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49 thoughts on “Submissive_gagginglive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’ve not had this exact situation, but I met a girl on the other side of the world and I still had to go back home to finish my last year of school. We decided to have a LDR while we finish up school and then move to be together (we did travel to meet up a couple of times). We’re now married for 5 years with 2 kids.

    If you feel a strong connection with this girl I think you should talk about it with her and see what her plans for the future are. If you want to give this a shot and see where it goes you have to focus a lot on communication.

  2. At this point everyone knows. But the friends keep using group chats with me and keep adding me to group chats despite knowing we’re broken up

  3. I understand she has some financial issues so shes working on multiple jobs but why does she have to block you for it? Thats a red flag

    Try messaging her only on weekends. 5 months and if she is still ghosting I say you move on

  4. man kissed me and I didn’t say no or push back.

    Tell your boyfriend this and let him decide also

    I still feel attracted to that man Tell this also Go away from your boyfriend's life he deserves some one better

    Hard to digest but true

  5. Communication. Sit down and tell her she's not a dependant, you're in this together for the long haul and this is an investment in her and your future to have this arrangement that allows for stress-free schooling. She is pulling her weight. You don't have to be paid money to pull your weight. She is working hard.

    Also, get married when you want to, don't let school dictate that.

    I'm the one who went back to school at exactly this age. That's how I felt. I was working hard. It was an intense 3 days a week and I had a crappy part time job, so I was still working a little for spending money, he made lots and rent was cheap. I wasn't feeling guilty.

  6. Oh ok lol. Well here’s my input. Yea I agree with you I’d be confused too and I see why you would think to be the fall back option since she just left a long relationship. Doesn’t seem she healed completely yet. If I were you I’d put a wall up to protect yourself. Let time pass and see what happens.

  7. So…

    He's a 41 years old dude that lives paycheck to paycheck. OK. That's not a problem. I would like to know WHY, tho. Why is he a 41 M that lives paycheck to paycheck? That's what matters to me. Is he hardworking person? Just a case of bad luck? Someone who lives a careless life? GIRL. For real. You're 25 already, you don't need nobody telling you this.

    And what's your plan, by the way? Do you see a life with someone his age with no financial stability that's SIXTEEN years older than you? I mean, what's lacking in his life right now that he's dating a 25 F? 'Cause I bet ya that no 41 F is gonna be going for him, let me tell ya'!

    God bless.

  8. When I was a teenager, I went to a concert and complete stranger decided to put his hands on my hips and use them to “steady” himself as he jumped up and down behind me, “getting a better look.”

    It was sooooo unexpected and weird. I literally froze at first, trying to decide what to do. Do I simply pull away? What if he grabbed me harder and tried to hurt me? Do I elbow him? What if that makes him angry and he hits me? Do I yell at him? What if everyone around me thinks I'm crazy and blames me for causing a scene? It was so bold to me that this guy would touch a young, strange girl like this, the situation seemed entirely unpredictable and I was completely baffled and unprepared to respond to it. So many thoughts and scenarios went through my head while this was happening, and then just as I made the decision to try to get away, he let go and didn't bother me the rest of the night.

    OP, this creep truly might have been touching her so lightly that she didn't feel him doing it. That's entirely possible. But if she was aware that he was doing it, just consider how weird of a situation it was and how the best course of action in these types of situations feels like you should ignore the guy and wait for him to go away. I'm not saying that actually is the best course of action all the time, but it is the first reaction and the path of least resistance. Give your girlfriend the benefit of the doubt – it's highly unlikely that she was enjoying a strange man putting his hands on her and was deliberately letting him do it to disrespect you. She either didn't notice, or was just unable to bring herself to take his hands off and risk an awkward confrontation.

  9. “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  10. Certain type of people are attracted to “soft” people. Just like you can see when someone is confident, people can see the shyness and kindness of people and take advantage of them. It is not fair, it is not nice. That’s why it’s importan to set boundaries right away. The wrong kind of people will leave immediately as they do not like it when others are confident in themselves.

  11. I do enjoy his company and being with him, but I just worry since the interests are different. I just didn’t feel the need to have it in the post since this is mainly about what’s wrong rather than what’s right

    But I can understand the concern— I’m just hoping to find common ground or find strategies to find them

  12. Run. Just run. This is how it starts. This is more than a short temper, this is a complete disregard for other people and a lack of empathy and understanding. This will only get worse.

  13. Functional alcoholics, which it sounds like she is, can and will do just about anything in their everyday lives. You'd be surprised how many people can work, work out, spend time with friends or family, seem to not have a problem them go home, and get completely trashed every night. My mom was like that for many years. So was my ex-step father. Both were brilliant people in work, but their personal lives were a mess because of their drinking. Mom was a veterinarian until she died of liver failure, ex-stepdad was a scientist until he retired.

    Point being, alcoholics can live completely normal lives in every other way, and most people would have no clue. Sounds like that is how this woman is.

  14. I would leave him, but I would do it in a clever way. Where are you? Just basically move departments changed your phone number and ghosted him and I would send him a folder with some things she sent you I would use the texting and getting a hold of him. I would leave some of the other things out unless you need them. It will protect her. Clearly there’s something wrong with him.

  15. You’re right to be suspicious of her, as she’s having an EA. Her privacy is her personal boundary but if the secrets she’s keeping affects your relationship, then you have the right to know about that information. As someone who has a history of cheating, doesn’t matter if it’s EA, she should be open about her social media usage to you just to show that she’s nothing to hide.

    If she uses again that “invading her privacy” excuses, then it’s time to let her go. You cannot trust her again, and your relationship will not survive without it.

  16. My child isn't even two yet and we have been sure to have arguments (before this even) not I front of or around her, saving them for either nap time or when she goes to bed. My wife, apparently, is a lot of things. A bad mother, or one to teach her negative values, is not one of them.

  17. I don't care if she was drunk or sober; there are two gigantic red flags here:

    She was fully prepared to just take off with some random guy, leaving you in the lurch. Ugh. When you called her on this behavior, she hit you. Be aware that the first time someone hits you is when it is hardest to do so. With every succeeding incident, it is easier for that person to be violent. Sigh. I have lived this one.

    Keep your space for now. Advise her that she crossed a line so you are unsure about you having a future as a couple. Which is true.

    She needs to quit drinking as it is doing her no favors. I don't know if she is an actual alcoholic or not but overdrinking or binge drinking can segue into alcoholism. Maybe she could attend some AA meetings to get some insights on her alcohol issues.

    She need to get some counseling too. Responding with violence in this situation is an extreme response to the stimuli provided. Did she grow up in a violent household? If so, she probably has a number of issues that need addressing. And a good therapist can really help with that.

    You can keep the lines of communication open but be cautious. She has betrayed your trust so, if you love her, let her EARN it back which can take at least a year or more.

    Good luck to you both.

  18. That's what I think. My ex-husband wanted the house and 2-car lifestyle and i didn't at all. But he wasn't honest about it (I was) and we wasted 12 years together. My boyfriend and I live in a tiny condo but we travel the world. I'm sure there is someone out there for OP.

  19. And why are you pretending that it isn't possible for people to change their behaviours later on?

    And its been proven they usually don't.

    Most abusers show red flags early on.

    Most people aren't sociopaths or psychopaths. They can't keep up the con very long.

    That's also been proven. Time and time again.

    Yes, people continue relationships with shitty people all the time, but we have OP here who is TELLING US that this behaviour is new and only started becoming prevalent once she fell pregnant. Why don't you believe her? Do you find it easier to blame the woman for staying in the relationship than blame the man for the bad behaviour?

    And I'm saying people lie.

    I've never seen a person admit to ignoring red flags and continuing an relationship anyway, and the fall out of that choice being their own fault.

    That's not human nature.

    Instead people choose to distance themselves away from culpability.

    Which is why I don't believe them when they say the person changed.

  20. Honestly, you're looking at this wrong. Your sex life is dynamic. It could get better or could get worse over time. It's an exercise. The other dude just happened to figure out what made her work. Ok, can't you do the same?

    I remember I could make this one girl orgasm easily, but another girl I had a harder time. The first girl, as is what I did just happened to work. For the second, I had to figure it out.

    Slow it down. Explore her body and try and experiment different ways to make her cum.

    Don't make a mistake and think what you have now is all you're going to get.

    Go study the vagina's anatomical model. Go learn about typical techniques to make her orgasm. Go try it on her. Adjust per her specific needs. Rinse and repeat.

    Also, don't forget the mental aspect. Spend the day sexting her will get her mind-juices going. At night, she'd be much more receptive and in the moment.

  21. Taking responsibility would be telling him that you're insecurity in the relationship lead you to read his journal and dig through his social media accounts. You're avoiding all responsibility after violating his trust. He had a secure place where he could hash out his thoughts and you completely destroyed that boundary.

  22. Tbf I would think that this might be some one purposely trying to ruin the relationship. Either they don't like him, or are jealous he's with some one. Hence why when you further ask them for details on the incidents that supposedly happened, they stopped responding.

    I'd say bring it up to him, because it regardless if he did do it or not, it's involving him. He might know who possibly made the post, and why.

  23. Snooping isn't strange in relationships. Best policy is being open about your online activities.

    With that said, everything you have seen is pointing in one direction. You can decide to close ypur eyes, but it will not change the reality of situation.

    If he lies about one thing, it means you can't believe him unconditionally about anything else as well. What he has done already is enough to just break up. There is no need to dig for anything more. If you stay you will just waste more of your life.

  24. That's the reason why you date to see who the other person really is. It's not unnatural that your dynamic changed between being friends and being in a relationship. If it does for the worse then you either accept your losses or you address the issue and see if it can be fixed. Sometimes people can do this light-hearted negging with friends better than with a partner.

  25. Do I pack a bag and go stay in a hotel? I don’t have family close by that I can stay with.

    I think you need to talk to a lawyer. Leaving the marital home is always NOT a good idea from a legal perspective. When I say leaving, I mean with the goal of not coming back.

    Going to your brother's house for spring break is a great idea, though.

  26. If it's a recent issue, then if you're in therapy you should know it will get worse if you always rely on the crutch that you found to deal with it. That's how anxiety works. “Support” of this type can become enabling very quickly, and given your reaction to his request for a night off, it already has.

    Whatever is going on with him, he needed a night off from the phone. You wanted to argue about his expressed needs.

  27. I would be really sad too!! My husband and I tried a few years before we were able to have a successful pregnancy (I sadly lost 2) so today is my first mother's day and I feel so excited to be celebrated!

    My husband wouldn't forget but he also gets stumped on what to do, so usually a week before events like these (birthdays/special occasions) I just tell him what I'd like- I said I'd like a card with our daughter's footprints on and for him to cook me dinner. And that's exactly what he's done.

    There would be people who wouldn't care if they received anything but you obviously do and it obviously means a lot to you. I'm sad your partner hasn't realised this- I'm sorry. A huge happy mother's day from me to you x

  28. Very good, except he doesn't respect you, treat you decently after cuming on you, clearly told you that you were inferior because you were “just a hookup”.

    He has no intention of a relationship, dear.

  29. The goal of Therapy is to get to the point where there are no “one time slip ups” because there's nothing to hold back, because there's no more unresolved trauma.

    Yeah dude, the fact that there's something to “one time slip up” on means you absolutely need to go to therapy.

    I wish you the best and your new wife sounds incredibly supportive.

  30. He's had contact with this woman for at least a week. And, had told you nothing. That's reason to be suspicious. Why didn't he tell you about her? Because he knee it was wrong.

    If you're not convinced to keep him out. Then go thru his phone.

  31. You're not a bad mom for your child crying, especially if you made sure that he had all of his needs met. I don't know if your baby is colicky or maybe was just tired and needed to be laid down for a nap. But regardless of the issue your husband is totally out of line! He doesn't know how it feels to be at home with a newborn 24/7. As long as you're able to hear your child and you're not wearing those canceling headphones while you're not holding him, I honestly don't think it's a problem. I hope you're able to work this out because his comment is a huge red flag!

  32. If she did that while babysitting my children, her dad would be beaten and she’d end up a sex offender. I got slapped by my mom for searching porn at 10. I do not appreciate being hit, no one was home when I was, but I actually go back and forth on if she was wrong (after reading your comment, I wish she had lobotomized me so I couldn’t comprehend the flagrant sexism). Please do not have children, if you do, tie them to a raft and send them as far the fuck away from a victim blaming, excuse making coward for a parent.

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