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Birth Date: 2000-11-24

Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy

Ethnicity: ethnicityEbony

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Subculture: subcultureRomantic

Date: December 25, 2022

46 thoughts on “naughty_bigasslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your words took their time to really sink in, and I appreciate them more then I can express. I came back to town and everything was better… for a single Day. I still love her and I know I’m a fool but I also won’t play the fool any longer. She wanted me for the money when I made the big bucks and she wants to stay on good terms now to squeeze a little more out of me. I’m waiting until after Christmas and this is the full story of youd like to hear why I feel this way. the night I got back, she was very nice alarmist acted like nothing happened at all just like I ’d been gone a day and she didn’t say anythingI was really tired and I fell asleep and then she woke me up to have sex, that was weird and out of character, especially after not talking to me nearly the entire week but like in my eyes, it’s like She’s trying to make a difference. That was nice, the next day I really didn’t feel good And I pretty much just stayed in bed all day until she got home and when she got home I was still in bed. I hadn’t even gotten out of bed to get like a drink of water or go to the bathroom or anything and she was mad at me because I didn’t feel good and I told her I said hey that kinda upsets me know I’m I don’t feel good and she’s like “ I’m not upset that you don’t feel good I’m upset that you didn’t get up to hang out with me” and I told her that they’re kind of mutually exclusive like I would’ve gotten out of bed to hang out with her if I felt good. And that went away pretty quickly. We had a pretty decent night hung out and stuff and then this morning I didn’t feel really good but I need to go with her to work and we’re really kind of broke right now so if she was like “hey, I can give you one of your Christmas gifts if you want so you can spend some money today. It’s a visa gift card.” And I was like actually that would be kind of cool to be honest but then I was like” hey I also totally not trying to be rude and it’s not a big deal but next time when you buy me a Christmas gift you might not doing it on our Amazon so I don’t see it because I do know that and what I’m getting for Christmas and I would like to be surprised if that’s OK” and I’m really trying to turn over a new leaf man I’m not trying to even talk anyway they could be conceived as rude at all like I was being really really nice very very polite super kind about it not even like in anyway being upset I even told her I don’t even care it’s not a big deal like just like if you don’t mind kind of thing and she went off the handle bro like she got so mad at me, she wouldn’t talk to me for like 30 minutes in the car ride. She was like genuinely yelling at me like super upset and then she tells me she’s never been happy around Christmas Christmas is your least favorite time of year she can never remember when she was happy around Christmas and I genuinely was just like “have you never been happy with Christmas like with us?” And she said, and I quote exactly. “ every year I always get everything I asked for and more but I’m still just not happy. I don’t know why Christmas is always been hard for me as long as I can remember.” Long story short I just don’t understand what’s going on to be honest I straight up, told her that that wasn’t fair of her to treat me this way. I said it wasn’t right I didn’t think so and it really hurt me. I did apologize even though I don’t feel like I should have. She says that it’s the fact that I brought it up at all. She’s upset that now I’m not surprised she’s upset that all of this stuff But what she doesn’t realize is I was sitting on the porch with her when she asked me what I wanted for Christmas. She bought it with me standing right there in front of her and even talked about it so I really feel like she just said that to not have me so upset or to like deflect the blame or make me feel bad, I didn’t write I’m willing to look past that aspect of it. So I ask her in a would it make you feel better if I gave you the gift I got you now like the expensive gift and she said yes so I did and everything changed. Of course she’s like completely happy now in a good mood she wanted to show me her office at work. She was like happy to walk in with me and all that silly stuff. It was a very expensive necklace I bought two nights ago witht the last of the money I had. It was basically a last hurrah gift that I got that no matter what happens I still will be happy knowing I did the right thing and got her a decent gift. She told me my last night out of town she wanted to have a talk with me on Tuesday, postponed it to Thursday and still hasn’t talked to me about anything at all, hasn’t made any significant changes at all and has committed to trying but after admitting again we need to talk about stuff she is ghosting the whole idea. I need to get out of this situation as soon as possible. I’m not sure how she runs every aspect of my life. I am Trying to get my own bank account and she was very weird about it insistent I get the same bank as her ect. I’m afraid she’s going to try and forge documents and take my money. She has been very weird recently I don’t know if I can put anything past her at this point. The other day I brought up that she hurt me the other day after we got back home and she told me basically I’m shorter words “I’m a bitch and you know this” basically “it’s gonna keep happening get over it”

  2. Hello /u/ThrowRA65426,

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  3. It sounds to me like you’re all over him about stuff (banging fists and “leave me alone). Idk, doesn’t sound good at all.

  4. I was very recently an unhappy married man with 2 small kids. Technically I still am, we're separated filing for divorce this week, but a part of me undstands the position this guy is in. I never got to the point of messaging other women or anything until we were actually separated, but still. He's looking for happiness somewhere else, trying to find a distraction. He's going about it in the wrong way though, you should block this guy, or at the very least encourage him to fix his shit at home before messaging anyone else. Nothing good can come from you continuing to entertain this behavior.

  5. A separation is just gonna give her time to cheat and cheat and cheat. Either stay there together and work it out or divorce. Separations are for fools.

  6. It's the 21st century. The entire world of knowledge can fit in a rectangle in your hand. OP needs to start learning to look things up before assuming that everyone else is wrong.

  7. If I spend enough time to figure that sort of stuff out I’ll probably just get way too jaded with relationships and the human race in general.

  8. Well that's a good start, but you're right, it does not excuse anything. Following an alarming/abusive act with kindness doesn't negate it, and can become love bombing as it escalates. Please be careful, and have an exit plan ready just in case.

  9. So tell me why is sleep training appropriate for a 10 month old BABY?

    If you wife was crying in bed alone and afraid would you say oh let her cry she need too learn to self sooth???

    So what if an adult doesn’t have that expectation would you put it on a BABY???

    Support your partner support your child don’t be a ? about. The baby’s needs come first. That’s parenting.

    Also if you want to cuddle her take some of the child care birder off of your partner so she feels more inclined to snuggle you. I am more affectionate w my husband when he is affectionate w me first. Basically giving me a massag, making me my coffee etc

    But if my husband of a decade ever once said to me “let the baby cry because I want attention” I would low key never look at him the same again and I might just start throwing things at him.

  10. Dude. Yes. So mention that. “When you did this after you left, it made me very suspicious. I would like to talk about why you used your real number and why you thought you couldn't talk to me about this”

    Marriage is weird. You're with someone you love DEARLY but sometimes you wanna be stupid, which is ok has she not used her real number and has been shady about it. That's the issue.

    Good luck with the conversation. Don't accuse, use statements like “when you do this, then I feel ____” cause that's the truth.

  11. You don’t know what to do???

    Firstly you tell your husband that you should have canceled the trip as you knew beforehand that your sister and the baby were sick.

    Then you wait for his righteous anger at your stupidity to die down, and ask him again about the trip in June, as it wasn’t just your sister who didn’t care about your family, it was you as well.

    And then you stick to the decision (which is likely to still be not attending the trip)

  12. Cry all you want, you deserve to take time for yourself and grieve. If possible, I hope the first thing you do is go be with your family or friends. You need time and love from people who aren’t just trying to manipulate you. I’m so sorry this has happened to you ❤️ hopefully this can become the reset you needed to find happiness and freedom. Mental health is so important when dealing with an illness. I’m rooting for you with all my heart!

  13. Reply “Fine. I can promise you WILL read the DIVORCE papers when you get them” He is too comfortable. Its just time to loosen the ground which is standing so proudly on

  14. Yeah, something like a cruise seems like it needs organizing … which implies some discussion and planning over a couple of day or more, and that could just possibly include a heads-up. I know I’d do that.

  15. What concerns me is that she doesn’t seem to care about the damage her words did. It sounds like she is getting what she wants and that’s all that matters to her.

  16. I'm real tired of Reddit experts treating vasectomy to be as simple of a procedure as slipping a condom on

  17. Do NOT get your legal advice from the internet. Talk to a trusts and estates lawyer in your jurisdiction.

    These issues are far more complex than all the “conventional wisdom” being doled out by your brother, sister in law, and random Redditors who don't even live in the same country as you.

  18. Oh, sorry, I was thinking of drinking at home. For students on a tight budget, I highly recommend doing that. The markup on booze is huge.

    But you can make the plans, and get known as the idea person who cooks up fun things to do. It's a way to be more included.

  19. I think you're right in wanting to take things slowly. I'd start by building intimacy in general – try setting time aside, and just look into each others eyes for 10 minutes. It'll feel really weird to begin with, but then become more normal. Tell each other what thoughts pop u (though i advise not if they're less than flattering!). Then spend 10 minutes just hugging. Little things that don't have any sexual expectation behind it.

    Then start fooling around with no sex on the table. So just spend time doing other stuff knowing it absolutely won't lead to sex (and don't, no matter how tempting). Kissing, touching each others bodies. Stuff I'm sure you've done already, but with the agreement it's not going anywhere, it's just you doing that for the sake of doing so.

    Then build up to masturbation so you each learn what you like. Try some toys out.

    Just make sure you reassure each other, and listen to each others consent. Any sign of discomfort and stop.

  20. He’s like the christian women who condemn abortion but secretly had an abortion when they were 16

  21. Hey bud.

    Deep breath. You know you can't stop her. I'm sorry but you know that in your heart. Even if you could the fact you have to be this desperate to do so is the Red flag you need.

    What she is doing is wrong. Mainta8ning the friendship when she knew his intent was wrong. Accepting the cruise invite was wrong. And now forcing you to be ok with it is wrong. Going on a cruise one on one with a guy that isn't family or you is cheating. Plain and simple.

    Be with someone that doesn't even entertain the idea of choosing anyone but you.

  22. Why in gods name did you agree to participate in your own humiliation? Why are you married to a bully?

  23. We’ve talked about it before, and he’s expressed that he wants to date someone other than me. And I want him to have that freedom! It doesn’t make sense..but I mind but I don’t mind.

  24. If you haven’t yet . Get this checked out and make sure you get proper medical care for this . Also dump her , what she is saying sounds absolutely insane

  25. Exactly you have your own life, job, responsibilities; She is just starting hers. She is 18 old enough to still be in high school and you have much more life experience given you are old enough to have a college degree and then some. Leave her alone.

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