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BrandyTaralive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “BrandyTaralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. And one more thing. She might be having passionless sex with you because the fact of the matter is it is life experience and surrounding culture shows that men only care about sex and If you don’t put out he will leave you.

    If you are serious and genuine about loving your wife for the rest of your lives, and want to ensure passionate loving sex into old age, then now is the best time to tell her she can stop having sex with you and you won’t leave. And then do that.

    As the years pass and the kids get more independent her libido will return and it will come roaring back because you showed her true love and respect and understanding

  2. I think you need to talk to her, don't just in a “I want more sex” way because that's a sure fire way to get less, but in a “I love you, I find you absolutely irresistible. I feel like the spark has gone, what can I do to help?” type of way. I've only had two children and with everything else I do sometimes I feel like sex is just another chore, just something else for someone else, this isn't something you can throw money and big gestures at its about people going up the mental load, doing things that need to be done because you've seen it needs doing and not expecting a parade afterwards. I don't know how old your children are but I'm guessing at least one is a small, demanding baby? She has something that needs to be in contact with her all day, when that baby isn't there another child needs her, by the time she gets into bed she's probably only had a few minutes of the day without someone touching her and now you are there, it's absolutely exhausting to be touched out, yes humans need physical contact but when it's relentless it is the opposite when our youngest was a baby I wouldn't even want a hug from my husband because the thought of someone else touching me yet again was nearly replusive – I did get over it. I also think you are under estimating the changes her body has been though, it's takes a year to recover from a “normal” pregnancy, but her body didn't get that, it was producing another human before it had recovered from the last one, pregnancy and birth change your skeletal structure, your organs have been rearranged and don't always go back, the rollar coaster of hormones often cause irreversible changes, hell even you DNA is altered! And that's happened 4 times in 6 years, her body doesn't feel hers anymore, she probably has a ton of hang ups about being fat, veiny, stretch marks, saggy bits, bloated bits, flat feet, hair loss, bad skin etc etc You need to ask her how she feels, whether she is feeling flat and empty after birth (pnd can take up to a year to manifest), if she's struggling with any pain (if she had stitches after birth they may have been done too tight and sex is painful), how she feels about her amazing body that grew 4 humans, find out about how she is feeling without focusing on your penis and it's wants. You might find she is really suffering but not wanting to complain

  3. There’s a chance you may not ever get him to understand. Not because you aren’t communicating well or something but because ultimately we can’t control other people and their feelings and behaviors. That said, give it one more shot if you feel like it but make it clear that you don’t require his sign off to go places with your friends. Then go out and have fun!

  4. No if course not I have my own life goals and responsibilities. What’s wrong here is having your SO support someone just for the heck of it. You’re saying it’s okay for a person to be supporting someone with everything while they lie around and don’t do anything? There’s something wrong there if you think that’s okay. Reminder I’m taking about when she is able to get a job not right now because I’m more than aware that she is unable to.

  5. It’s not your call dude. You don’t live together or have any set in stone plans to. “I wouldn’t be opposed to a dog down the line, but not now” well then it’s a good thing you don’t live with her now huh. It’s hilarious you think you should have had any say in this.

  6. I didn’t even do anything wrong here. When we were together I feel I suppressed my needs to not be too much to the point where I felt I was there to make him happy , put their wants before my needs and was scared to ask for anything. Yet I’m exhausting? For existing and being in pain? Notice how I didn’t even describe any actions here, just said that I was in pain and was insulted for it. IM exhausted. I’m exhausted by being judged and made to feel like a burden for being autistic and mentally ill. What would be best for me is not listening to this opinion at all

  7. He is predatory because he likes underage girls, yes, but it’s an incredible generalization to suggest that no one should be surprised that a man in his 30s with a 25 year old partner should like young girls. Or that adult relationships with age gaps are by default predatory… c’mon

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