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42 thoughts on “Elizabetsweetlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. No . It was the first time that he was like that and i literally felt like he’s lost his mind and doesn’t even know what’s he doing

  2. You are dating her not them. It's your life not theirs. Don't let them take control of your emotions for another or you will regret it. You are your own person, parents can disagree but not enforce unless you are not legally an adult

  3. Yes, he’s clearly texting you to annoy you and to play with you, and he accomplished that goal, he gave you some attention then 0 then 100% and so and so

  4. He’s done it drunk, he’s done it sober and most disrespectfully of all, he did it behind your back to other people. Believe what you want, but he is neither loving nor understanding. He’s actually a creep that got involved with a teenager 15 years ago because he has control issues and knew a woman his own age wouldn’t put up with his bull shit. You are not a wind up doll living to please him, you’re a whole person who has been ill! Fuck this middle age ass hat! Sounds like even his friends don’t think very much of him. You could do so much better and if you take off the blinders and substitute fact for fiction, you will. Good luck

  5. I’m 5’4 and 120-125 and I have never in my life had anyone refer to me as plump. Ever. Including my husband who I’ve been with for 10 years since college and 10lbs ago. The only weight I think you need to lose is his.

  6. Let him know there will be consequences to your relationship when you do the test and it comes back that he’s obviously the father.

  7. The point of my comment was that I am not assuming.

    But either way it’s all good. I said above I don’t really care why they’re downvoting me, and am only backing up my claims now since you said my comments could be seen as misogynistic. If people want to draw false assumptions about what I mean instead of taking it at face value, that’s their prerogative.

  8. Like the automod says, we can't give advice on situations involving minors, and/or abuse (emotional, neglect) etc. This needs intervention from a community you live in. This is very important for your child.

  9. I am certain it’s the distance that’s the issue for her. But I will make sure that there are no underlying issues. 🙂

  10. So many things are weird here. First of all, the guy was 20, which means he's been an adult for 2+ years, so you're definitely not a pdophile. Second, your friend said he was 10/10, whereas you said he wasn't your type – wouldn't that make her the pdo by her own standards? Third, by her standards, her fiancé is a pdo – why is that OK to her, but you *possibly dating a 20 year old is bad? I don't know much else about your friendship, but going off of this conversation, I'd say she sounds like a not-so-great friend. If she doesn't apologize and take accountability for what she said, personally, I wouldn't be friends with her anymore just because of how hypocritical she's being.

  11. Well, he was locked up for something he didn't do and in the brutal prison system indefinitely because of it. Your mind needs to protect you from whatever hopeless circumstances you find yourself in. The promise of a future with a woman he loved kept him going. It's no one's fault it ended up this way, but it's pretty understandable to latch on to something that makes your future not feel so hopeless.

  12. Tell them what you want to. Keep it brief “it didn’t work out”, tell them a half truth “he cheated and I don’t want to talk about it”. Or tell them everything. Do exactly what you need to do to heal. Just maybe don’t out him to his friends and family. Cos dude ain’t straight.

  13. Its not a risk I would take, not a risk I would recommend anyone to take. I bet if you talk to his ex.. and other exes… your going to get a drastically different story.

  14. I think you know that your relationship is already over, but you refuse to acknowledge it. Your BF manipulated you and that's not okay. You really need to break up and find someone who is on the same page as you.

  15. Pretty cut and dry Pandoras box situation.

    You do pretty much the only thing you can. Explain that you are uncomfortable with the proposed situation and won't put yourself through that. Explain that you fully understand the double standard that has been created by the first event. And apologize that you can't go through with it.

    Obviously if you don't want to go through with a sexual situation, thats perfectly fine.

    His reaction to this though may vary on how you guys have been talking. Just hope he understands your feelings and you do the same thing for him. Just stay honest.

  16. I made a similar joke with my wife when breaking down dozens of Amazon boxes with a box cutter. Of course it wasn’t our first Christmas together so it’s a little different.

  17. Clever, but I don’t think that applies here. The post is from a guy that recently had a threesome. You make a ridiculous blanket declaration that threesomes in a relationship are always bad. I provide a recent specific example as evidence of the ridiculousness of your declaration…. and you reply with a link to a sub Reddit that doesn’t really apply here.

    But by all means, please explain why threesomes in a relationship are ALWAYS a bad idea (every single time). You must have a lot of experience in this department so please enlighten us. We’re all here to learn from you.

  18. Thank you for the advice! I’ll do just that then! It sucks because I have a bunch of “what if’s” in my head, but that must come with heartbreak.

  19. I also didn't say he should engage the authorities, only that it sure looks a lot like asking for help.

    I didn't say anything about the authorities. Yes, I said Op can report her but I meant it as in the Original post; He wanted to report her to the School Counsellor Administration is where I was going with that.

    reaching out for help,

    That's medical help. Which, to be fair to me is a different cry for help. She was in need of medical care, and asked for medical help. That is a type of help but not the same type that OP wants.

    I understand where you are coming from, but the way I read and understood it was that she was asking for strictly medical help, and nothing more. She wasn't asking OP to help her get out of a DV situation, nor was she asking him to help her with food. With that she needs to ask for that specific type of help, but she didn't. OP wants to help her in a way she didn't ask for, and unwanted help is typically more hurtful than helpful.

  20. I am quite mesmerized that she told you that she cheated on her ex. People don't come clean about these topics unless they feel remorse and want a clean start on their relationship.

    My point is what did she do to you so she doesn't deserve your trust anymore? Sure, she cheated on her ex and we all know the saying once a cheater always a cheater, but what was the context? How old was she? Why did she do it? In this case context matter, because if her intention was to deceive you, she would not have told you to begin with.

    Regarding trust, that is up to you. You can accept that your gf is younger and therefore immature and trust she will not do the same to you or you can think she will cheat on all relationships. If you think is the second one, well, break up and move on. You guys are just dating for 3 months, is no big deal.

    And yeah, go date someone closer to your age if you don't want to date an young adult experimenting things

  21. These subreddits are very rarely a source for any actually good advice and this post is no exception. The only advice that is vaguely helpful is to communicate. Other comments seem to have a bad impression of the bf. The guy might just be locked in to the idea of them going where he went to school or something. Some people have compared it to ‘complete control’ over the kid, which is a leap, there’s hours of fiction someone could write about innocent reasons he’d want that. Now i’m not saying it’s not a red flag, it’s a bit weird, but that’s it. Just communicate and find out what’s up and if he’s still clammy about it say you’re not comfortable with that deal until he explains.

    TLDR: Divorce, get a restraining order

  22. Yes, hear her out. That does not mean that he stays in this relationship. It could be great closure for him, and an eye opener. Maybe even allow him to open his heart again to someone else instead of building walls. But only if she’s willing to own up to her BS. I don’t think she’s a good partner for him but he was asking for advice. And without knowing them personally that’s all I could give. I think reactions speak volumes in these situations. I hope she owns her stuff and has her own moment of realization that the way she’s treated this is so far from what a relationship is supposed to be.

  23. He’s definitely depressed. Depressed men lose motivation. But you could still leave. But that’s what it likely is.

    You can speak to him and ask him to get some help or join a gym but to take care of himself because he could be father to your kids.

  24. Better off with out then. Dad only got in contact when you had a health scare and it looked bad on him to not be in contact with them.

  25. Still using emotion and not caring about the facts. I don't see this ever changing, so have a good day!

  26. Man, she's lying and you know it. She made new friends who encourage her to fuck around and they covered for her and lied for her. You should have called for a “wellness-check”, the police would have insisted on seeing her. My advice, break up and move on. I bet she still hangs olut with her friends.

  27. Too me honestly, their are two big red flags here. First the fact that she's so adamant about not telling people she's in a relationship ( She can still tell people she's in a relationship while still keeping her school life and her personal life separate). And Second it sounds like she's leading this guy on, if he is expecting their get together to be a date. Which is disrespectful to not only you, but also the other guy.

    Taking into account that you're relationship has already had some major problems, from what sounds like the start. It looks like she's starting to move you into the role of a Back Pocket Boyfriend. She's keeping you as a boyfriend only because she's scared of being single, while actively looking for a “better” option.

    I think You're justified in taking issue with her meeting this guy. And in all honesty If I was in your position I would start think about if your relationship with her is actually worth it. Because it doesn't sound like it's a good relationship.

  28. She definitely isn't putting 150k, that's the problem. The husband is going to pay 90% of the mortgage and she is calling him irresponsible ?

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