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Luisa968live sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Luisa968live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah, I said he shouldn’t be subscribed….

    After 4 pregnancies with my wife, I know all about how to make her feel like she’s still sexy and etc

  2. I agree! The key thing is to KNOW your body and how best to use it. Personally, I’m not a good puncher. I throw weak ass punches. But my legs are different story. So I’ve learned how to best use my legs to bring someone down… or simply run away.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My fiancé's ex started messaging her 10+ times a day and she would respond. It became too much and I felt weird. I communicated with her and she became defensive and it kept happening for 3months. Finally I told her that it's a boundary for me and I've been feeling miserable basically her ignoring me and can't feel miserable in this relationship if she continues. After a big fight, she said okay and texted her ex, asking to not contact her anymore and end it. Then came to me and said “look how nice he is and how he responded. and how shitty you are with your behavior” which felt really painful and made me more sensitive to the whole topic.

    A few weeks later, I realized that she hasn't blocked him and he's still on her social media, liking and viewing stories etc. I just wanted to double check and asked her “what would you do if he texts you and asks you to call him or calls you?” she said she will answer/call him back. I mentioned that it's my boundary and I told you I will leave if you call him again. she said yes and doesn't care.

    What I'm struggling with is the fact that she will end our engagement, future and everything that we've invested in for a phone call with her ex.

    What am I doing wrong? My past relationship was loveless and abusive and I wasn't a priority for my ex and it triggers me thinking that I may not be a priority for my fiancé.

    TLDR: My fiancé said she will call her ex even though that was my boundary and I clearly communicated it.

  4. I know firsthand how hard it is to hold in feelings, and it isn’t easy. Be strong, the time will come where you can let it out. Good luck.

  5. After reading this, my question to you is mainly whether you would feel differently if your job was just as cushy as hers. In my other comment to you, I mentioned that a dangerous and difficult job is not necessarily high paying to point out that, if you and your girlfriend were making the same amount of money as you do now, but YOU weren't breaking your body and your partner was, would that make a difference? Since you seem to imply that makes you a little more deserving of your own money (which I somewhat agree with!).

    I'll also share that my partner and I are planning on moving to a new city soon. There, I will be making $18-$20 an hour in my new hospital. My job is in vetmed, and it has given me horrible back pain (I am in my early 20s), and dogs are beating me up for 10-12 hours per day and a dog attempts to bite me at least once per shift. My partner, by some stroke of luck, may land a job at an upscale brewery starting at $35 an hour. You mentioned before you would be resentful of having to shell out more money for someone earning lower wages with an easier job. I would be very resentful myself if my partner was making close to double my wage to serve craft beer and I had notably less disposable income than my partner due to having to put a higher percentage of my earnings into our bills should we split 50/50, even though my job is indisputably much more taxing on my mind and body. I inarguably work harder for my money.

    All of that said, the true reason we agree on a percentage split is so that both of us get to be happy with our money. Should I be the nominally higher earner one day, I would hate to see my partner scrambling for money when I have plenty. I would feel terrible if my partner felt they could not do or have something they would enjoy, or save money every paycheck, because our 50/50 split is a much larger portion of their money than it is mine. I honestly don't think splitting utilities 50/50 specifically is a bad idea, but I'd hate to see my partner strapped for rent while my pocket money is perfectly adequate.

  6. In a relationship, it’s our own responsibility to be attractive to our partner. Do things like weight fluctuations and other factors affect this? Sure, to an extent. But overall, it’s not her responsibility to be attracted to you, and it’s not your responsibility to be attracted to her. You’ve gone above and beyond. You should have a chat with her because she might need to talk to a therapist. Her lack of follow through indicates some depression getting in the way. It’s great that you want to be supportive. But she has to take the bull by the horns regarding her health. Best of luck

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