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TheRealNasielive sex stripping with hd cam


41 thoughts on “TheRealNasielive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She had it coming. Boyfriend doesn't like to be taken advantage of. I don't know if it's a red flag or not, but I salute his enterprise.

  2. So you both do shit to each other because you don't trust each other?

    Well either you deserve each other, or the more rational thing to do is try and date someone you can trust.

  3. Me and his brother get along well. Spend time together and are great friends but not romantic at all.

    People can fuck without there being romance involved.

    Anyway, his doctor says he's infertile… Presumably because of some sort of test your husband took showing that he's infertile. And you're pregnant. Unless your husband is lying about being infertile (which would be a fucking odd thing to lie about)and if you're not hooking up with his Brother, you're hooking up with someone.

  4. Yep, mine did at 6 months. She went to a weekend retreat that was supposed to help her find ways to stay genuine in one’s relationships. Irony not at all lost on me.

  5. This is 100% on you. If you had confronted your sister the first time, you could have stopped this disrespect of your wife. Stop being so weak, rug-sweeping and defend your immediate family.

  6. Well if she is an introvert being able to listen to concert music alone may be preferrable to her. You have different taste in music so it's not like you would enjoy your time there for the music alone and she didn't want to interact with you there, that's the point, she wanted to focus on the music. I can't see an issue here.

  7. Stop using this poor girl.

    'She is emotionally and mentally supportive'.

    I am very aware a PhD is stressful, and working with many PhD students, I see daily the toll it takes on people. I read this as you are using her, because for now she gives you what you need. If she was as driven as you are right now – things would probably be quite difficult. Perhaps, she feels she can't focus on her own career right now, because she has to support you.

    Also, and I am making a huge assumption here but I sense that you see yourself as better than her. You will be a Doctor and she will possibly be content where she is now.

  8. You know, I've often warned people about taking silence as a message. My quote is:

    Don't take a lack of communication as communication.

    Basically it's that people can lose a phone, get busy, be in court/jail/surgery/coma/deadzone, so don't take a missed call or unanswered text as meaningful.

    For you, same words, different context. Don't take a lack of communication as communication. A silent phone call does nothing for you. I get upwards of 10 silent phone calls a month from computers checking to see if my number gets answered or can be used as a spoofed number in an auto dialer (my theory)

    Let him go. He is trying to get with a gym babe anyway.

  9. You handled it very well and I definitely wouldn't allow him back. What are your GF'S thoughts about him not coming back? I hope that she agreed with you

  10. It depends on you. People can have lapse of judgement. It was only kiss and she has stopped and immediately went to honestly inform. I believe, based on this, she does care for you and love you.

    You should however ask her to go no contact with him and others like him if there are from her past. This seems like a fair request on your part.

  11. She said she was non- monogamous. There’s nothing to figure out. She said she was “open” to change and that may come with the right person which you’re not

  12. Wouldn't be an acceptable boundary for me.

    I'm bi/pan. I wouldn't be allowed any friends with the whole “no friends of the opposite sex” mindset. Just animals I guess.. maybe that wouldn't be so bad though ?

    Also, why no singles? Married people cheat all the time. Can she trust you or can't she?

    Unless the friend has disrespected my partner or my relationship in some way, my partner is not telling me who I can and can't be friends with.

  13. The problem seems to be around the purchase of a property and making 'progress' in life.

    I think if you could put together a plan for eventually buying a property ( on your current salary) that could help things imo. Sit her down and tell her that you don't ever plan to work full time but you do want to help her achive her home ownership goals. Is she ok with that?

    ( If you can't afford a deposit on your current wage maybe offer to take on tempory additional work for a short period to get it) . I would sugest buying the cheapest buy to let property that you can get your hands on and letting the tenant pay the mortgage. Raise your kids in the city and by the time they are 18 you can sell the property to buy your house in the country.

    If she's agreeable and promises not to ask you to work full time in future then offer to seal the deal with a Wedding 🙂 That might add a big sweetner to the deal if she thinks you've been “failing to adult”.

  14. Her monthly expenses have nothing to do with her desire to be taken care of. She could out earn you and still want you to take care of her. Suggest she start dating an actual ATM as that's what she seems to want from you.

  15. Yup you’re going to be a great doctor. Throw drugs at the issue don’t fix the problem that caused the issue in the first place….

  16. That fair. I would assume everyone would have been checking ID’s pretty rigorously as thats the only job requirement. But I am sure not nearly as many people care as I would think.

    Not trying to defend or glorify the industry btw. Just imagining how I think others would be operating. Especially with the potential controversy’s. Primary example being “bonny rotten” making a bunch of allegations against those involved in the start of her career. Only to have them release behind the scenes footage proving her wrong.

  17. I mean, you should care about your HEALTH, but if you like yourself, and he likes the way you look, then I don't think you should try to change anything. I have always been the more active one in all of my relationships, and it has never bothered me that my partners weren't as “aesthetically fit” as me. It was important to me that they weren't completely lazy and unmotivated but that's more of a personality trait I seek, not aesthetically.

  18. Yeah it's not great for him to have to deal with, but we all do dumb shit at some point. If this is what breaks the relationship for him, then he's hardly worth bothering with to begin with.

    As an aside, it's “Paddy's” not “Patty's”.

  19. Tell him, he should pick his partner better so that he doesn't feel he needs that. There was a post where a young woman was asked at 8 months. She understood completely what he was saying, and said she would give him one. Then she would leave him for thinking she could do that. It is a slippery slope…I think they should do it at the hospital at birth…Then it would take away blame and make it standard. There are stories of men raising other men''s children….that have also broke the relationship. If I knew going in, I think I would be ok. Now we should get something around men and women cheating…..

  20. I’ve done that a few times but I feel like I can’t always run errands or do other things when she gets off work, and then I’m right back at square one

  21. Great idea!

    Is therapy something that's important to you or has helped you in the past? I don't have much experience there.

    Especially for this one I felt a bit trapped. She has therapy and finds it useful. I tried it once and it was a bad experience, that I don't want to get into.

  22. You've told him how you feel and he seems to still be going. You've given him an ultimatum and he is still going, he doesn't respect you. You've been given your answer.

  23. Don't repeat the cycle you grew up in. Your kids deserve a better life than what the future holds in your current relationship. You need to start planning for a way out, while trying to minimize what your children see, hear, and experience going forward.

    I'm sorry this has happened to you. I wish you and your children the best. Good luck

  24. Listen man it's okay to leave whenever you feel like you're not respected and your boundaries have become joke.

    What she doing is using diagnostics as shield to cover her inappropriate behaviour.

    We don't know weather she is cheating or not but from what you have posted the relationship is already doomed and what you're doing is wasting your time with her.

    You don't need any evidence or proof to leave and perhaps the way situation has been you don't even need to explain her anything just ask that “we need to have discussion about our relationship and I don't think it's working so it would be better if we parted our ways and find happiness for ourselves.”

    And that's all you need to do. Don't be angry rather be happy that you found this earlier before you get tied with legally and financially.

  25. I would say 100% you should tell her how it makes you feel when she is angry with you and that you want to work on your communication together so that you can express your feelings without hurting each other.

  26. I’m not sure why it’s so low. I feel like it has been for almost the entirety of our relationship, so maybe he’s always just had a low sex drive.

    He no longer initiates sex and there was a point in our relationship where he would turn me down for sex every time I asked, which hurt.

    And we’ve been together for eight months, almost nine.

  27. She does mention mood swings so it's possible he's a bit more outward about it (only OP can confirm.) But then yeah, if he's just a tad withdrawn then fair enough. For sure she may also be over-sensitive to the situation too so a meet in the middle between both of them is hopefully the best outcome.

  28. Where the obsession came from is irrelevant to the situation %100. The only thing you need to do is sit down with him when nothing sexual and no argument is happening and very seriously set the boundary that he never bring it up again. That's the only thing. If be brings it up again, you need to decide what to do at that point, because he isn't respecting you at all. He should not be making “jokes” or comments about something he KNOWS you are not ok with.

  29. You are the affair partner and are throwing a fit because her husband rightfully set no contact as a condition?

    Dude. No. Just no. You've done enough damage. Leave them alone. You need to stop pursuing married women.

  30. Porn is normal. It's not healthy, but it's normal. It's also not cheating. You feel it is, and you echo a minority of people, but it's not cheating.

    She's being over dramatic about this and I feel like if OP woke her up for intimacy, she'd be just as upset.

  31. Someone you like that is saying a bunch of racist shit to you daily?

    Someone you like that talks down to you?

    Someone you like that makes you feel ashamed about your culture and heritage?

    Someone you like that invalidates how you feel after you've told them you don't appreciate how condescending they treat you and you dont appreciate the comments? Because he doesn't like you enough to stop?

    What is there to like OP?!

    Let me ask you this… would u be comfortable introducing him to your family? Will he say all of this infront of them or is the abusive and belittling language only a special treat for when you are alone?

    Would u be happy having kids with him? Because he's gonna make them feel ashamed of who half of them is. That they should ignore that side of their culture because Japanese people are silly? You want him to teach your kids that your customs and things that are probably important to your family traditionally is ridiculous because japanese people just think in a silly way?

    That's who you want to have a family with?

    Jesus… please get an ounce! A literal ounce of self respect and think about all of this. This dude is a major asshole. He doesn't care how u feel. He just likes treating you like trash! If he found Japanese or any asian culture so fucking ridiculous why the fuck is he dating someone who comes from it???!

    How long will u put up with this?

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