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KellyAnFranklive sex stripping with hd cam


31 thoughts on “KellyAnFranklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why does it matter? They probably don’t think it’s serious enough to block you over. Personally; I only block people who are straight up harassing me

  2. He invited you to meet his kids after a few months and you're already talking about being a step mom. You and him both need to slow your roll before you mess up these kids.

  3. I think it's okay to express your feelings. After all how much will you keep it to yourself, you have to let it out someday. You didn't do anything bad, do not regret!

  4. I understand the situation fully. I don’t understand the “problem” These comments scream ✨insecure men✨

  5. I’m sorry to say she’s not your soulmate. A soulmate wouldn’t treat you like this. If she has addiction issues just now, bringing a baby into the mix might worsen this. She’s cheated on you, lied to you and is having a baby with someone else. Ask yourself if this is the type of female role model you want around your son? No, it’s not. Cut contact, the more you see her and speak to her, the harder it will be to move on. Your relationship won’t heal from this amount of shit. Things will work out for you.

  6. Yuuup! Only logical reason. Now he won’t talk to her because he can’t sneak away from his first family long enough to berate Op

  7. He didn't know he was on a psychotic break, and instead just pushed for a break-up/divorce.

    Do you expect anyone going through a divorce that to instead decide their SO is going through a psychotic episode, and refuse to separate?

  8. Why would she care about someone not in her life anymore? In fact, why would she even keep tabs on the ex?

  9. 1) Get therapy 2) file for divorce 3) love yourself

    Seriously, the emotional abuse is crazy. He gets enjoyment out of string you along and making you beg for love. He probably is seeing someone. You need to stand up for yourself and tell him you want a divorce and only make the communications about the children. I know it’s easier said than done, but you need to put yourself first. Best of luck

  10. He likely won’t, because from the sound of it, he literally does nothing productive. You sound like a very sweet and caring girl, and you deserve to be with someone that is as thoughtful as you are.

    I mean look at how much emotional energy you are putting into his happiness. He should be doing that for you too. And he isn’t, and that is not your fault. That’s on him.

  11. You don’t. You break up. I was very against getting a dog. My (ex) husband got one eventually anyway, a very active working dog. We lived in the country but he didn’t train the stupid prick, and I hated that dog beyond any hatred I’ve ever felt. I tried with that dog. It chewed everything, I couldnt walk outside without it jumping on me, it barked incessantly. I look back and feel like he got it as a final “fuck you” to get me to move out. It worked. Fuck that dog. Fuck him. The dog wasn’t what broke us up, but the fact he cared more about getting an asshole dog more than maintaining ten years of marriage really upset me.

    My partner and I now agreed when we moved in- no dogs. We both think they’re awful and won’t have them. We have cats and plants. It’s nice. So if you want a dog, break up.

  12. If she agrees to that, she's agreeing to date him and never marry. To involve him in her kids life, but never have him truly commit. How much damage would that do to her kids?

    If he wants kids or marriage, eventually, he'd either need to sign up for FT involvement in her life or leave to find a childless partner.

    There really was no other result that could happen here.

  13. She’s not old enough to have a relationship. She’s acting like a teenage girl. That doesn’t understand. Part of an adult relationship is sexuality. I’m not sure what to say if you’re OK with that then stay with her but I don’t know what it’s so weird to me.

  14. looks like you made up your mind with this comment. tell her this is important, give her an ultimatum.

  15. Same. The problem is as single mothers they are so used to putting aside their own needs for their children that they expect you to do it too. Obviously just by the nature of the relationship you are going to put some aside. But you don't have to put everything aside like she does because you're not the one with kids (remember we're talking just about dating here, not marriage). Thats a tough pill for a lot of single parents to swallow.

  16. Seriously, you know the BS he's giving you about being 'loose' is just fucking ridiculous. Being “loose” is anatomically impossible, just like the myth after birth is just crude and downright wrong. The vagina tightens again, it's a muscle and returns to the SAME tightness it had before. Most women who have difficulties after birth for example haven't had the proper medical care and it's not the vagina but the pelvic floor.

    He's turned on by anal and he wants to get it and tries to manipulate you into getting it by telling you this bullshit.

    Let me guess, he tries to get you to do other stuff by telling you something emotionally loaded, right?

  17. I think if you look at anybody, it’s easy to imagine they deserve someone better. I’m sure my partner could do better than me. Maybe I could do better than them.

    Kind of irrelevant. You got your man. That’s a win. It wasn’t some CEO lady who got him, it was you. Everybody else can suck it. Don’t give up a good thing; just keep working on yourself until you feel better.

  18. This friend is unlikely to come around and doesn’t sound like he’s worth the time and effort? Is he in a relationship?

  19. You can get a vasectomy without being put to sleep. It’s a minor surgery and there’s little to no risk to you. Having your tubes tied is a much more invasive surgery and comes with a risk of internal bleeding, infections and damage to internal organs. If it fails (this has a higher failure rate than a vasectomy) then a woman has a significant increase in ectopic pregnancy which can cause strep and death. If you’re in the US, and depending on what state, your wife wouldn’t be able the terminate this pregnancy putting her life in danger. According to some sources I read, doctors are for more likely to recommend that the man gets a vasectomy because there are less risks (my source is international andrology London)

  20. Every night he says “let's go to bed babe”. We always sleep at the same time, and i stay at the living room after dinner to keep him company (he knows i prefer hanging out in the bedroom). So it's a surprise when one night he's suddenly leaving while I've been there waiting for us to go.

  21. I hope you understand how unhinged and psychotic it is to go through someone's garbage. It's also disgusting to try to dictate the sexual behavior of adults, even if they are your children. I wouldn't speak to them either until they apologize.

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