Alexx-Karla live webcams for YOU!


Alexx-Karla Public Chat Channel

Date: December 29, 2022

8 thoughts on “Alexx-Karla live webcams for YOU!

  1. Be straight with him. He may be angry at first, but he’ll appreciate having clear, understandable goals. Better to find out with a friendly but frank discussion now, then when you scream it at him during a contentious divorce hearing.

    If your husband is dissatisfied with the amount of sex you have, it is better that he knows why. It may sound shallow but it’s something he can do if he puts in the effort.

  2. Hello /u/Plane-Jackfruit-3579,

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  3. Pretty good assumption that if she couldn't drive due to disability, her father wouldn't have mentioned using her money to get driving lessons and focus on the money aspect instead of being unable to drive.

  4. Nothing, she said herself she isn't marrying him because she's attracted to him. She's attracted to her ex (who she keeps calling her husband not her ex). Makes me think this is either an elaborate rage bait post or OP has other incentives to stay with this guy.

  5. The key is being confident, you can tell her you like her and not be ashamed of it even if she says no. If she says no, you say ok and treat her like you would any other friend. But tell her. There’s a great quote by Roosevelt called the man in the arena you should read. Be in the arena, and accept no if that’s her answer, and she will respect you for that.

    She’s also recently out of a relationship and may be wanting to be in anything but another one right now. So you could say, hey I know this might be too soon and this doesn’t need to change anything between us, but for 4 years I’ve wanted to tell you how beautiful I think you are and how lucky I’ve always thought that guy was to be with you. I hope you’re ok, if you need anything I’m here. And just let that sit with her for a few days. If she is distant then act normal, she honestly may come around when she’s ready if she wants to or if she doesn’t you won’t have ruined a friendship, but she might also start flirting with you. And if she does that, then ask her out!

  6. Your the backup plan. He wants to date, but keep you as backup.

    My husbands ex gf, said in October she wanted them to date others so they were sure. He had dates once in awhile we started texting in Feb, truly as friends. In Nov he told her he met me and was in love with me. She thought I wasn’t real, till she was at his house and his Christmas package arrived.

    She freaked out! She felt she was better then him. My dude is very introverted with a low self esteem. I knew he was the one for me. We just work! She is a resting bitch face, unhappy person still.

    He proposed Valentines Day. We got married that same year.

  7. In my experience, a lot of disagreements happen when people aren’t at 100%. I have definitely been annoyed by people not responding in a way I appreciate when I describe having a hard day, but I do not think I have an obligation to make that day harder by bringing it up at that time.

    And your description makes it seem like you think the person with the complaint also has the responsibility of protecting the other person over voicing their concern. If someone hurt your feelings and you were ashamed/embarrassed/sad bc that’s how their comment made you feel, are you wrong for not being able to bring it up until you’re able to think clearly? Should you have to defend your timing before stating the merits of your complaint? Is it okay that it happens again and again bc you always started arguing about how long it took you to mention it before you can ever make your point?

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