truth, fight. She lies to you, fight. Either way, you're unhappy and fighting, what's the point of all this honesty if the outcome is exactly the same?

    And at least with a lie she won't have to text you every 45min. WTF is that even about, it's ridiculous to begin with and extra ridiculous given that you're 5 or 6 hours ahead. Are you staying up every weekend at bloody 3 and 4 and 5am waiting for her “still safe” texts???

    This relationship was so dysfunctional, I can't even wrap my mind around it. You're not ready to be in a relationship. Leave the poor woman alone.

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