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57 thoughts on “mellowyelloolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ummm why would they go out on a Saturday night when it makes more sense to have gone out after work …. my spidey sense is tingling.

    She has been acting distant, moved out to a friends, didn’t communicate, ignored your call (not even a text back) and went out with a single coworker. At least she told you …. but I’d say this is not good ….

  2. Are you prepared to live for years with her holding this over your head? If she goes through with it, it's not any fault of yours. She's emotionally manipulating you. Every single time she does this call the police and her family but do not under any circumstances try to go to her rescue or tell her that you guys can stay together.

  3. I absolutely hate when people use their trauma as an excuse to be an Ahole (I’m a trauma child too). Or if that’s how their parents acted then it must be okay. … does this make me an ahole for saying this

  4. That’s not something you just find. It’s something you slowly build with someone you grow to love. Of course you’re not going to find it ready-made, it never is. Find a good person and do the buddy system, and see where that goes.

  5. It's a cliche but it's true – time heals all wounds.

    Hang out with your friends, work out, read a book, find some hobbies, spend time with your family, and get some pussy.

    In time you will be ok 🙂

  6. Congratulations on your sobriety!!

    Just politely talk to your sister in law in person and tell her you don't want to come for the event because you are recently sober. Let her know and if you want to let her know the wedding was a huge eye opener for you as well. Maybe just showing her how you've changed and why could help mend the relationship as well.

    You got sober and nobody knows tho so invites like this will happen until finally everyone knows.

  7. That is my absolutely newfound favorite quote.

    I'm sorry, OP but your mother has a very warped view of parenting and you should absolutely limit contact with her.

    I'm sure from what you've written, family is extremely important to you. Otherwise, you would have ditched this woman's abusive shenanigans yesterday.

    Adding on to this, Heaven can't be better than Hell if angels, including one of God's favorites(Lucifer), left.

  8. I'll just say the same thing I said on another post earlier this week with a bf (31) and gf (22)…

    No well-intentioned, well-adjusted 31yr old man would seriously seek a real relationship with a 22yr old girl.

    I never really thought I had a problem with age gaps in relationships, but the difference in life as 22yr old and life as a 31yr old is DRASTIC. To me, the life experience gap is almost equivalent to a college senior dating a high school freshman. What does a 31yr old have in common with a 22yr old? Basically nothing (and no, sex doesn't count as a common interest).

    4 out of 5 times, the man in this scenario is just using the girl for sex. Yes, there can be exceptions to this, but generally this is not the setup to a meaningful and healthy relationship. It's a unfortunate truth that a substantial portion of men are actually just horny piece's of shit (take it from me, a man).

    He's already shown you how much he values you… To him you're apparently not even worth a simple Christmas gift (candy, flowers, a card, literally anything).

    Get out now. Find someone who values you.

  9. Gees. If you want to stay in the closet, stay in the closet. But leading her on like this is psychopathic.

  10. If you really care about her- make this about her issue and not your perceived lack of respect. If it is ADHD, that is a disability and part of it is being late to shit and fucking up all the time. You have to have some pretty serious coping mechanisms in place to manage it if you aren't medicated. Don't come to her as a complaint, come to her as a partner.

    The person talking about consequences doesn't understand real relationships. She's not your child to be punished. Talk to her like an adult.

  11. Per this point… don’t get pregnant by him, he won’t support you or have empathy for you during your pregnancy/birth.

    Take this warning to heart.

  12. Hello /u/anon000777,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  14. I do it every time me and my hubby go to a hotel that has two beds. It’s a fun novelty for me to have my own bed again.

  15. Focus on your relationship and work through it or find yourself someone with the personality you want your partner to have, but asking your girlfriend to be more like her sister personality wise is not the way

  16. You gave her the best birthday gift ever! Her freedom and happiness! Really nice of you to be that thoughtful

  17. Uhhhhh. You cannot reclassify her uncle into something else now. It's too late. Either he's uncle or your wife stops bringing uncle around and to never let him back in or in proximity.

    Should you both decide to keep him around, let him be uncle. Easy to explain from her perspective. To anybody else who asks you, it's a really good friend. And for those who really know you, it's your wife's bf.

    Don't complicate things for her. You and your wife did that all by yourselves. Now you bare the consequences. Protect your daughter's innocence and don't get all technical on her because you feel a certain way about her boyfriend being around a lot and playing an uncle role.

    Or, you go the wildcard route. Bring a puppy or a girlfriend home to complicate your lives even more. Without any consideration of who your daughter is bonding to and why you should have some foresight into her development with who you bring/keep around.

  18. So, instead of being transparent, she's being more careful to not have her messages be seen.

    Anyone can say “I'm sorry.” But not many people are willing to actually be sorry and make changes to make things right and get you to feel better.

    Time has passed, and you feel like shit. Walk out. I am sorry this happened to you. Best friends don't do that crap and you deserve better.

  19. A lot of comments on her, rightly so, but I also think it’s important to check yourself too. Being a ‘white knight’ with whatever flavour of Saviour Complex is present in this ‘I can help her’ is actually quite grandiose and insulting to her responsibility to get help for herself. It’s unhealthy to insert yourself in someone’s life as their ‘helper’ – just asking for codependency there and perhaps ask yourself why you are so drawn to want to do this for someone?

  20. I would have a plan in mind, like a specific place, and say “want to go on a date at whatever place you choose?” I know you don’t want to outright say it, but that makes intentions clear immediately.

  21. Wtf are these comments tbh y’all keep saying why doesn’t OP help her find a roommate or why doesn’t she have a job a lot of times abusive people are financially abusive as well!! And you can’t just go find a random person to find a roommate it takes time and sister needs to get out now! There’s to many domestic violence victims where they don’t come out of the situation alive .

  22. god I fucking hate you

    This person said that to you. Now, you might think it’s an overreaction in the heat of the moment and you might be right. But I don’t think your partner loves you either. You should just remove yourself from this person’s life.

  23. If they peak at 23 then they’re clearly higher value to him younger than that vs. older than that, no? That seems to be what he’s implying. Doesn’t feel like a stretch.

  24. I am in Canada and she is from Quebec so french is her primarily language.. but speaks english. I was the first guy she dated that can't speak any French. I almost think that turned into a deal breaker for her… If I were to go visit her family or friends back in Quebec it would have been hard to communicate. To be clear she lives in Alberta english speaking province… but ya was born and raised French speaking.. but why tell me you love me and get so attached and clingy so fast early on lol. I must have really wow'd her..

  25. Yeah it’s amazing that OP even posted here… like she expected people to be on her side with this.

    Lady has the emotional intelligence of an ant. Clearly she also believes she’s never wrong, or else she never would have gotten this far with her ridiculousness. Seems like a narcissist to me.

  26. there’s nothing to ask more. Block his ass and move on. You’re getting stepped over like trash if you keep trying to keep him as your partner. He’s gonna leave you again for another chick and he won’t give a shit. Your call.

  27. Well, he not only showed you who he was, he literally told you. I guess you can expect seven years of manipulation and mental abuse until you end up needing psychiatric intervention just like the last one he did that to.

    Or you can get out now, while the getting is good.

  28. It sounds like you were sexually assaulted by your best friend. I would question the other people at the party to find out more about what happened and see if you can get a rape kit done (IF you want to and still can – you don't have to report it if you don't want to.) sending support ?

  29. I was straightforward. I told her I didn’t love her and didn’t want her. I don’t know why she didn’t listen. Inviting someone into your friend group doesn’t mean you like them.

  30. Look your dad is a bit pissed off now but he'll get over it. Just pay the deductible on the insurance claim and you should be fine.

  31. She did try to say it differently, though. She said she felt “disconnected “ and only after you pressed her she finally said it that way.

  32. You keep saying 100% but make sure she’s at 100%. Pick someone who picks you too because she’s gaslighting you to hide her emotional affair. I think it’s hard to not realize you’re getting butterflies for a coworker and texting him all day long. Like let’s cut through the old crap cake here brother

  33. You have to make it clear that you will leave if your concerns are not treated with respect and then actually leave if that happens.

    Right now he thinks you won’t leave so he has no incentive to be better.

    You can do it incrementally. Make it clear what you want from him. Set boundaries. “I want (whatever change you need) by (this time) or (consequence).”

    I recommend reading Fair Play and starting there.

    Couples counseling if he really seems to want to go but otherwise you might just need to leave.

  34. Sorry, I know this is crazy long but here's the final part. All this culminated in me getting 2 Ubers to get us home, one to my place to get my things, and one to his as he had work the next day and didn’t want to stay at mine – fair enough. We argued more when we got home because I wasn't being affectionate enough. I don't remember much of what was actually said or done, it's all pretty patchy. The one thing that sticks out in my mind is him saying “what do you mean, WOMAN” in the most disgustingly condescending way I've ever heard. He immediately apologised and said he went too far. I was just in shock, I've never heard him speak like that. He tried to initiate sex when we went to bed which obviously upset me. He said “sorry I want to have sex with my girlfriend” and went to sleep.

    I'm just a mess. I know I have to leave. I don't feel strong enough. I know someone who loves me, calls me the love of their life, wouldn't treat me like this. There's still part of me that wants to believe I'm the problem so I can fix myself and fix the relationship, but after last night I'm starting to think it's him.

  35. Bro she doesn’t let you express your feelings and uses phrases like “real man”. Get out of there dude.

  36. Why are you continuing to live as a couple then? Your bluff has been called and you're still there. Seems like she thinks you'll care eventually. If you truly mean what you do, maybe you need to move out.

  37. You should ask him what you can do for him so you don’t need to call the ex. She may not be around or available next time this happens.

  38. You need to get a paternity test, then get support from the ACTUAL father. If it’s Greg, he needs to support his child whether he wants to or not. If it’s Brian, he needs to support his child whether he wants to or not. Once you have figured out who the father is, get a custody agreement in place.

    If you are not with Justin, move on. He is neither the bio father or legal father. He has no rights, and at some point he will (probably) want to have his own family, and when that happens your son will most likely end up hurt. Your son is still young and not attached to him yet.

    Also, focus on your child instead of trying to find a father for him. Having a bunch of men come in and out of his life is not healthy.

  39. You've grown into different people. You're someone who's growing, changing, improving himself throughout his lifetime. She's stuck being who she always is (comfort; path of least resistance).

    The smartest thing to do is to divorce. Get a 2-bedroom apt. so the kids can visit with you 50% of the time so that you can ensure that at least 50% of the time they're seeing adulthood modeled correctly. You can't hide an unsatisfying marriage from the kids; they see it, they hear it, they feel it. If you don't change your life to better reflect who you are and what you want, how can you expect them to do so? They will take you & your wife as models for “adult” “spouse” “parent”. Make sure that you reflect the values you want your children to aspire to.

  40. He's mentally unstable and owns a gun. Why do you need more than that? Your judgement for what is ok or acceptable + safe is totally broken. Your life is very much in danger.

  41. Why do you want to be friends with somebody like him? He seems like he only finds women valuable to him if he can fuck them. If he wouldn’t respect you or see you as a person worthy of attention just because you won’t sleep with him, he is definitely not the kind of person you want in your life. Period.

  42. I think since this is the only man i’ve ever been with since i was 15 my judgement is completely skewed bc this is all i know :(((

  43. Makes jokes about him having a big dick outside of sex. “Hey, did you how big this apple is?” “Like that dick!” “She we get the regular olives or the colossal ones?” “I like me olives like my man’s cock, colossal!”

    That can really help. It shows you’re thinking about him sexually when not having sex and it’s s real confidence booster.

  44. There are multiple parts to an apology.

    1) I’m sorry that I made you feel ——- when I ——-. 2) I’m going to work hard to make sure that doesn’t happen again. I plan to —-. Does that sound right to you? 3) is there anything else I can do to make things right between us?

    The kind of thing you describe does happen sometimes. Most people would be semi-understanding about it. The friend. The trouble. The driving here, driving there. It was a lot. Her insecurity is showing…and of course she feels insecure. Her kids were removed from here. She was in the hospital. There probably aren’t too many people who wouldn’t feel insecure.

    I hope she is getting appropriate care for her mental illness and is working toward getting her children back. It must be horrible.

  45. Asian cultures are typically racist, everywhere you go.

    Sounds more like he AND his friends are the problem, and this woman could do better.

  46. Asian cultures are typically racist, everywhere you go.

    Sounds more like he AND his friends are the problem, and this woman could do better.

  47. Yeah that confused me too. Isn't mortgage the main expense? Even if he's not paying every month, why should he have to? It should be split at the very least, and honestly split proportional to their income.

    My guess is OP has student loans for her degrees that she's paying off. She's only able to do that coz he's covering the mortgage most months.

    There's definitely missing info, but it doesn't sound like the husband is the manchild she's making him out to be.

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