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MadamNboylive sex stripping with hd cam

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Date: November 2, 2022

69 thoughts on “MadamNboylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you did great! I moved in with a boyfriend after 6 mo- worst mistake of my life. Ended up staying for about 6 very unhappy years. Take your time. If it’s meant to be, it will be (cliche but true!)

  2. If you lost sexual interest in your wife because she doesn't want to watch you have sex with someone else…I'm gonna say it's time to call it. She is entitled to change her mind about sharing her husband with another woman. She deserves better.

  3. By not simply telling the truth you may lose friends. Or they may believe unspoken lies- that you were invited and did not show up. In a kind straight forward way tell your friends you were not invited . Get together another time with the group .

  4. He would have dumped you like a brick if he had the chance. Consult an attorney so you can get custody in order, then show his cheating ass the letter and kick him to the curb. He’s your boyfriend, but you’ve been together nine years, so I’m not sure if you qualify as common law husband and wife. I’m so sorry, OP. He fucking sucks. What a betrayal!

  5. You're right, I have to grow some balls and tell him. I kind of blanked out in person and didn't know what to say

  6. What answer do you expect to get by confronting someone that clearly suffered from psychopathy or narcissism and pedophillia? What is it that your hope to achieve. He lied to you, wasted your time and is a risk around any children. He will be banned from certain jobs always.

    I don’t understand what you think you will gain. You don’t need to have a conversation. You need to decide if you want to be around a pedo. If he was 21 and the girl was 17 or if he was 19 and the girl had been 14/15, I might be like well, maybe…but her was 30 and she was 15.

    Nothing to discuss, pack your shit, run and be glad you found out.

  7. I used to sleep sex and it caused a problem as I thought I was raped but I had come on really strong to someone un my sleep. Ya dude, it sucks . It’s a tricky gray area because that’s you and you’re begging for sex, but that’s not you. Good luck! I guess you really have to ask how you feel about your husband.

  8. Not sure where you live, but you should be able to gain access to services without parental involvement at your age. Getting medication may be more difficult if you are on their insurance and have no free money of your own, but I would worry about that possibility after accessing services. It would not hurt to both contact your prior worker and inform the school that you need a referral without your parents involvement and the reasons why that is the case.

  9. I agree with others that you should just leave. If you live together then pack your things and just go.

    Really, the title of this post should be: My EX-fiance doesnt acknowledge that I broke up with him.

    Why are you allowing him to manipulate you? Before you know it, you're gonna end up pregnant and feel trapped. Get out now.

  10. Hello /u/KiiingJot,

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  11. I had deviated septum and aesthetics surgery 20 days ago and it was the best decision of my life. If you have deviated septum, you basically do not breathe enough. That constantly affects your life as you cant sleep properly or do sports etc. Look from this perspective; she can live better life thanks to this surgery. Reacting only based on your own aesthetic point is quite selfish.

  12. Hello /u/HaMe94,

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  13. Ditch him. That isn't love. Nobody should ever treat their partner like that, especially when their partner has just lost a loved one and is grieving. Dude is selfish and guaranteed if you stay, he'll get weird and controlling about other things too. Or cheat himself since he's so obsessed with sex whenever he wants.

  14. Tell him how much you like his deep voice, and ask him to use his deep sexy voice more in bed, like when he moans, as it’s a real big turn on for you.

  15. I am 34 currently so I have a few years ahead. I should maybe specify that when I say living independently I mean I lived in housing of my own that I shared with housemates. It took years and I had to start my own career properly first before I could rent my own flat, which was teeny tiny and in a dodgy street. That said, for the rent I payed for my first dodgy flat with roommates I couldn't find one in that city now.

    Living on my own was at my parents house – I stayed where I was but they went on a half a year trip. So definitely not common and not at all the same as actually paying your own rent at 19!

  16. When getting into a relationship you have to set boundaries and negotiate how to treat eachother. You should tell her not to text other men. Don’t say it makes you uncomfortable or you feel insecure. Explain your territorial and that you don’t want her to share her attention with multiple men. Compare it like a car being driven, you don’t let people drive your car because it’s YOURS. If you say it makes you uncomfortable she will think your week. Also to add on a 3 month relationship without ever seeing her at 21 years old is weird and I wouldn’t do that. She’s grown she doesn’t have to listen to her parents. That’s a lot of bullshit you don’t have to deal with especially if you have other options.

  17. What happened when u were 17?

    Look up “non judgement communication” and try to explain how you're feeling in a way that acknowledges the shitshow she's living (in non dramatic tone)

    Let her know that u want to be there for her but u feel like more of a burden (even though she's making u feel like shit, downplay it for the sake of having her meet u halfway emotionally)

  18. You're right about communicating.

    But you are also blowing the rest way out of proportion. And putting your own insecurities out there and calling it factual.

    The gf didn't hide anything, he was open and honest and her bf is the one struggling to communicate.

  19. If my girlfriend wanted to talk to their ex id mention that it makes me uncomfortable but she can do as she likes. If she continued clearly hes more important than me at that point.

  20. He must live on crap processed food only? That’s not normal to fart that much. Honestly, his behavior isn’t either. That he’s dismissive of you is also disgusting. I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior and frankly, how the hell are you attracted to any person like that? I can’t even call him a man cause he sounds like a child.

  21. touching other women and spending money on them to do so is 100% cheating in my book. it’s one thing to go to a strip club and have a few drinks. it’s another thing entirely to pay for dances and get grinded up on.

  22. Thanks. I’ll try again today (at a normal hour not 5:30 haha) and hope that part of their response was the drinks and that we can talk about it. We weren’t drunk drunk but maybe it affected things on both sides.

  23. I owe it to him to let him try to figure it out with someone else.

    This. If he ends up single in the future then shoot your shot. But it would be incredibly disrespectful to him and his relationship to introduce that uncertainty. It sucks but it's the right thing to do.

  24. Tell him household chores and cooking need to be split and you guys need to be a team. You are not going to be his MOTHER, you are going to be his PARTNER. Wtf even I don’t want to clean up after my son forever. When men become adults, us women are not responsible for you anymore. Gosh.

  25. Tell him household chores and cooking need to be split and you guys need to be a team. You are not going to be his MOTHER, you are going to be his PARTNER. Wtf even I don’t want to clean up after my son forever. When men become adults, us women are not responsible for you anymore. Gosh.

  26. Tell him household chores and cooking need to be split and you guys need to be a team. You are not going to be his MOTHER, you are going to be his PARTNER. Wtf even I don’t want to clean up after my son forever. When men become adults, us women are not responsible for you anymore. Gosh.

  27. Did… you… not realise that an open relationship would mean your wife sleeping with other men? Did you not prepare yourself for these feelings? I try to be kind most of the time but my only advice is deal with it, and don’t make your wife the bad guy in this, because she’s only doing exactly what you did.

  28. Don't suggest it, set up the appointment yourself then let the others know. If you suggest it, they might shoot it down. Do the research, find someone, make an appointment, then tell your wife.

  29. Normally I find this stuff funny but he’s always made me feel like I’m different and better than he’s had in the past

    So he was always a misogynist, just not to you? (At least, not to your face.)

  30. this girl needs help and I feel like a huge piece of garbage for abandoning her.

    You can't do anything if she won't listen and if it's affecting you, time to peace out. I was in a similar situation except it was a male friend and not hoe stuff but basically he never listened and proceeded to do a lot of immoral stuff, so I just peaced out. Guess what, 10 years on and he's still the same.

  31. If someone regrets cheating and has genuine remorse, they would do anything and everything to help the partner build up the trust again. It doesn't happen overnight. It can take years. Sounds like she is getting too defensive.

  32. i agree. i don't want to discourage him from doing something he likes doing. i just truly don't understand the whole singing at me thing. he said he wants to impress me because he knows i like music, which is sweet, but i really just love him for who he is and am impressed with him in so many other ways (and express that).

    i'll probably try talking to him. i just really don't want to hurt him or have him take it the wrong way.

  33. Yeah he shouldn’t but you’re ignoring the fact that you can’t force people to change how they act, they have to want to change themselves and it doesn’t seem like he wants to so you’re wasting your time trying to be a hero

  34. You're 19. Why would you bother when instead you can just walk away and find somebody more fitting?

  35. Respectfully, (at least in America), the guy/girl ratio is a huge factor in a specific club's success/popularity. (LGBTQ bars obviously aren't included here) There's a reason why bouncers control the ratio, after all.

    I was unable to go to raves for years when I was with my ex – I accepted (though I would consider it a deal breaker now) it at the time. Maybe find someone that likes partying as much as you do?

  36. Poop is also natural and normal. That doesn't mean I want to see it up close and personal on a video call

  37. Her being disappointed in the low effort proposal doesn’t mean she’s not, “madly in love.” She’s still with OP.

  38. There is a legal terminology called “adverse inference”. If the defense destroys a piece of evidence, you can assume that evidence was really bad.

    You should do that here.

  39. I still think this is an issue he made in to a way bigger deal than it had to be due to lack of proper knowledge on HPV. He should go speak with a doctor.

  40. Leave that man alone. They did you a favor. With all due respect, you aren’t anyone that needs a pristine reputation. Let’s not use that as an excuse to continue to communicate.

    Focus on yourself and your mental health

  41. This is already sexual harassment. He is making sexual lies about yourself to change the perception of other coworkers about you. I don't know in what place you work, but this is already serious. And you are here asking if you should give him a chance?

  42. It depends on a couple of things to me. First being what you lied about, and second being how he found out.

    I get that being 100% honest isn’t always a good policy. But depending on what you lied about he may have lost less/more trust than you may think. For example, if I were dating someone and they lied about why they couldn’t see me for a bit because of something really personal that they weren’t ready to tell me about, I’d get that. If someone lied because they were doing things behind my back that would cause an issue, that’s completely different.

    Secondly, how he found out is also important. You telling him and coming forward with it reflects better on you than him finding out from a third party.

    Either way though, there really isn’t something you can do to build it back faster. The only way to build it back is to be honest with them going forward. I can’t really tell you how your relationship dynamics will change since I don’t know your relationship. I would emphasize that you’re really sorry and you want to stay with them, but how long it takes depends on those things I mentioned plus the other person and their past experiences.

  43. Yes! It reminded me of getting kicked out of sleepovers in middle school

    I've read all replies and am currently looking for a place to stay in for a few days, while I figure out what to do from there

  44. Sorry thats not his adhd, that's him being selfish, I m adhd af and on meds so I can comment on this easily. He's not concerned about you receiving pleasure.

  45. It’s a bit extreme to be mad at his Redditing habits with no proof. But do you even want proof? When looking for something you always gon find something….

  46. Was going to say similar. He is a big man-baby. Life does not always go as planned. People need to learn to adjust, not run. At least he told OP the truth and let her know he is a big man-baby and not ready for life at 29. If not now, OP needs to ask him when would be a good time to have children – 33, 35, 40?

    Your time is now OP. It just sucks that he isn’t ready but I don’t think he ever will be.

  47. Yes. Definitely break up. No successful relationship should start this way. Take a long time to deeply and genuinely work on yourself and learn from this experience. Hopefully next relationship will go much better, but only start dating when you feel truly ready to do so.

  48. Right? And this part:

    Later on, when we were reading the guest book, I saw that she'd written in exactly what I said to her fifteen years ago.

    She's fuckin unhinged. I bet she's been planning this for the past 15 years.

  49. Crushes happen in monogamous relationships. It's natural and something a person has no control over. But what he has control over, is how he reacts to the crush. An appropriate response is: try to disengage from the crush, do not fuel it, kinda mentally “look away”/do not put mental energy into it, and do not tell your SO, bc …why would they need to know?

    You put in the effort to calm the crush down by not feeding it mental energy, and then it should go away with time, as crushes do. The fact that instead of doing this he told you – that is the real problem. Like an actual, relationship problem that's way bigger than him just having a crush. To me it speaks badly of his intentions, since instead of resolving this inside himself, he made it your problem. AND he is pairing this with slowly drifting away from you.

    To me, this relationship seems to be over. A crush doesn't mean your partner is choosing someone over you, but your partner's behavior around the crush means that, IMO.

  50. She's not supportive because she doesn't want to be. I agree with her that your hobbies sound awful but given that, I wouldn't date someone I had such opposing views from and I certainly wouldn't denigrate you for having interests that I don't share. From what she has said to you, it seems to me she feels superior to you because her interests are creative and cultured (not cultural) and yours are about -well, whatever they're about. If she didn't have that sense of superiority I reckon you could make it work, but if she looks down on you because you'd rather shoot guns than photos I think it's a waste if your time.

  51. I try to initiate it but I'm instantly shut down with “I'm tired”

    Thats because she's fucking her ex bf

  52. And I am gonna come out and say it – op doesn’t have the best track record. He has a 13yo who already suffered a lot. He should be OP’s priority Instead he’s worried about his wife and kids who already have a willing and able parent. Good luck arguing that in front of a judge.

    What? OP is a parent to 5 children not 1, his situation with his “new” son doesnt absolve him of his responsibilities with the other four children regardless of how much OPs wife wishes to move

    None of the things you’ve said here supports that she’s a bad person or is doing anything that’s harmful for her kids.

    His kids are gonna literally be losing one parent, long distance parenting isnt really a thing. Moving away will definitely strain OPs relationship with his kids and she doesnt need to move far away she wants to irregardless of the consequences of the strain it will create in OPs relationship with his kids.

  53. Potentially, It's not about being Icky but rather having the question of LGBTQ dropped on your door step with no choice but to confront it knowing damn well it'll tear your extended family apart.

    The reality is that LGBTQ is a relatively newly accepted social norm in most societies around the world and most people have been raised to look down on it as part of their own culture.

    It is in fact one thing to acknowledge an LGBTQ person/stranger as just being another dude doing their own thing or one of your rather zesty friend's (that's probably how most neutral people see LGBTQ associates or peoples)

    WHEN THEY ARE FAMILY HOWEVER, it's a whole other dimension. It's a family matter, it challenges whatever upbringing the older generation instilled in the younger one's and is an automatic challenge to their principles.

    It pretty much forces the entire family to address it whereas for strangers and friends one can stand behind a 'not my life' mantra because such relationships aren't considered as intertwined as family.

    OP's husband is definitely right that it's different when it's family and I know this as a dude in a 3rd world country with LGBTQ non-tolerance by the law and culture of the land, primarily perpetuated by older generations who also are consequently the primary guards of the culture of family that is still so prevalent in society.

    OP's SIL should've told her brother about this. The world isn't just changing for gay people but also for neutrals and people who've been raised to look down on gays and are trying to deprogram that side of them.

    We live in a society and failure to acknowledge the position we put others in is a fools errand. You can't fight every fight alone. She likely antagonised a potential ally in her brother by blind siding him and forcing him to adress this situation with his wife under stressful circumstances that now threaten his own marriage.

    It wasn't a good love by her. Hope she and her brother meet and talk it out ??

  54. Thanks. Well there's nothing to be stuck on. As it stands, you're essentially fuck buddies, but that doesn't mean it has to be that way. You obviously want something more, which is why you're here.

    As such, while I wouldn't now explicitly ask what you are, I absolutely would ask what he's looking for. If it doesn't align with what you want, then stop wasting your time. Good luck.

  55. He should also respect my Muslim faith

    So…he shouldn't love who he loves because of your faith then?

  56. Why is marriage so important to you? Are you heavily religious? Nefore this conversation did you make any attempts to propose to him?

    This post seems a bit one-sided, we know why he doesn't want it but we don't know why you do or why you can't reconcile with his point of view

  57. Yes it would. A lot of men don't understand that fact, all assets gathered together during a long term relationship can be legally split even if not legally married. Girlfriends and boyfriends can be entitled to palimony and community property laws even if common law doesn't apply.

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