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VannessaJ_live sex stripping with hd cam


49 thoughts on “VannessaJ_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This. Clearly unstable people barely out of teenagerhood making babies 🙁 I hope they manage to pull it together for the kid.

    And OP, that doesn't mean stay together for the kid; just create a stable environment for the child, whether that's with the mom or with you two having separate but stable homes for the baby. This kind of back and forth unstable relationship is not the thing to model.

  2. That’s by his design, he’s selfish and manipulative which creates this anxiety and insecurity. It’s not you, it’s him!

  3. Not to play devils advocate, but I sometimes send memes even to coworkers. A lot of people send pics.

    Hell, even the woman who I hired to wrap our Christmas present replied with a “sticker.”

  4. Your suspicions sound right. Why would he need a condom in the car? Especially if you guys don’t have sex in the car… I’d go with your gut. If he’s claiming “nothing happened”, nothing happened when? When he was with another person? I don’t mean to make you upset, but his story doesn’t seem to add up. Even if it was unused, him being in that situation and changing his mind doesn’t absolve him from responsibility.

  5. Some guys just don’t have experience with women and don’t know what to do and he’s afraid of making a mistake and ruining everything. Have a talk with him and help him along. I was very shy and didn’t know what to do but my girlfriend and I talked about what we should do together and in time I got better. Please have some patience.

  6. Looking for what? A small catch up? Or what are you trying to insinuate they are looking for? Does this apply if it someone she hasn't slept with?

    Honestly, it does appear a bit over the top and I get the impression she isn't bothered when people talk to her so why are you? Should nobody approach her when she is with you?

    It is perfectly acceptable to say ” honey, I'm going to take the kids to the table and leave you to finish catching up”.

    That’s why I’ve just started say No thanks, sorry man. Not looking to have this convo.

    YOU aren't so that automatically means your wife mustn't, have I got that correct? Because that sounds like what your saying bro.

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  8. That's more of a sardonic rhetorical point than a practical suggestion – though sometimes an explicit cost/labor breakdown and monetary compensation is the best option for a relationship. But, yes, of course the contributions from both parties should be counted: the point only makes sense when there is an actual imbalance, as there is more commonly for women (women in relationships where both partners work and split household costs still wind up doing more domestic labor on average, and even when the imbalance is by intent, with one partner working less or not at all for pay, the market rate for the domestic labor is often far, far more than the other person is contributing).

    At any rate, you're just complaining.about

  9. Someone took an interest in her, and those “new person” dopamine hits made the grass seem greener on the other side. She didn't have enough life-experience to just enjoy the dopamine hit from feeling desirable, but not pursue or trust it…because it's a sweet poison like anti-freeze.

    Sometimes people have to fuck up a couple times before they learn the poison lesson, and some people just NEVER learn it.

    Either way, you don't have to be around for it. Best of luck for your future relationships. Even if you don't know what you want yet, your definitely know what you DON'T want.

  10. I would see you as already checked out of the marriage. Own bedroom, only take care of your needed or used dishes/laundry. Play with the child alone not as a family. For sure a defensive attitude. Y'all need to work together, marriage is hard work. Start with dinner as a family, after kiddo goes to bed both of you talk counselor.

  11. The sport is revelant, hockey locker rooms are set up differently than gym locker rooms. There is almost never any nudity in the gear changing room. If someone wants to shower and there is a shower available they usually get naked in the shower area. Most just strip down to their underwear, put on clothes and shower at home.

    Ask even all male hockey players how many dogs they see when changing gear and if they can see the showers from the gear changing room. It's not like a gym locker room and most people are headed home after playing.

  12. But the “women's change room” is most likely a literal CLOSET. Go to any hockey rink and that's what you'll find. This is not a gym locker room set up.

  13. No, your title should read my boyfriend is cheating on me, do you plan on putts up with a cheater? FYI, you should not put up with a cheater!

  14. I can relate because I'm similar to your boyfriend lol. He might be unaware of how negative he comes across and how its impacting the people in his life. Sit and talk with him, tell him how its affecting the relationship. Set boundaries, stuff like no politics when you're spending time together. Keep him accountable when he slips back into negativity. Tell him to find more people who share the same interests in politics as him. Good luck.

  15. There is no competition here, he is grieving and processing her death

    yes, very much. And remember, we don't speak ill of the dead, so of course she sounds like she must have been a wonderful person. But there's a good reason she was his ex, and there's a good reason why you're his current.

    A friend of ours died, leaving three young children behind. It was a very messy death, involving too much alcohol, and behaving badly as a result of that. We all rallied round his widow and came up with an account of his death that didn't reflect badly on him and that wouldn't hurt his children (he had made suicide attempts previously and there was a chance that he was hoping to die while indulging in the stupid behaviour that caused his death – we didn't want the children thinking he killed himself because children often think it was their fault). We have never spoken ill of him in any way.

    The upshot of that is that his eldest son hero-worships him. He's got himself a tattoo that is like a shrine to his father. He disapproves of his mother, and seems to believe that his father was perfect. I sometimes feel an urge to set him straight and explain that no, his father was a wastrel and died as a result of extreme stupidity, but I never will. It's not like his father is actually going to disappoint him now.

  16. Illegal? no, but fantasizing about other men, her exes, during our intimate moments? That's one of the most valid reasons for a break up.

    And let's not forget, she fucked both of them right before they were official (getting a few good fucks right before she settles down with the lousy fuck) and also keeping them on the hook during the first few months of the relationship just in case.

    In his position? I would divorce and also get a paternity test. A person that disrespects me like that, and also does not enjoy sex with me (because she needs to fantasize about other men during it) does not deserve my attention. Then again, I would never start a relationship and marry a person that fucked 2 other people right before we “were official”.

    Again, the mental gymnastics some women go through to justify their actions is mind boggling.

    Let me ask you a question, would you be ok if your partner was fantasizing about other people, from their past, during intimate moments with you? Do you consider that normal? If you are giving yourself, your body in an intimate moment, with your monogamous partner, and that partner, is fantasizing about people from their past in order to enjoy it?

  17. He was at work. I was packing my things up and grabbed a grocery bag that I thought had my books in it. It didn't: it had a small laptop and a few folded pages of paper

    Sounds like he set it up. Cut him off and ghost him

  18. You probably should move to the new city all by yourself. The coworker never planned to move with you. You shouldn't let your partner uproot herself for you if you're not all that committed to her anymore.

  19. Everyone is insisting that he’s cheating but have you ever considered he’s just very possessive of his belongings and doesn’t like people to touch them?

    I am the same way. I have nothing to hide, but I never let people go on my phone or laptop. They’re mine.

  20. So let’s say you two do get back together. What will happen when another girl turns his head. He will dump yet again to chase a new tail. You are not his true love but just his back up plan! This is not healthy for you!

  21. Your friends suck. The man you were married to, the father of your child has cancer and may very well die. Do what you have to do and don’t listen to anyone.

  22. You’re not blameless, but she could have communicated how she was feeling before she went out and cheated on you. She felt neglected? She should have told you and given you the opportunity to make some changes.

    I would leave her, but do your thing my man.

    Good luck.

  23. This literally sounds like my dad talking about my mom. And they’re both in their 60s now. If it’s anything similar, she sounds like she might have some sort of mental illness. It sounds like you lost it and quit, esp with the OT that you’re not getting anything out of (y’all many many places don’t give OT and force people to work crazy hours, legal or not… and threaten the employees with them losing their job if the company finds out they said anything. And I’ve watched it happen. This world is fucked)

    I wish I had any advice. If this is real, I only have sympathy, and I hope – however many children y’all may or may not have – that they will be able to be okay when they’re older to get the therapy they will need from this stressful environment / marriage between the two of you. I’d love to say couples therapy, maybe individual therapy, and provide job listing sites to use to look for new employment that some people overlook – but I just do not know if any of that can help.

    I’m sorry.

  24. This literally sounds like my dad talking about my mom. And they’re both in their 60s now. If it’s anything similar, she sounds like she might have some sort of mental illness. It sounds like you lost it and quit, esp with the OT that you’re not getting anything out of (y’all many many places don’t give OT and force people to work crazy hours, legal or not… and threaten the employees with them losing their job if the company finds out they said anything. And I’ve watched it happen. This world is fucked)

    I wish I had any advice. If this is real, I only have sympathy, and I hope – however many children y’all may or may not have – that they will be able to be okay when they’re older to get the therapy they will need from this stressful environment / marriage between the two of you. I’d love to say couples therapy, maybe individual therapy, and provide job listing sites to use to look for new employment that some people overlook – but I just do not know if any of that can help.

    I’m sorry.

  25. This literally sounds like my dad talking about my mom. And they’re both in their 60s now. If it’s anything similar, she sounds like she might have some sort of mental illness. It sounds like you lost it and quit, esp with the OT that you’re not getting anything out of (y’all many many places don’t give OT and force people to work crazy hours, legal or not… and threaten the employees with them losing their job if the company finds out they said anything. And I’ve watched it happen. This world is fucked)

    I wish I had any advice. If this is real, I only have sympathy, and I hope – however many children y’all may or may not have – that they will be able to be okay when they’re older to get the therapy they will need from this stressful environment / marriage between the two of you. I’d love to say couples therapy, maybe individual therapy, and provide job listing sites to use to look for new employment that some people overlook – but I just do not know if any of that can help.

    I’m sorry.

  26. It's cool that you value that interaction, good for you. But you clearly don't value or even respect people, who don't value sex like OP.

  27. No. If he pushes back on your extremely reasonable boundaries, you WILL break up with him because you’re young and his reluctance will indicate that you shouldn’t waste any more time with someone who doesn’t respect you. But honestly girl, it sounds like he never got over her and that’s something I wouldn’t be able to abide.

  28. Oh, I don't know, maybe know better than to pass it on to any other women for whom it could be dangerous? (Also, see my comment about this above/below.)

  29. Trust me, you will figure things out. Your penis isn't anywhere near as important as your brain when it comes to sex anyway.

  30. this is absolutely not about you.

    he is going through something you can't handle, can't deal with and honestly should not be expected to deal with his crippling mental health.

    this needs to be about him getting help, not about you feeling slighted. He needs help.

    He isn't ready to be with you, and you know that.

    and for gods sake, don't go in to his house or his friends and start talking about how he made you feel, and how upset you are over this, and how you don't feel comfy about his ex anymore. He needs help, not you. you can survive this, you aren't shutting down, you aren't locking everyone out of your life.

  31. Lol no you won't always have to because it's bs. Leave him until he actually does the work and then decide. Cause my bet is that he'll just find someone willing to put up with it. It's 2023. We are no longer raising men and being their therapist. It's time for them to raise themselves if their parents failed. You shouldn't be teaching him MANNERS of all things. Parent teaching or not, this man has seen movies, tv shows, books etc he knows wtf manners are. He was choosing not to use them until you made it a problem that he had to care about.

  32. asked if my mom could do a big pile of laundry for her because her washer is acting weird.

    That's really rude. Your mother is not a maid. Are there no laundromats in Florida?

  33. Lol no you won't always have to because it's bs. Leave him until he actually does the work and then decide. Cause my bet is that he'll just find someone willing to put up with it. It's 2023. We are no longer raising men and being their therapist. It's time for them to raise themselves if their parents failed. You shouldn't be teaching him MANNERS of all things. Parent teaching or not, this man has seen movies, tv shows, books etc he knows wtf manners are. He was choosing not to use them until you made it a problem that he had to care about.

  34. Okay so maybe your fiance should be doing it.

    However, atm, unless the pic was his mother in the dress you don't have facts just rumours. What you should do is try and get the info for yourself. Ask her if she wants to go dress shopping with you for her dress. If she says she has one be all omg can I see it?! Then let fiance take care of it.

    If you are worried about drama maybe you could try and reach out with wedding colours. Often bride/groom immediate family dress in wedding colours, if you have 2 and bridesmaid are wearing one reach out and say you'd love her to wear the other colour so she's included, or if you are fine with her in bridesmaid colour then give her all the wedding colours to choose from. If not can you do like a I'd love you and mum to wear the same colour so we come together as a family then have them pick a colour. You have options.

  35. Could be a possibility but i don't know when. He would have told me. Unless he's trying to catch me lying? Idk

  36. Oh hun. I grew up with my father saying the same things since I was a baby. I saw him treat my sibling differently because ” I was the one that ruined his life, my sibling came afterward, so they are innocent.”.

    I have been in therapy since I was 7 years old. I will admit it's intense therapy, but itso worth it. It took me a long time to realize I didn't ruin his life. He did! He had sex(even though they used a condom and mom was on BC), and it comes with the risk of pregnancy. He had a chance to leave, and my mother told him if he wanted out, she would raise me on her own (with family help) and never darken his life again, not even for money. He came back because he didn't want another man being my father (he's a full-blown narcissist) . With therapy, you will also realize your innocence in this. He made his choices and sadly still needed someone to blame because he didn't want to be honest and take the blame on himself.

    Please, for yourself, start therapy. It's hard (very hard), but life changing.

  37. but then I don't wanna hear the narrative about being the bad guy who left him on his bday

    And who would be telling that narrative? His raggedy-ass family who doesn't like you anyway?

    Tell every one of them to kiss the darkest part of your big ass and move along with your life. Nothing you will ever do will make them accept you anyway, so eff it.

    “Oh, you think I'm the bad guy? Well, let me show what a bad guy looks like.”

    And BTW, you'd only actually be the “bad guy” if you accidentally/on purpose destroyed his clothes/belongings on your way out. Which I do not recommend although it can feel therapeutic in the moment. But don't do it.

  38. Can you get an eye patch? I'm sure you could get one at a pharmacy.

    1) It covers your eye and you can just say you've got s bit of an ugly shiner for whatever reason.

    2) if you get a black one, it will not look too bad. Hell, style yourself appropriately and you'll look like a fancy villain.

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