MeganHopeX live webcams for YOU!


Pusssssy play fun [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: September 28, 2022

10 thoughts on “MeganHopeX live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm not involving her in my “indecision” it's not even indecision because I want to be with her. I made the mistake of being highly anxious and needing a sounding board and not having access to a therapist.

    Rather than speak to my girlfriend I posted here and only got shit on when my mental health is already at the point of suicidality due to severe work pressure in a system that is currently collapsing and a hectic schedule and lack of supports as my regular therapist is away for the month.

    The discussion I intended on having with her was surrounding my thoughts on my possibly having too much of a porn habit and wanting to not incorporate that in my own life and to wait awhile to incorporate that in our sex life together as I believe the porn is causing the focus on men.

    I was a little less coherent yesterday due to having a panic attack, my apologies for that, but you assuming I'm just using someone who has expressed an openness to supporting me through any journey whether that be as a friend or a partner is insulting to both of us.

    I'm just going to stick to therapy from now on. Idk why I ever think this website is a good idea. Too many bitter people who make assumptions about an entire relationship based off a post or two.

    I could probably convince you she's an asshole if I felt the need and worded everything just so, despite the fact she's the sweetest person I've met. Obviously, no one is perfect, but she is truly someone who brightens the world. Thank you for reminding me of the energy I'm trying to avoid.

    I hope you learn to not judge a person based off of one post they made while in a highly anxious state and even if you continue to do so, I wish you all the best.

  2. Yes, she deserves to know. “Nice guys” like that need to be outed, the nerve is incredible. She might choose to stay with him, but I would give her all the details.

  3. You are correct and the child is innocent of blame. Who wants to punish a 5yo by making them watch other kids open gifts when they dont get one. It's cruel, in fact. Don't be that person! (I know you won't)…

  4. My mums ex husband said the exact same thing to her, he did end up abusing her, as well as me and my siblings. We then found out he’d already broken the nose of one of his ex partners and already been cautioned for stalking a different partner. He’s manipulating you. Clear as day.

  5. Wrong sub, see rule #2, try r/vent, r/rant, or r/offmychest

    And just to share, if he puts himself first, maybe hes a narc, maybe he’s not. So rather than discuss your concerns using a stigmatizing and overly general label, it might be more useful to object to specific behaviors like defensiveness or perfectionism or poor conflict resolution skills. So that way if he is or isn’t a narc doesn’t detract attention from what matters most, the problems his behavior causes.

  6. So, your family have you exactly where they want you, doubting your relationship with gf. How supportive of your life choices were they before gf came along, especially those choices that didn't align with what they wanted you to do?

  7. theres a pill for that. or maybe too much porn? anxiety? you mention he was in the military; he couldve experienced something thats causing this directly or indirectly. start with going to a doctor and/or therapist

  8. What kind of wild straw man bullshit is this? They listed multiple issues with the friend’s marriage and suggested there are more and you not only stick solely on that one but hypothetically attribute the friend’s actions to him? What?

    It’s not a “free cheating pass” either lol they’re not dating. His friend didn’t cheat on him. Ending the friendship over that is not necessarily unreasonable but it’s something that should 100% be his choice, not his wife’s. That’s wildly controlling and ridiculous to expect unless the finer details of the story bring OP and/or his wife into the fold in some way.

  9. Child of parents who “stayed for the kids” RUN. I am almost convinced the abusive relationships I was in during my teens (that caused irreversible mental damage) were because I was going off my parents cold and distant relationship as they raised me. I would have been so much happier between 2 houses, don’t let your child end up like me.

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