Its_kaai live webcams for YOU!


kaileigh chat

Date: November 5, 2022

9 thoughts on “Its_kaai live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes it is! It’s like a breath of freah air so thank you! I take good care of myself. I won’t allow him to make me feel like it worthy. His addictions and finically issues are his problem it mine.

  2. Fart in front of her. Eat beans—lots of them—save it up, and when you’re cuddling let out a huge fucking fart.

    I’m not joking.

  3. As a guy who went through hook ups and had roommates. I don't want to be a dick. But here it goes.

    You're immature and have poor judgement.

    Your 2 roommates had to handle your situation. You're lucky they were there.

  4. He is emotionally abusive, manipulative, and is is demonstrating entitlement. You can do so much better than him

  5. Okay, how long do the blowjobs go for when she starts? We talk 1 to 2 minutes, 5 to 10 minutes, or 15 to 30 minutes?

  6. I’m sorry that you’re wife did that to you, it’s wrong and I consider it sexual assault.

    But, my man…everything else, you did that to yourself. The pullout method is and never will be effective. Your wife thoroughly disproved that and I can’t believe you even typed that out.

  7. There's a lot to unpack here.

    About the guy: what he did was creepy and doing creepy things leads to being treated as a creep. Actions have consequences.

    His main focus is the consequences of his actions, not that he hurt someone.

    He plays the victim about having to deal with the consequences of his actions and paints her as unfair and having wronged him for not keeping his dirty little secret.

    The three last points show he's not a good person that made a little mistake in judgement because of nad relationship skills and will for sure never do anything creepy again. They show he's a selfish creep with no actual understanding of the severity of his actions even though it has been explained to him literally hundreds of times. They also show he has no real remorse and won't change as a person, he'll just try to hide who he is in future.

    About you: you used sexist language “cancel culture” and throw him a pity party for having to deal with the consequences of his actions.

    You call a woman seeking support, warning other women about someone who was creepy towards her, her friends protecting her and people online explaining him the severity of his actions and how to improve a witch hunt. Which is again very telling.

    Your arrogance, especially at the beginning and end of your comment also don't throw a good light on you.

    The fact that you call people downvoting your misogynist crap cowards doesn't even need more words.

    Or TLDR: the guy is a selfish creep and you are a misogynist

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