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12 thoughts on “annawow69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Some things simply take time. Who knows how you will feel about the issue when you're in your mid 20s+…. maybe you're not even with your current partner anymore.

    But yeah, does your partner step up and shut his parents down? If not….I'd take a few steps back before jumping into living together. Have you both lived on your own?

  2. You never answered the question. Why would you get into a new relationship, let alone a friend of his? You hate him, but you still seek his attention and slept with him again?

    Abuse is definitely a heavy topic and I suggest you seek professional therapy, not a new relationship. This is far above reddit's pay grade.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    In the last years, she's had dozens of “relationships” (2 months at best) and even more “dates”. I will say this bluntly because there's no other way to say this: she's kind of a huge hoe. She has oral sex, if not straight up sex, with most guys she meets even on their first meeting in person. Then, it usually ends with them ghosting her and/or telling her “it just wont work out”. She always ends up disappointed and cries to me about it. I have tried to tell her many times that maybe she should take things slower, get to know people better, and recently almost every single time I warned her (since she shows me her texts and shit with guys, I'm kinda like a “gay friend” stereotype at this point lol) and it's obvious they just want to fuck her and go. Yet, she never listens to me. “This time will be different”. It never is.

    Last month, I just about had enough. She went on a “date” with a known of ours, a guy that was notoriously a HUGE piece of s**t. I am talking “known revenge porn distributor” kind of guy. I told her straight up, don't fucking do it. I will not support you if you do this shit. He will hurt you and it might even get nasty this time around. She did anyway. It ended up exactly as you think it did. No, he did not share (as far as I know) her nudes.. yet. Yes, he did cheat on her literally a couple of weeks into their “relationship”. I kinda lost it with her and we had a small fight. We didn't speak to each other for some days, she contacted me and apologized, I forgave her. It's been a couple of weeks and once again, “guy she met on Tinder#48” is texting her and I'm telling her “hey, how about no? this guy is clearly trouble” and guess what? I'm being ignored again.

    And that brings us to today. I feel like I want to cut contact with her but man, this girl needs help and I feel like a huge piece of garbage for abandoning her. I do not know what to do, what to tell her, to either try and help her one last time or how to “cut her out” without hurting her too much.

  4. He knows. I’ve told him time and time again and he still does it. I think it’s psychological where he’s not trying to be an arse, he just thinks in his deep subconscious that I’m stupid

  5. Yes – but during a handjob, for some reason I thought she would pay a little more visual attention to my penis

  6. My friend who makes over twice what you do bought his ex fiancé a ring that cost $3000. H even thinks that’s too much in hindsight and he’s not someone stingy with money.

    i'm in the same boat, make a very good salary but keeping the engagement ring in a similar boat

    girlfriend and i are on same page that spending $15k on a ring is just a waste of money, would rather put that into a house

  7. I have an chronic illness. I work fulltime and study for 20 hrs a week. Work and study alone takes more energy from me than I have to spare atm so my social life is non existent.

    My fiancé likes the house to be cleaner than I care for it to be.

    He also cares about my health and wants me to have time and energy left to do fun things with me.

    We have a maid service 2x a week and split all the other chores at home. Most of the time we do them together. We pay the bills proportionally to income. We do not count dates and gifts to each other as expenses like you seem to do.

    After my studies we agreed (his idea) that I will be going to work parttime (32-36 hrs a week) so I can recharge better and prioritise friends and family again. He also comes with me to important hospital appointments, because he really wants to be there for me. That is how a supporting partner looks like.

    I bet your girlfriend would have less financial and chore struggles if she would leave you and started to house share with a friend. Or moved in with her folks to save for a year. To me, it sounds like you are the gold, chore, sex and support digger in this relationship. Most women are not digging for gold, but a good life partner. I am fortune with my now fiancé, but I’d rather be alone and live the simple life, than endure what your gf has to be with you. In fact, I did in the past. My millionaire ex was a shit boyfriend so I left his ass. I had less stress and work when I was single for a long period of time and would choose that every time over an unsupportive partner. A lot of women don’t even care that much for actual gold to stay and put up with bs, and you seem to not even have any so it’s really disrespectful to talk about your girlfriend like that.

    Edit: and ‘no time’ is no excuse. My fiancé has his own company with almost 20 employees in a job that is known for crazy hours. He still folds all our laundry and irons his own shirts. When I’m cooking, he likes to help me by pouring us a drink and cutting something up or whatever. We’re a team and set on making each-others life better.

  8. Honey he’s treating you like you’re the enemy. Keeping the inheritance secret, the way he describes marriage, his rationale for not wanting kids… All of it points to a total lack of respect for you as a person. To him, you’re some vile gold digging harpy who will take advantage of him the moment he lets his guard down.

    Do you really want to spend your life with someone who thinks that of you?

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