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Cooper-Redslive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Cooper-Reds

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Languages: en,es,fr

Birth Date: 1999-12-13

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityEbony

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: November 3, 2022

53 thoughts on “Cooper-Redslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Just a thought but pack her shit and call her parents to come get her or you will call proper authorities to have her committed. She needs professional help and you aren't a professional.

  2. Just for reference- I am a childhood abuse survivor and have ptsd as well. What I have experienced was absolutely horrible. I would NEVER abuse a child like this. I work with vulnerable children, who can show diddicult behaviours etc and I have never hurt a child like that. I might have had a shorter fuse when I was younger but worked through that in therapy.

    What he has gone through is NO excuse for his behaviour and your mother needs to understand that Yes, what happened to him is awful but trauma is no excuse for being an asshole.

    I hope you get help and support soon!

  3. Sounds like she isn’t really into sexting and gets nothing from it. And you are not entitled to her sending pics for you, you pressuring like that is more likely to kill any libido she has and cause resentment. If it makes her feel used, then you have to accept that is how she feels.

    Pressuring someone with a low sex drive to match a high sex drive is a relationship killer. You are turning sex into a chore, and no one finds chores sexy.

    Either accept her low libido and stop pressuring her, or walk away. Those are your only two choices.

  4. If she refuses professional help, should this be where I draw the line, should I give her an ultimatum, get help, or we're breaking up?

    Is it wishful thinking to think that she'd eventually get “cured” once she find herself in a positive environment (she became a total shut-in during the pandemic) or am I just enabling her by acting as a sort of a comfort zone for her self destructive attitudes because “no matter what, he'd be there for me?”

  5. The parentage of your kids reflects your past sexual history. So consider for yourself when is a potential partners past sexual history important to you, and if so what would you feel was important to know and by when? Then be consistent and share yours the same way you’d like them to share theirs. Some people think past sexual history besides an std test is no one business, other people think the information is important to know when you start to consider becoming sexually active with each other, others want to know up front way before that. So figure out what works and feels right to you, and go from there.

  6. What an awful experience, not okay. Seeing your edit, if you don't work it out with him, it sounds like the beginning of a strictly professional relationship. It's hard but if everyone acts like an adult, just dissolve the relationship. Friend circle awkwardness will go away when they see you both aren't seething about it and moved on. Then yall can jam– or he can fuck off since he's the one who made it an issue. No reason you should get punished with changing your whole life for his behavior.

  7. You married money. You married a man almost 20 years older. Of course younger , stronger men have the upper hand. You made your choice no lay with it.

  8. You have all the potential in the world my brother, future you will laugh at the anxiety you currently have over women!

  9. Get rid of that phone! This is alarming OP and I can guarantee it has zero to do with your safety and everything to do with control. Also, seems like he's projecting guilt to you. Why exactly do you think he acts so damn secretive about his phone and computer? I'm willing to put money on him cheating. Get out of there OP. Nothing good can come of his behavior.

  10. Posed photos are posed for a reason. As you've mentioned, you're insecure, it's good that you can identify that. The intensity of it though should be dealt with by a professional.

    See a therapist, learn to love yourself, and realize that you'll never be someone else.

  11. Happy birthday dude, and also f**k her, you will do fine! One year from today she they would've probably broken up too, so promise yourself that after on year, she will regret the breakup!

  12. It’s him watching sexist content…sexism hurts women. Sexist stereotypes perpetuate harmful behaviors towards women. She should tell him why it’s awful and he should stop watching it.

  13. I definitely think a long distance relationship is not helping. You need someone who will work with you at your pace, patiently and in person so you can experience loving affection and good touching

  14. I don't think you need much advice here – from your comments, you seem very emotionally engaged with her needs, her strengths and her faults. What you've described is absolutely BPD. I've known a few people who suffer from this, and it's a chronic, life-shaping illness that will dominate her life and her relationships with everyone around her.

    You can be with someone with BPD; you can be with someone with any mental illness. But I know it's a constant battle. You need to make endless allowances, endless concessions to their behavior, have limitless patience and understanding, and you need to learn every facet of how they think and are likely to react to things. You have always be one step ahead of their emotions and their illness, and be ready to head of the legion of problems it will create. It sounds like you've already been doing this for some time.

    Most people throw in the towel at some point, and I think you might well be at that point yourself. If it's time to end things, it's time to end them. I don't think her BPD is ever likely to go away – you have to learn to live with it long term. I guess your options are to leave, or to commit yourself to the course you've been taking, because this is going to be your life, and you shouldn't expect it to get better.

    Wish you all the best bro.

  15. She’s gonna use it. I don’t I explained well enough that she wants to be a stay at home mom while the kids are you young then she plans of going back to work once they start school. Hypothetically speaking

  16. I personally think people are reading to deeply into that line. As far as I know, he made it clear to me and his family that he plans to be married to me in a few years.

    I definitely brought up my examples of possibly “disgust-worthy” experiences he’ll have in future during pregnancy, childbirth and taking care of babies. I brought up the pooping during pregnancy during childbirth and he was so disgusted, he spoke over me to drown out what I was saying so he didn’t have to hear. He kept saying “that’s gross” “I don’t want to hear that” “please respect my boundaries” so I’m not sure what to tell him since he wants a family, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening.

  17. Guy is manipulative! Maybe you could call his exes and check those stories..

    They all had alcohol problems (sure), his ex was manipulative so he associated you with her (toxic). Also, his ex pressured him to have children, he's “glad” you are not pressuring him (that's so manipulative, feels like giving you a “compliment” but at the same time making sure he's in control about the the topic. No need to fight about having kids! He “hated” kids – hate is a strong word! Normal person would say, I don't want kids right now, I'm not ready to have kids, I'm afraid of being a dad, I can't afford to have kids.. and they he says, don't worry “it's typical guys thing to hate kids”.. and you believed him?

    “he wasted his youth being in a relationship with her” – she wasted her youth being with him!

    “told me not to watch his videos as they are with his ex” – who do that? He already made you insecure, told you if you watch them you'll be jealous, you can't watch videos because you are jealous and insecure person. You have “retroactive jealousy” so don't watch them! He was definitely projecting here!

    Anyway, guy was trying to make you be like his exes. He was comparing you with them, told you how you should or shouldn't behave (subconsciously you were trying to do what he liked). Expected you to “fix” yourself and be the girl he wants but he never had. When you did something “wrong” you were associated with bad and something he didn't like about them (“manipulative”).

    You are confused because you were manipulated by him! He has some mental health issues and is not smart to manipulate you like that but he was probably doing it unconsciously.

    Normal people don't do what he did. It's completely mindfuckering. Total psycho! But he thinks that he's a “nice guy” and believe it. Totally delusional. Read about covert narcissists and see if he checks some boxes but it's probably that + other mental health issue.

  18. This sounds like such a mess and quite a lot of instability. Your ex is likely right – you two don’t belong together.

    Fight becoming physical isn’t just “that big fight”, it’s something you cannot come back from and requires two individuals with anger issues and inability to control their emotions (that alone is more red flags than a communist party).

    Secondly; you became so depressed you had to quit your job (all within a very short period of time)? This doesn’t sound like something a responsible adult would do – you’re too old for this shit.

    Pull yourself together, get the help you need, and move on (file for that divorce).

  19. Bruh, a man doesn't peak until his 30s. Don't panic. Nust slowly and calmly figure your shit out. Your direction in life and all that. Find your goals, find your direction, and women will follow

  20. Actually I’m feeling lost as suddenly he left me and at the same time tried to spend my birthday with me!! So how is that normal? And if he wanted us to be in each other lives why didn’t he call or text for 22 days? Do you think he is already moved on?

  21. I think they’re saying that it’s much easier to walk away from a boyfriend than to go through a divorce.

  22. When people tell you who they are, believe them.

    Like realistically at some point someone is going to hit on you in his presence regardless of what you do. Do you want a partner who makes that into a huge ordeal?

  23. You husband raped your sister and your sister needs help because if this level of drinking is a common occurrence it may happen again or it might have already happened, although it wasn't her fault it doesn't stop the fact that there are always going to be men like that and she needs professional help to get through this.

  24. So you want to end up living with 4 people who clog toilets? Do you want your kids to behave like with with their future partners?

    Stop apologizing! You should have NEVER apologized. He screamed at you. He clogs toilets and you have to go around fixing them.

    Set up ONE bathroom that's your bathroom. Then never clean or unclog any other fucking toilet. Now toilets are his responsibility. Let them get clogged, dirty, full of poor. I don't care if your kids complain, they can go complain to him.

  25. Omg this is even worse. You haven’t even had sex and you asked her to fuck without a relationship?? What exactly does she get out of that? You basically asked her to let you use her body for experience. So gross.

  26. yes, this is actually a refreshing surprise, this story. I know it sucks for OP right now but for once somebody actually just decided to leave instead of cheating or coercing their partner into sex.

  27. At this point I may have crossed a line when I told him that MIL was totally fine in keeping in in the dark about Mike's whole existence

    You sound really entitled and are completely disregarding how difficult a time a person (MIL) has had and how terribly she may have suffered all of these years?

    My second motivation is that I would like my children to be able to learn about, embrace and celebrate all aspects of their heritages.

    How much of your heritage do you currently celebrate? When is the last time you celebrated midsummer? Walpurgis? Burns supper? Hogmanay?

    Your excuses are fake covers to press your own agenda – to punish people who have had very difficult life choices to make that you think were wrong. Shame on you.

    Genetic testing is the answer you are looking for. Not 23&Me so you can continue your narcissistic vendetta to dig up more 'dirt'.

  28. When I got married, i asked family and friends for their wedding song so we could put it in the play list. And I danced with my dad, stepdad, and FIL.

    Do a dance with both! They’re both important adults in your life.

  29. He is paranoid and insecure, he doesn't trust you. That's a him problem, not a you problem. Also from what I've gathered from your other comments, he is emotionally and verbally abusive. Please, go and find someone that respects and trusts you.

  30. On what planet is it acceptable to invite a coworker on vacation, let alone a married one? And this is the new guy in the office?

    And your wife sees no issue?

    I think it's more than enjoying the attention.

  31. This guy just isn't getting how it feels to be left hanging. He needs to learn.

    Here's my suggestion. Try a week without penetrative sex. Then, you get off before he gets off. If you don't, he doesn't. Should fix the problem real quick, and make him understand how it feels to have your SO treat you like that.

    If it starts fights and he acts grumpy, then he never cared in the first place.

    Honestly, I'd refuse penetrative sex until he gets it.

  32. There’s not point in expressing your disgust for him. he knows hes disgusting but doesn’t care! Go grab your bike & say your last goodbye.

  33. Let him go and focus on yourself without the fear of losing him. If the relationship is this hard in your early twenties….well let's just say it isn't going to get easier from here.

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