Gaby-babyxx live webcams for YOU!


blow job [187 tokens remaining]

Date: November 1, 2022

60 thoughts on “Gaby-babyxx live webcams for YOU!

  1. Choking/grabbing by the throat is one of the biggest indicators that your life is at risk. Get out NOW, any way you can, including calling for a police escort from your bed. Take your important documents only if you can get them safely (with a police escort). File a police report, don't let him talk you down.

    Love bombing after abuse is very common. Don't believe him if he says he's sorry/tries to make it up to you. IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Abuse only gets worse, never better.

    YOU ARE NOT THE DISGUSTING ONE HERE. So sorry this happened to you.

  2. Only if I think a body count is a sin. I don’t.

    You do, so as soon as someone has sex with you then, according to you, they are not girlfriend material.

  3. Op if you walked in on your bf in the same exact situation where he was half naked with his pregnant friend wearing just a shirt, I'm sure you would have questions on if he was the father.

    You've given him a very good reason not to trust you and you have no right in this situation to be upset. Do the test

  4. Thats the worst type of people, when u tell them they're mean they just say ,,yeah and?”. Well idk maybe you should try not being an asshole towards the person raising your kids

  5. Ok you don’t love your current gf in the way you might think you do. You care about her, have developed a sense of routine and stability and there’s things about her you like but for you to be thinking about another woman and even considering what it would be like if you pursued a relationship with her – that says it all. Your user name says it all and the title of this post does too. So the main thing here is that you need to do the right thing and not waste anymore of your current girlfriend’s time because she deserves to be with a man who truly loves her and thinks only of spending his life with her. Something is very wrong if you are thinking about this other woman. If your current gf was talking to an ex and was considering leaving you for him maybe you wouldn’t be that bothered or maybe you would but I’m sure you would want to know where you stand and not suddenly one day be hit with a shock revelation especially if in your mind everything is fine. Your gf would and could leave you, don’t get too comfortable. It would be very normal if she finds out about all of this that she would leave because it is the most insulting thing and you are prioritising another woman. Life isn’t a game and you can’t waste people’s time including your own. Do the right thing and give your girlfriend respect. She will be heartbroken but it’s better that this happens now rather than when she’s given even more years of her life to you and she has got older when she could have been in a relationship with man who cherishes her and is loyal and thinks only about a future with her, not about another woman.

  6. When I was in high school my mom put tracking on my phone and it was always wrong, it used to say I was at a housing project known for drug crime a couple miles away from us when I was home.

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  10. You are an AH. For starters your a grown man and Christmas eve is not the time to go meet friends especially when you have a 2 week old child. There were household tasks that needed to get done and you should have been there because you know well you were just expecting your wife to handle it all.

    Don't be surprised when the divorce papers come.

  11. You seem a bit of a douche, and you really screwed yourself over to be honest, bit anyway.

    This is not a marriage, you just buy a house behind your husbands back and hide other major stuff.

  12. I’m not sure it’s actually about the clothes or you; I think it might be an excuse to look at other women and he’s distracting you from that by referencing your clothing. You’ve been honest about your feelings and you have given him the chance to change his behavior, to no avail. His eyes seem to be everywhere but on you.

  13. Welp, I'm guessing considering the post has been deleted that the interaction wasn't as harmless on her side as she portrayed.

  14. Acted to rash or brash….


    KINGS don’t play with that behavior

    There’s plenty of Queens out there

  15. I don’t want to destroy my dad’s life, keep in my mind what I’ve described isn’t even half of it. I know I’m technically old enough to support myself but for my status here I am not allowed to work (legally), otherwise I would not be living with my mom still. I am not from the US but live here under a visa that will soon expire, so I cannot work

  16. This. I definitely understand the new relationship energy having me wanting to touch them as I’m a little restless throughout the night.

    That’s when I offer to go sleep on the couch or something to stop it.

    That said this would be following already having had a sexual relationship with them.

  17. Umm…..why are you still even thinking about dating him? This isn’t a red flag of a bad partner, this is a red flag of a future serial killer

  18. I think she's heading towards a break up. Maybe staying with you for a few months on the visitor visa first would be a good idea? I think that committing to the study given the conversations you have had with her would be foolish.

  19. I’m sorry, but I see absolutely no difference. She’s outright said she’s faithful and repeated it’s his kid. You’re harping on semantics of her wording. That’s like someone asking if I’m a brunette and me saying “I’m blonde” instead of “No, I’m not a brunette”. It clearly answers the question being asked.

  20. Bruh! Wtf? The fact that they look the same has zero to do with what you said. Fantasizing about your partner’s sister is massively messed up and even if you do, NEVER tell them!

  21. She needs to support you here. Making you feel less than because of your weight is not being fully supported. Time to stand up for yourself, you're worth it!

  22. You are still so young! I'm 25 and I do understand what you're saying, I have friends who are in relationships, some with kids but I also have lots like me who are just doing their own thing. I've definitely noticed a lot less matches than when I was 19/20 too, but I think that's because more people our age aren't just matching with anyone attractive, they're trying to find someone they could see something longer term with. You've got plenty of time, we both do ?

    Maybe try looking for people a little older if you're wanting to find something serious. I recently extended my age range and I've definitely found myself getting more matches with people in their 30s, I also feel I have more in common with them than people who are students.

  23. If you want kids, you have to break up with him. Don’t waste your opportunity especially when time isn’t on your side!!! I wasted my late 20’s/early 30s with someone who did the same too me. I’m 40 this year and childless

  24. He's likely going to continue to use your art regardless of your relationship status. So while I certainly hope you get a happy ever after, you may also just break up, and he'll go to continue to profit from your work.

    I have friends who are artists and yes, sometimes they give me art for free as gifts. But I always pay them if I request art, because that's how they make money or that's their time to not be working.

    Especially if He's gone from occasionally asking for art to a full 10 piece ask, don't let him take advantage of you. If he loves you he'll understand.

  25. Did you tell the cops about what she did cause technically she did is assult and she can go to jail for it and you didn’t even touch her so technically you didn’t do anything so the officer shouldn’t have been able to file assault charges. I mean maybe a harassment charge but that’s pushing it also I DON’T believe she could get a no contact order based off just this information usually courts need a lot more evidence so I’m thinking this is a fake post but I could be wrong

  26. Yeah I don’t think it’ll stay as civil as I hope. On both ends honestly.

    My mom lives in denial about everything so I think her denial will come off invalidating and hurtful so it might just hurt more.

    And I think my dad would cry…and the thought of my dad crying stings a lot. Especially since his dad was terrible.

  27. NO!!! Don't say a word to him until you get legal advice and hire a PI and get evidence!!

    Once you talk to him he may cut off your access to any money and hide all the evidence.

    Also, once they get caught, they can get REAL UGLY and turn into a person you do not recognize so you be very careful what you actually say to him and you should have someone be with you, at least in the house.

  28. Are you serious? You’re causing your girlfriend to vomit over stress what she did before she met you is none of your business you do not so mature enough to even be in a relationship. What you’re doing is harassing her and abusiveYou are toxic and you have a long look at yourself

  29. It's a work event, the people with priority should be the workmates. This is between you and them.

    Him tagging along is one thing, but him acting like its important for him to be there is a big red flag.?It has nothing to do with him.

    “it's fine, clearly I'm not the most important person there”

    I mean obviously? He's not a workmate you're saying goodbye to.

    OP this guy is trying to enmesh himself into your life to an unhealthy degree, and starting to try to control your interactions with others by limiting duration, insisting on being present, etc.

    Put your foot down HARD on this because with that logic where will it end?

    You= “Ive got a dentist appointment on thursday”

    Him= “but I can't make it then, how dare you. Clearly I'm not as important to you as your dentist.”

  30. The average is once or twice a week. People normally have sex more during the honey moon period. It seems pretty average and normal to me.

    However, are you sure you are making her pleasure a priority. How are you trying to seduce her? How do you treat her in general. In past relationships I would only want sex about once a week. But the guys I was with really didn't make my pleasure a priority and they also weren't that great in general. Now I'm with a very admirable man who makes my pleasure a priority and we have sex at least every other day. Often more.

  31. Was I right in that your ex thought he was trying to sleep with you? Also, a “crush” isn’t the same as being in a relationship. He had no obligation to be faithful to her, you did. Why didn’t you take advantage of any of the other options you had? You had to know your BF wasn’t going to be happy about it. I do admire the fact that you told him in advance instead of doing it and then telling him.

    Why did you end up sleeping in another room after you broke up? If you didn’t think there was any issue sleeping together before you broke up, why change it after? It kinda sounds like you wanted to sleep in the same bed and realized the problem after the blow up. If you really want to, you probably could get back with him. It would take some eating crow and proving you didn’t sleep together and a likely freezing of your relationship with your friend but if he loves you (and you love him) it could be worked out. Good luck going forward, no matter what you decide.

  32. Tbh Archer has a ton of scenes like that. Plus, it's funny as hell, ngl. Don't be shocked by the racism. It's ALL satire. The racists are caricatures meant to be made fun of because they're complete idiots lol. Cheryl, for example, is racist and slightly homophobic. She's also obscenely wealthy and eats glue to get high while she starts fires in her office trashcan, sooo, yeah, satire lol.

  33. So is her getting the dog a deal breaker? Or is it just drama on your part because she did something without your permission?

    To be honest this reads like you’ll move in together when you’re ready – she has no say in it.

    How is her making a decision for her living arrangements “disrespectful” to you? You won’t live with her so she can do what she wants in her own place.

    You expect her to defer to you in everything and she has no say in anything.

    You’re coming across as a bit controlling considering you don’t even live together.

    Adult relationships are about compromise and communication. Maybe she’s fed up with having no compromise on everything and decided to do something for herself.

    If you don’t like it, you know what to do.

  34. You seem to have the issue alot of addicts/recovering addicts have, and thsts taking any accountability or responsibility. You straight up admit to multiple accounts of cheating, you're verbally and emotionally abusive, you constantly put her down, attack her self esteem, humiliate her, insult her body, repeatedly sext and exchange nudes despite her clearly being uncomfortable( its cheating. Imagine if she was constantly sexting and getting nudes from guys and insulting you). Dude, you say you love her, but please tell us where you have shown that love to her. What benefit does she get from the relationship? You're an actual scumbag

  35. I honestly wouldn't give two shits what my bf's opinions are, I'd still do whatever the eff I wanted, he is NOT your boss/master etc.

  36. I think the amount of time he has accused me of cheating before this always made me wonder if he was actually cheating on me and just trying to deflect it off him

  37. You’re not compatible. You absolutely shouldn’t convert. It’s not a snap of the fingers. It’s a long process. You’ll get rejected because, not to sound flip, we don’t take just anybody.

    FYI – I’m also Jewish and I’m also not religious. I don’t keep pork in my home and I went to Hebrew school. No circumcision because I’m female.

  38. First, Im glad you have found your place where you are happy.

    Now, I would suggest you get to know each other first, before you address this issue. The reason would be, there may be thing you learn about each other that make you incompatible in the long run. The beginning of every relationship you are really just getting to know them.

    If you feel you really want to share this much personal information than I suggest getting to know where he stand on anything related to this. From there it may allow you to open a dialog of sharing this part of you.

    Yes, there are many that will not be able to move past this but if this is the case for you, than they are not really who you were meant to be with.

    No matter how you decide to address this, I wish the world for you.

  39. Sounds like there's some major communication breakdown in your relationship. It's important to talk openly and honestly with your SO about your needs, cuz sex without affection is like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly – it's just not complete. Have you tried sitting down with your fiance and telling him exactly what you need from him to feel more connected and loved? Communication is key, don't give up on it yet!

  40. Either way it's still doesn't make it ok for him to yell at you like that when you were already going through so much, please reconsider your relationship with him, if he blows up like this over you wanting to speak to him in person especially for a pregnancy I can't even begin to imagine how much worse he can get when another situation like this happens.

  41. There's no info provided that would lead anyone here to recommend any course of action other than “Leave. Immediately. Why are you doing this to yourself. Choose better.”

  42. You don't owe him anything. Term him you aren't compatible and aren't willing to pursue anything further. Don't bother even trying to maintain friendship with someone like this.

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