Wow-Cutie-Bunny live webcams for YOU!


Wow-Cutie-Bunny Public Chat Channel

Date: December 30, 2022

4 thoughts on “Wow-Cutie-Bunny live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think this guy said it pretty clear. Don’t include him in your future plans. He virtually broke up with you. He may keep you around while he’s there to have sex with and companionship with but he’s already decided. I would let him go.

  2. I thought the same! I know AP means affair partner so it went affair partner > affair porn then when I read the post it was oh… oh no

  3. If he is an addict, and you want to love and support him, then yes, you should stop.

    Chances are you are also an addict, so check out how to safely quit if you go down that route.

    But at the end of the day, it is legal where you are, it doesn’t cost you money, and so long as you are able to function as an adult when using, then unless you want to stop, you shouldn’t be forced into it.

    He is perfectly right to have his boundaries, but you don’t have to follow them, you can just end the relationship.

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