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Jordidenillive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Jordidenillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. OP may be in just as much danger if he is viewed as the reason she isn't interested or something like that. I think he is involved enough that he should have a say in what is done

  2. Not really enough info, plus it’s a personal issue that needs to be discussed and a comprise needs to be reached with your partner.

    You don’t say for example who makes more, also someone pointed out but you using more utilities and house hold products being home all the time. Are you contributing more there?

    Seriously such a small thing that only you and your partner can sort out. Asking a bunch of strangers on the internet won’t get you an answer but maybe some perspectives.

  3. You said he needs therapy

    I say you damn need therapy asap. You started dating a completely broken person, you are a complete doormat, tolerate abuse, depends on him, try to change him.

    Wake up a show a ounce of respect for yourself…

  4. There's just something about hentai that makes me feel uncomfortable.

    Probably the fact that it's hella creepy. Most of that shit involves drawings of little girls. Anyone who I find out is into that shit is out of my life. Can't be friends with someone like that.

    Had one guy argue with me about it. Told me she's not actually a child, but some kind of 6000 year old immortal dragon who only shapeshifts into the body of an 8-year old girl. As if that makes it better. Regardless, if you're jerkin your gherkin to a drawing of a child, you're a fucking pedo.

  5. You mean zoom in on the Sea of tranquility on the moon? my phone does that. And iphones are trying really hard to catch up but they do a pretty good job at taking clear videos. Op said the girl in the video talked, did it even sound like the gf? Sounds to me like projecting, these girls are trying to get ahead of the story with their own “version”

  6. Here’s the question how am I supposed to know if I truly don’t want kids or if I’m just nervous/anxious/worried about having them?

    IMO nobody should have kids unless they explicitly want them.

    They're a drain on your time, your patience, your sanity, your money, for at least 18 years. Unless you have a desire to have them that outweighs those things, I wouldn't just go into it hoping something changes.

  7. Honestly, he didn’t do it because the thought he had another offer. These events aren’t related; he did it because he is immature and not very experienced (I am being gentle here).

    Even if you do have a better job offer in fact, you quit with best possible terms you can manage to happen. You never know the future; especially if you are staying in the same industry and city too.

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