AnaisBloom live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

12 thoughts on “AnaisBloom live webcams for YOU!

  1. Have you talked to him about this at all?

    If not, please do. He can't read your mind. He needs to know that you feel this way, that it's a safety concern, it upsets you, and makes you feel unimportant. Don't accuse him of doing it on purpose, of course, but please communicate the way you're feeling so that he can make a conscious effort to keep his phone charged.

    Maybe even recommend he keep it charged but just put it on Do Not Disturb when he wants some alone time, with a message to you saying that he's going on DND but will text you when he's back?

  2. Honestly, do not marry and have children with a man that doesn't recognize the hit your career will take or the sacrifice having children takes on your career. I recommend you suggest he consider being the SAHP and calculate what that would cost the family. You should really have your lawer calculate the cost to you personally would take on per child in Terms of your current job. I actually LOVE this.

  3. No, this is done.

    He hasn't come clean at all, if he does now it'll be because he knows that you know.

    Get your ducks in a row and get out of there asap, better doing this now than next time you catch him cheating.

    There will definitely be a next time.

  4. What did the guy friend want to talk about? Did you ask why he reached out to you out of the blue after not talking to you for so long?

  5. Hi I work in a fertility lab, so I make the IUIs! They are really not very effective (less then 20% even if you have a good sperm sample). Most of the time the female patient is still required to come in for routine (so daily or weekly depending on the cycle) monitoring which could include blood draws, ultra sounds, and other stuff. It’s less invasive the IVF but not by much, and it takes longer on average. And at 39, if it’s really something OP wants they also need to take that into account. But she should definitely talk to her doctor!

  6. In a kind and loving manner, confront the statement that she us a bad person. Maybe she has done a few things that make her feel like she is, but if you're not running from her, chances are she is feeling conflicted about 1 specific issue. Ask her to tell you what is wrong, listen to her and be there emotionally for her.

  7. So despite saying” I love you” too soon if the next date goes well should be no problem asking that ?

  8. dude im trying so hard…..10 years isn't something easy to try and keep,…. I really do LOIE her and it might be because shes my one and only and we have 2 kids….but fuck man she' so special but idn man

  9. He sounds like a good dude. He isn't getting his needs met, and he didn't want to be disloyal to you.

    You should possibly talk to a doctor. I'm not saying that because I think something is wrong with you necessarily. I'm not an Aro/Ace denier or anything like that. But you should talk to someone professional about your libido and what other people's libidos are like ar your age. Then you can have a sense of what people expect from relationships, what you are willing to give, and how to talk about it before you end up in this situation again. I think Reddit can help sometimes, but you can draw some toxic feedback and misinformation in here as well. Your doctor may be more informed and trustworthy, and you may decide to explore some elements that may be affecting your libido.

  10. It seems like you guys are on different sides of the spectrum regarding having kids. Ideally this conversation would have been had before you got married. You need to decide if it’s a deal breaker to not have kids because your wife doesn’t seem like she wants them. I don’t think you are being irrational or over the top, this is a huge decision that will affect the trajectory of your life, having kids or never having kids- it’s not just about the IUD. Yes, if she gets it put in again, you will probably not start a family together. Please self reflect about your needs and how you would like your life to go. Then have the conversation with her and state your needs very bluntly. It’s either, I am ok with not having kids, or I want kids and I want them in x time. It’s now or never, for the discussion and for the decision.

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